Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Miles Franklin diary, 5 June 1917-16 February 1918
MLMSS 364/2

[Pages 1-10 not transcribed]

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1917 June

5 Tuesday

Lovely warm clear day. At 10 went to see Miss Willis at 66 Victoria St. about going to Greece with women’s S. Hospitals. Cooked at Minerva. Went to Sir John Tweedy about [indecipherable] at 3 & returned to Café & left at 6.

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1917 June

6 Wednesday

Went to Curry & Paxton’s Grt Portland St. to get glasses made en route to café. Waited & prepared cooking till late & went to French Class at 7.30

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1917 June

7 Thursday

Gloriously warm soft day.Cooked & prepared at Minerva & went down to Mrs Black. Paul brought me to [indecipherable] from stn. & I went to Ladies Gallery in H. of P. Dull as ever but saw a division. Home at 20 to 12 very tired.

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1917 June

8 Friday

Glorious day. Cooked & waited at Café. Called on Kath at Endell St. Hospital on my way there. Got home very tired. Miss Bland had me up to have a cup of tea in her studio. I was trying to have a sleep but youngsters squatted outside my window awakened me. Set to work to gain acquaintance with the typewriter which came from A.A. Smith.

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1917 June

9 Saturday

Lovely day. Waited at Minerva got notice from Edinburgh to be ready for Macedonia by 27 Inst. So got home at 3 & [indecipherable] incident to that end.

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1917 June

10 Sunday

Stayed in room all day putting things in order preparatory to going abroad. Nell came in evening bringing a home made loaf & looking so nice in her new W.R.A. Uniform. Began to type a few pages of revised copy of "On Dearborn St."

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1917 June

11 Monday

Received further orders from Scottish W.S. Hospitals. Cooked at Minerva. Miss Mitchell & I went swimming in Holborn baths after which I was so tired that I went home & skipped French.

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1917 June

12 Tuesday

Called on Miss Willis at Women’s S.H. Headquarters for information. Cooked at Minerva & did afternoon teas & came home at six.30 & found more forms & instructions from S.W.H.

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1917 June

13 Wednesday

Met Miss Hodge at Dr McDonald’s 47 Seymour St. who passed me for 6 mths with S.W.H. in Greece. Raced to 66 Vic.St. to see Miss Willis. On to Minerva to serve & cook. In evening called on Dr Russell at Wilton Hotel, who agreed to take me for six months as assist Cook. Had to go to Hyde Pk & home from there ‘buses all crowded with those going to see wreckage wrought by mid-day air raid. Lovely warm day.

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1917 June

14 Thursday

Waited & cooked at Minerva & at 4.30 was inoculated at St.Mary’s Paddington & went to Miss Hodge & went to bed. Ned.Raine there. Lovely warm day. Miss Hodge gave me her bed & took a room out. The Dr inoculating me had lost both legs in the war.

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1917 June

15 Friday

Stayed in bed till 4 p.m. got up & pottered. Had a bath & went to bed at 9. Shoulder very stiff. Feeling weak & snivelly. Another gorgeous day. Mist on garden like a [indecipherable] at dawn. Had the flat to myself.

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1917 June

16 Saturday

Arose at 8 feeling very weak & went to Shoolbreds to buy boots & get Wellingtons. Home. Rested during afternoon & typed "On D Street" & went to bed at 10. Street children annoying. Warm day. Thunderstorm during late afternoon with hail & much thunder.

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1917 June

17 Sunday

Warm day. Typed in room all day. Feeling the inoculation intermittently. Nell came to see us late at night.

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1917 June

18 Monday

Cooked & served at Minerva. Hot day with thunder showers. Miss McMillan & Mrs Cobden-Sanderson came in for lunch. Kit bag & haversack arrived. Nell came late at night with [indecipherable] for my vaccination & told me to go to Dr Canthi.

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1917 June

19 Tuesday

Cooked & served at Minerva & shopped at Selfridge’s & got home about 5 very tired & depressed.

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1917 June

20 Wednesday

Went to Dr Canthi & was vaccinated, left glasses with Sir J. Tweedy & waited at Minerva, had lunch with Miss Hodge. Then bought shoes at Shoolbreds & got home

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1917 June

21 Thursday

Feeling fine. Typed in room. Phil [indecipherable] came bringing strawberries & we had tea together in my room. Colder day. Showers. Got two telegrams from Edinburgh hurrying me about papers. Slept very tired for 3 hours in afternoon.

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1917 June

22 Friday

Went to Am. Express for change. Then met Maud & her Ma at Selfridges & went shopping. Tea at Minerva & then went home with Maud & had tea & got home very tired.

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1917 June

23 Saturday

Bought suitcase on way to meet Miss Hodge at Minerva for lunch. Then she took me to "Inside the Lives" & we went to call on Mrs Holman at Ruben’s Hotel. Not in so we came back to Minerva to pick up things & home tired.

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1917 June

24 Sunday

Pottered getting ready. Afternoon tea at Lady Byles. Nell & Kath came in evening & we had a corroboree. Quite cold.

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1917 June

25 Monday

Broke tooth, went to Cahill to have it repaired. Went to 66 Victoria St for instructions. Went to St Mary’s at 4.30 for 2nd inoculation. Came home & went to bed. Cahill no good.

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1917 June

26 Tuesday

Feeling seedy. Arm swelled. Went to Nell for dinner & tea. Miss Hodge & Miss [indecipherable] came to see me. Phill brought a pocket knife and flowers.

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1917 June

27 Wednesday

Lunch with Mrs Holman, Mrs. H.G. Wells & Agnes Platt at Rubens Hotel. Went to Am.Ex. for money & then on to Café. Miss Hodge & I went shopping & to tea – I came home & washed head. Nell & Kath came to wish me goodbye.

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1917 June

28 Thursday

Arose at 8 & went to 66 Victoria St to report. Met Jean Lindsay & Nurse Margaret Scott Russell. Then we went the rounds at B. Red Cross. Dinner at Wilton Hotel with Jean Lindsay. Then home & had a rest. Nell came & did my arm filling broke out of tooth again.

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1917 June

29 Friday

Went to awful Cahil who wd. do nothing. Then to Walsoe’s. Mrs Black took me to Spindloe 10 Portman St. who was charming & then home. Nell came again & I saw her to ‘bus – Wet day. Afternoon tea with Miss Hodge at Café. Such a struggle to try & get a taxi to go to station.

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1917 June

30 Saturday

Arose & took my luggage to Wilton hotel. Then reported at 66 Victoria St. & Lindsay, Russell & I went to B. Red.C. to find that we cd. not get passport until Monday. Back to hotel. Had dinner & rested & at night Jean Lindsay & I went to "A Little Bit of Fluff" at Criterion & oh my, the crush coming home on the Underground took us an hour from Piccadilly to Victoria. Cold & grey.

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1917 July

July 1 Sunday

Delightful warm day. Jean & I had breakfast at 10.30. Met Dr Russell & Mrs Hunter as well as other workers from various parts. Then we attended service at the Abbey & went by U. to Hyde Pk – such a way to go. Jean went out to Watford while I returned to Hotel to rest & write letters. Nell came to see me & stayed late.

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1917 July

2 Monday

Ran around to B.R.C. twice for passports & really got away on 4 o’clock train to Southhampton. Lovely warm day. No incidents or adventures of any sort. A lovely baby in full bloom aboard. Shewed that no adventure was expected. Went to bed in ladies’ lounge & slept well in clothes.

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1917 July

3 Tuesday

Arose betimes but was not let off boat in time to catch early train so put in day at Havre paddling & lying on the beach. Lovely weather. Left at 5 for Paris. Belgian port - met with accident at Rouen. Thunder showers. Met at St Lazare by Red Cross, & taken to St.James Hotel, Rue Honore. Saw an investiture at [indecipherable]

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1917 July

4 Wednesday

Spent the day in Paris pottering around St James Hotel & streets & in evening was put on train for Modane. Sleepers unprocurable so we arrived in Modane rather tired.

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1917 July

5 Thursday

Changed trains & went on to Turin where we arrived at 3 & remained till 3.10. Had charming afternoon tea of fruits & tea at Hotel Rome & took up with Dr McLaren of R. Army Medical Corps. Got seats but not sleepers for Rome. Trainned & walked around Turin to the amazement of beholders & took some things with us to eat on train. Saw the Alps. Very warm. Got a little rest during the night

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1917 July

6 Friday

Arrived in Rome at 10. Clear bright weather. Kindly arranged for by Mr Beaumont of B.R.C. Thos. Scott Alexander, American, took us around Rome in afternoon. Very tired. Saw Dr. Jamie McLaren off for Taranto. We waited over on acct. of luggage. Noted Italian telegraph poles like miniature Eiffel Towers decorated by large necklaces. Struck by majesty also deathly barrenness of the Alps.

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1917 July

7 Saturday

Saw some more sights of Rome & had mutton for lunch & chicken for dinner. Seen off for Taranto at 8.10 p.m. by Thos. Alexander Scott, a young American who does this for Red Cross workers. First class in sleepers compartment to myself. Admiral people next compartment. Thru the olive groves & almond orchards. Had a poor sleep & beat the Admiral to the dressing room in the morning.

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1917 July

8 Sunday

Arrived in Taranto at 10 or so & made for Y.M.C.A. town centre picking up a Mr Conyers Baker at M.C.A. in dismal cellar paid 6/8 for our three breakfasts.
Got rooms in same flat as Miss Wells. Fleas attacked us immediately. Very hot glaring & dusty & oh, those shrieking Italians. Sat up late in Maggiore Napoleons Galassi’s room. Reported to Base Commandant ciceroned by a Mr Butza from West Australia.

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1917 July

9 Monday

Reported to base commandant at 10 & got orders to embark at 11.45 pm H.M. Transport Saxon one of Union Castle Line. Did so. Seen off by Miss Wells of Y.M.C.A. & Mr Butza & Major Galassi. Captain took us aboard in his gig. Received by C.D. Col. Burgess given lovely cabin of the best – two officers moving to give us very best in corner. Whole bath room devoted to us. Had lunch soon as we got on board & then had sleep to recover from noise of Signora. Rode at Anchor all day & night.

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1917 July

10 Tuesday

Rode at anchor till six o’clock p.m. then pulled out escorted by 2 Jap destroyers & accompanied by an Italian troop ship. Great exchange of cheers between people of Taranto & H.M. Saxon. Passed three Italian cruisers & crews loudly cheered. Parade at 10.30 Life boat alarm drill a little later. Devilish hot. Breeze after we started.

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1917 July

11 Wednesday

Dropped anchor in Corfu about breakfast time. Very near to the land. Rode at anchor till dinner time & then got fouled on a buoy & had to be disentangled by [indecipherable] the Jap. We & our Italian companion pulled port again with the Japs Q & R. racing ahead of us like a pair of lively terriers. & a little French boat capering hither & yon. During afternoon the Japs had target practice. Two creatures put at our table one a jackass & the other a [indecipherable]

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1917 July

12 Thursday

Dropped anchor in Navarino about 9 o’clock a.m. I stayed in my bunk to escape parade & was tired as Russell & Lindsay kept me up late as they played cards & sister smoked incessantly. Left at usual hour in evening. Tired of Capt. Sutherland & Dr Waldron at our table. Ground swell made me sick for a while. Miss Scott Russell also sick. Had a wild headache but it passed.

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1917 July

13 Friday

Dropped anchor at breakfast time in harbour of Melos where we rode at anchor all day & saw a lot of shipping. Such dull land & puny little white villages like grave yards & windmills. All so white in the glass barren ribbed treeless hillsides. Walked deck for exercise after dinner. Pulled out dinner time as usual. Lovely smooth going. Young Parker from Abergevenny trying to be spoomy.

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1917 July

14 Saturday

Sailed all day till about 5.30 when we arrived at Salonique. Stayed on board all night. People began to loosen up towards last. Cheered the Jap ships as they capered off after safely delivering us. Great deal of shipping in harbour. Five great hospital ships. Heavy Italian cruisers. Some British flags. Spent the evening talking to various officers & adopted a couple of subalterns. Dr Waldron took me to Purser’s office.

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1917 July

15 Sunday

Wakened by 3 a.m. by the noise of disembarkation. Breakfast at 6.30. Stood around to go aboard a couple of [indecipherable] till 10.30. Said good bye to Capt & officers of ship & others. Paddlewheel broke then ropes broken & we stood in that sun packed like herrings & finally got onto the wharf about 2 o’clock. C.O. alert to the last sent us bumping up to S.W.H. in a motor lorry. We got down town to see Flochers & report to B. Red Cross & then Dr Bennett brought me up with her in Ford car to Ostrova when we arrived sans adventure at 1.45 on Monday morning to find that a sister had died at 9 in the evening.

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1917 July

16 Monday

Went on duty at 8 a.m. in dismal little gunyah & found tents as terrible as I expected. Spent day finding my way around and doing my best. Went to bed early. Jean Lindsay followed me from Salonique arriving at 2 a.m. Tuesday. Went to Serb class under charming young interpreter in evening.

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1917 July

17 Tuesday

Did the cooking with a Miss Stephens. Liberal time off thank God or I shd. die. Camp food terrible to me – six months a long time at this & the cold to be even worse.

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1917 July

18 Wednesday

Got breakfast with help of Serb man. The lack of order of the English everywhere apparent – too much individuality. Got dinner with help of Miss Brown with a scalded leg. Off from one o’clock on. Went for a lovely swim. Dr Bennett spoke to us all about malaria after evening meal. Serb class with interpreter.

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1917 July

19 Thursday

My day on with Zdravko & Tretin. Got off in afternoon for a little swim with Miss Brown. Dr de Faris pricked our ears to test our blood for malarial germs. Had a beastly night disturbed by people snoring & hunting for keys & mosquitoes under netting.

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1917 July

20 Friday

Got early breakfast with Tretin. Made plum pies etc for dinner & was off from 1 p.m. Went swimming in afternoon with Miss M. Brown, Lindsay & Mrs Green

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1917 July

21 Saturday

Left off work at 1 o’clock & went to Kosturgan beyond Dragomanci for sports by 706 & 708 Co. M.T.A.S.C. S.W.H. (13) were captured by the sergeants for dinner – given a great spread. Left for home at 11.30 bringing 4 Sergeants with us. Got home at 5 a.m. Sergeants considered it great triumph to have us. Hid 2 bottles of whisky under my chair. Plenty champagne.

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1917 July

22 Sunday

Staggered out at six to get early breakfast with Tretin & had a little nap at nine & got dinner. Had a sleep in afternoon & arose to fry potatoes for evening meal. Dr Bennett conducted a quaint service in mess tent attended by 6 women plus Major Groden. Very hot & mosquitoes a curse also flies wasps & fleas & ants.

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1917 July

23 Monday

Very hot. Very tired from cooking so that I cd. hardly crawl.. At 7.30 took a swim with Mrs Green, Inglis Brownie & Lindsay & went to bed. A new girl Freeze put in our tent. Shower of rain during night.

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1917 July

24 Tuesday

Heavy morning cooking. Off in afternoon. Pricked twice for malaria. Went for a walk with Mrs Green & Brownie. Not so hot. Nothing to record.

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1917 July

25 Wednesday

Not so hot. Nothing to record. Serbian class in evening.

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1917 July

26 Thursday

Camp routine. Struggling with cooking. Swim in afternoon with Lindsay, Smith & Richardson. Suffering from want of sleep.

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1917 July

27 Friday

Cooked hard in beastly kitchen. Nothing to record but the monotony & irritation of fleas, flies, wasps, etc.

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1917 July

28 Saturday

Cooked in morning. In afternoon Brownie & I went riding with two Italians & stayed to dinner with French officers under a tree & were brought home in French Lorry. Inoculation got very stiff & painful.

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1917 July

29 Sunday

Terribly stiff from inoculation. Hot day cooking. Had a sleep in afternoon.

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1917 July

30 Monday

Was made staff cook against my will. Then was told that 3 of us wd. take it each in turn. Then was told this wd. not do, I must be head. Then Miss Brown made a row with everyone & insisted on being head. I just let ‘em muddle along and take no notice as I’ve had a year’s training in London of English ways. Will think my own thoughts and write a book if the plot comes into my head. Lindsay already contributed some paper. Had a swim

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1917 July

31 Tuesday

Cooking routine. Nothing to break monotony.

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1917 August

1 Wednesday

Cooking routine. My half day off. Drove to Ostrovo & back in afternoon with one of the Serb chauffeurs. Inoculation still a nuisance.

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1917 August

2 Thursday

Camp routine by day in evening we were invited to a moonlight pic-nic by Serb officers I drew Svetislov Soldatovich for my partner. Nice young man with one leg very sensitive about his mutilation. Got home about 10.30. Pop had held service under the trees in the morning.

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1917 August

3 Friday

Great day owing to my first mail. 1 letter from Miss Hodge & 3 envelopes from Miss Henry. Cooking routine.

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1917 August

4 Saturday

Cooking routine. Zdravko sick & lifted fountain displacing a little cartilage or something at hip.

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1917 August

5 Sunday

Cooking routine. Slept for 2 hrs in afternoon for which I was the immensely better. Dr de Garis examined my hip & Matron put some plaster on it.

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1917 August

6 Monday

Cooking routine. Started a tale called "By Far Kaj-Mackalon" but felt not the slightest inspiration. Shall I get beyond a chap. or two!!!

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1917 August

7 Tuesday

Cooking routine. Nothing else.

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1917 August

8 Wednesday

My day off & Matron sent me up to the nurses’ holiday camp at Carikovo Bacilo with sister angel where Cpt. Phil took me up to near Kajmackalon & I had a nice day with strawberries & raspberries. Regaled with scandals of Miss Dick’s indiscretions with various men.

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1917 August

9 Thursday

Cooking routine. Finding Miss Brown’s poses a great bore. Found her out in another meanness. Reid Lindsay & I had a swim. Matron called on me in the evening.

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1917 August

10 Friday

Camp routine. Party to Serb officers at night in honor of Dr Bennett’s decoration.

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1917 August

11 Saturday

Busier day because Brown was off after lunch. In evening patients were entertained at simple games. How very simple the male of the species is. With him running the planet little wonder it is being run off its axis. Went swimming with Read & Freece.

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1917 August

12 Sunday

Warm day. Tried to have a sleep but ants prevented. For afternoon tea 2 Serb & 2 French officers called.

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1917 August

13 Monday

Very tired – long day waiting on Tommies. Went swimming. An aeroplane passed & dropped a few bombs at [indecipherable].

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1917 August

14 Tuesday

Wakened by sound of guns it kept on incessantly for 24 hours.

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1917 August

15 Wednesday

Guns had ceased thank God. The Adjutant Delouvrier & Dr Petit from French camp came for us at 11 a.m. & took us in ammunition cart to dine. We went walking to a Roumanian Village called & back to evening meal & home at 10.10 p.m. Capt. E. Pujol 2eme Regt. Dn 9eme Compagne y.4 Armie d’orient.

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1917 August

16 Thursday

Very hot day. Only incident went swimming & Guys drove me home like a gentleman.

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1917 August

17 Friday

The French officers came & played to the patients under the trees.

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1917 August

18 Saturday

Busy day as Miss Brown was off. Had a good sleep.

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1917 August

19 Sunday

No rest for 3 A.S.C. descended on me morning & afternoon and 2 serjeants & 4 French officers. Went for a swim in great pain with wasp stings. Tubb & I received present of cigs. flour bread, etc.

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1917 August

20 Monday

Feeling a little weak & like a fool told Matron who gave me a dose of calomel which made me beastly queer but I staggered through the day.

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1917 August

21 Tuesday

Staggered thru the day till second evening meal which I asked Tubbie to serve for me.

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1917 August

22 Wednesday

Struggled along very thankful that it was my half day.

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1917 August

23 Thursday

Kept going till noon, then was discovered with a temp. of 102.8 & sent to sick tent. Had injection.

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1917 August

24 Friday

In bed all day by order. Not feeling bad but the victim of 2 quinine injections.

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1917 August

25 Saturday

Kept in sick tent. Got up in late afternoon. Lindsay brought in too at 8 p.m. with a temperature of 103.

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1917 August

26 Sunday

Pottered around feeling very weak. Went down to dinner & evening meal. Strolled a little with Tubb & Matron after

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1917 August

27 Monday

Went on duty as Matron’s orderly. She said I did as much work as 2, but she had no mercy on me.

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1917 August

28 Tuesday

Kept going all day. Too tired to stagger at end of day. Matron insisted on a stroll with Tubb & I.

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1917 August

29 Wednesday

Put on both Freece’s & Lindsay’s work. Matron’s idea of giving me an easy time. I was hardly able to stagger.

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30 Thursday

Feeling better. Pulled thru 2 people’s work all right. Windy night. Guns waked me at 1 p.m.

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1917 August

31 Friday

Not so strong but pulled thru all right. No incident of any importance.

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1917 September

Sept.1 Saturday

Busy day. Went swimming with Read. She was ill after it so Tubbie & I got afternoon tea for her. Getting colder in the evenings. Alas the glorious warmth will soon be gone.

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1917 September

2 Sunday

Lovely weather as usual. Had a picnic in the backyard in evening & had our French, Serb & Italian acquaintances & the usual rumpus from Matron.

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1917 September

3 Monday

Busy day with tents & Matron’s magazine & tea for sick tent to [indecipherable] Read event. Had a swim with Sister Angel.

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1917 September

4 Tuesday

Camp routine. Same fine weather. Gloom cast over us hearing Guys had to leave.

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1917 September

5 Wednesday

Clouds on Kajmachalon in morning. Had a swim with [indecipherable] & Angel.

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1917 September

6 Thursday

Busy day as Brown came down sick from Scotchevin & a new tent had to be set up. Dear Guys said goodbye at 7.30 & then sat at station all day so we had him back for a second farewell at 8 p.m. He was crestfallen & disheartened so I cheered him by drinking out of large jug.

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1917 September

7 Friday

Beautiful weather as usual – chilly in morning – glorious heat gone. Still warm in middle of day in my tent but not comfortable lying without something on. Very tired being driven all day by Matron. No incident of any importance or interest.

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1917 September

8 Saturday

Mrs. Green returned from Salonique & we celebrated by eating her 2 cakes in mess tent late.
No incidents.

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1917 September

9 Sunday

My half day but too tired to go to Turkish village with Tubb & Smith.
Several callers for afternoon tea.
Dainty shower like England.

[Duplicate of page – 8, 9 September "a2427108" and "a2427109"]

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1917 September

10 Monday

Nothing of any importance. Usual routine with Matron & around the tents.

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1917 September

11 Tuesday

Guys rang up in the morning. A shower of rain in the afternoon. A comfortable pair of boots came my way.

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1917 September

12 Wednesday

Camp routine. Sister Maitland & Fitzpatrick came down in ambulances from Scotchinvin with dysentery.

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13 Thursday

Busy day running about supplementing other people. Webber came down in an ambulance with dysentery. Dr. Bennett returned looking very weak.
Rain came down from the hills in late evening & flocks scurried home up the hills.

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1917 September

14 Friday

Long hard day. So cold & tired I could scarcely crawl to evening meal at Mess tent & swallowed a wasp which stung me half way down the inside throat & I had a [indecipherable] & uncomfortable night. Very angry with administration incapable of protecting staff from flies or wasps.

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1917 September

15 Saturday

Waked at six. Very frail so lay in till 9 a.m. & then ran till 8 p.m. with but 1 hour’s interruption exclusive of meals.
Feeling so exhausted that I crept to Matron bed to escape Matron but she came to know what I had done with her lamp & I did not have it at all.

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1917 September

16 Sunday

So tired that I had to crawl to bed at 12 a.m. Got a temperature & felt very ill. Saw Dr. De Garis & she sent Dr. Bennett to see me.

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1917 September

17 Monday

Feeling better but Dr. Bennett ordered me to stay in bed and rest. I did all day & then in the evening jumped up & helped the girls act Col. Geordjer.

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1917 September

18 Tuesday

Feeling awful. Brought down to the sick tent with temp. of 104. Heart fluttering & head aching. Lay in the heat & flies walked over me. Oh the noise of heavy boots & harsh voices in endless idle chatter. No sleep during night.

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1917 September

19 Wednesday

Sister Hansell none too kind gave me quinine injection. Adam remarked that the arm was full of frothy stuff but she rammed it in nevertheless. A lump arose in about an hour after. Hope it has no serious results. Feeling more comfortable otherwise.

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1917 September

20 Thursday

Another awful day – heart fluttering. Hot & uncomfortable & a temperature. Earl ran me out to toilet with a temp. & I could hardly stagger back. Thank God the pea nut stand was quieter & I slept at night.
Watched the yellow creeping in among the leaves of the elm trees.

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1917 September

21 Friday

Feeling better but sick from so much quinine. Long day as the pea-nut stand opens early and closes late – no possibility of quiet. Sister Russell blew in during afternoon – joyous surprise. Horrors found I was paralysed by the injection of Hansell – wondered why pain had ceased.

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1917 September

22 Saturday

Miserable day paralysed. Feeling very depressed. The breezes send down a shower of gold from the elm trees. Sister Moyan came into sick tent from Scotchivin.

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1917 September

23 Sunday

Weather perfect, but feeling very depressed. Not able to write owing to the diversions of pea nut stand & head thick from quinine or something. Ears aching & dull of hearing from the same cause.

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1917 September

24 Monday

A dull depressed day in bed – head not clear. Leg numb.

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1917 September

25 Tuesday

Pains in stomach & feeling very weak and depressed. Not well enough to do anything. Head thick from quinine & leg helpless from same cause. Matron in bed with malaria. Mrs. Green having an injection.

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1917 September

26 Wednesday

Dr. Bennett left us.

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1917 September

27 Thursday

Feeling very bad pains in stomach & indigestion – underwent castor oil.

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1917 September

28 Friday

Not feeling any better. Walked up & down to my own tent twice. Lovely weather. Heard about Upton saying we are "nervy" because we couldn’t stand her raucous clod-hopping.

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1917 September

29 Saturday

Lovely weather. Dressed & had a lesson with Milesov & walked about with Scott Russell & wrote some letters. Nerves in leg distressing. Dr. Muncaster, Mrs. Inglis et al came to the tent & had a talk in the evening.

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1917 September

30 Sunday

Went down to mess tent for meals. Feeling better except for leg. Lesson with Miss Stephens and Milesov.

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1917 October

October 1 Monday

Miss Stephens & I went over to take a little photograph of the Serb. Cemetry. Not bad excepting for leg. Miss Stephens, Sister Kerr & I had a lesson with Milesov & then I had a talk with Dr. De Garis.

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1917 October

2 Tuesday

Stayed in bed till Dr. De Garis saw my leg. Lesson in afternoon again. Did a little mending in forenoon.
My leg very uncomfortable when I sit.

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1917 October

3 Wednesday

Easier but Dr. kept me in bed all day. Mrs. Green’s half-witted gabble & her thumping on my bed very trying. Annie Lindsay very sick.

[Page 134]

1917 October

4 Thursday

Got up & sat sewing in wind under trees – then Oh Lord the pain. Caught cold in tissues. Crept to bed at 3.30. In fearful pain so that I couldn’t move & sister Earl left me till Dr. came round at night. Suffered all night. Sheila and Webber insufferably noisy & vulgar. Sister Davis out of tent so it was like a hyena cage.

[Page 135]

1917 October

5 Friday

Got up a little but was glad to get back to bed. Mrs. Green left tent thank goodness & peace & Decency reigned.

[Page 136]

1917 October

6 Saturday

Rain. Got out of bed a little. Still in extreme discomfort.
Started massage on Sister Davis’s head.

[Page 137]

1917 October

7 Sunday

Got up a little twice but not feeling very well. Fine windy day. Sisters revolting against Webber.

[Page 138]

1917 October

8 Monday

Bright day but in discomfort with leg and buttocks. I had hot bath & Sister Earl rubbed me with liniment.
Sewed a little but sitting extremely uncomfortable.

[Page 139]

1917 October

9 Tuesday

Dull windy day. Sewed a little. Still in discomfort.

[Page 140]

1917 October

10 Wednesday

Lovely warm day. Sewed a little. Still in discomfort.
Sister Davis rubbed me & gave me great relief.

[Page 141]

1917 October

11 Thursday

Still in discomfort but believed I cd. sit a little better.

[Page 142]

1917 October

12 Friday

Kajmackalon blotted quite out with clouds. Dull depressing day with rain. Sewed on machine & mended sheets in morning. Very wet morn night.

[Page 143]

1917 October

13 Saturday

Heavy rain at intervals. Allowed to leave sick tent & go to my own & to mess tent for meals. Sisters Davis & Maxwell took me for a little walk in late afternoon to try my stiff leg. Pelting night.

[Page 144]

1917 October

14 Sunday

Fine day after rain. Sewed until dinner. Wrote a little. Had a lesson with Milesov. Then Tubb & I went for quite a decent walk towards Kajmackalon. Guys called after dinner. Matron in bed all day. Silly guns thudding all day.

[Page 145]

1917 October

15 Monday

Silly guns still thudding. Beautiful weather. Sewed in morning. Cleared mending up for once. Matron’s temp. very high.

[Page 146]

1917 October

16 Tuesday

Matron off duty. I went on duty again in full in her tent with Sister Saunders Acting Matron. Fine day. Bit jagged through paralysed leg.

[Page 147]

1917 October

17 Wednesday

Matron no better. Moir arrived from Salonica with note from Kath.

[Page 148]

1917 October

18 Thursday

Camp routine.

[Page 149]

1917 October

19 Friday

Camp routine.

[Page 150]

1917 October

20 Saturday

Camp routine. Nothing to relate, except Italian ambulance deposited 2 wounded by explosion in Gornichevo Pass. One with both eyes gone entirely.

[Page 151]

1917 October

21 Sunday

Day of mist like Scotland. Feeling sick. Think I had too much heavy food sans exercise, so dragged my lame leg over the hill for exercise. Came on to rain all & poured unceasingly all night. Moir & Pope left for Salonique in morning.

[Page 152]

1917 October

22 Monday

Awoke to a wet day. Rain hardly let up. Sloshed around in top boots and oilskins. Very busy getting out warm clothing for patients. Camp looked exceptionally dreary towards dusk. Wrote some but head still quite thick.

[Page 153]

1917 October

23 Tuesday

Awoke to a steady downpour. Tent still safely dry thank God. Weather lifted to mists after lunch. Busy forenoon snorting in & out of the dump.
Jean Lindsay very sick.

[Page 154]

1917 October

24 Wednesday

Awoke to a fine morning & the place soon dried up. Got grey & cloudy again towards night fall.
Stephie & J. Lindsay taken to sick tent.
Went for a little walk on the hill sides with Mr. G. Brown & Smith & saw old Kajmachalon crowned with snow.

[Page 155]

1917 October

25 Thursday

Awoke to a gloriously fine day. Kajmackalon glorious tipped with rising sun. Camp routine. No interesting incident.

[Page 156]

26 Friday

Clear weather again. No incident of any importance.

[Page 157]

27 Saturday

Great day preparing for party to Bolnicars in evening. It went with vim & we all seemed to enjoy it. Plenty to eat and drink. Played games heartily. Wound up with Kola & 2 National anthems. Perfect weather. Slight frost for I had just a suggestion of chilblains.

[Page 158]

28 Sunday

Lovely weather. Walked a little with Tubby & enjoyed the hills & gathered crocuses. In evening went to see a man in wards who had been in America.

[Page 159]

29 Monday

Camp routine. Nothing to relate.

[Page 160]

30 Tuesday

Full moon beautiful between a gap in the hills. Camp routine. Nothing to relate.

[Page 161]

31 Wednesday

Grey day. After mid-day meal walked with Smith & Mr. G. Brown up to the camp of M. Leon Treveau who gave us cakes. I cd. not go quickly & my leg hurt me right down to the sole of the foot.
Matron went to Salonique to convalesce.

[Page 162]

1 November

Camp routine – no incident to record.

[Page 163]

2 Friday

Camp routine – no incident to record.

[Page 164]

3 Saturday

Trees practically still in full leaf but tinged a little with Autumn.
Sister Davis & I went to Vodena at 7.15 with Mrs. Green, Webber driving. On getting free of the latter we hunted souvenirs in Main Street. Then called at Bellevue for cup of coffee & on to call on Sister Harvey at Wounded Allies. Then to Serbian Camp & got Lt. Borzidar Djordjivic to give us lunch. Met S. Harvey who took us to see Am. Mission of gipsies. Left on train about six in carriage with French Soldats. J. Boisson very charming. Home by 7.15. Grey day but no rain.

[Page 165]

4 Sunday

Grey day – Kaimacktchalan in clouds. Great day in dump – 50 bales. Sister Saunders & I worked like horses till 4 p.m. with no cessation. Great surprise to see Kath who came up with 50 horses from Salonique & was with me from 12 to 2 p.m. Little walk with Kath then with Dr. Rose then with Stephie. Olding & Le Blanc with Sheila for tea.

[Page 166]

5 Monday

Grey day. Camp routine. Nothing to report excepting that I am dying for a sleep & can’t get it owing to the hrs. kept by my dairymaids.

Nothing to report excepting the unspeakable Webber rose to a climax in Mess tent

[Page 167]

6 Tuesday

Thank heavens Webber went to Salonique with Reid & Mrs. Green. Great reprieve to be rid of her for a while.

[Page 168]

7 Wednesday

Miss Worralll & another chauffeur arrived & sat at our table & it was a treat to see some one after the Unspeakable Webber.

[Page 169]

8 Thursday

Duncan & Sister Maitland went down to Salonique.
Some sunshine but clouded later. Brownie & I ran into Ostrovo with Bogoljub for the mail.

[Page 170]

9 Friday

Field day with bundles arriving for dump. Two Australian sisters came to visit Dr. De Garis.

[Page 171]

10 Saturday

Day off. Sister Davis & I caught a French touring car at the Cross Roads & went to Berinbza arriving at 11.45. We spent the time looking at houses & came back with the nice young French officer who dropped us at the hospital at 4.30. Some sunshine but some grey also.
Came on to rain at night.

[Page 172]

11 Sunday

Grey day occasional showers. Busy in dump in morning. In afternoon had a sleep feeling not very well and exhausted.
Lots of leaves falling. Trees a little yellow & noticably barer.

[Page 173][

12 Monday

Grey day with showers. Kaimacktchalan entirely wrapped in clouds. Got rid of Webber. She & new chauffeurs went up to Yellac.

[Page 174]

13 Tuesday

Grey day. Showers all the time. At dusk clouds lifted from hills for first time in many days & left Kaimacktchalan clear – little snow on it. Remarkably mild. Drains full of yellow leaves.

[Page 175]

14 Wednesday

Kaimacktchalan still clear – came up dull after lunch. Leaves coming down in dead earnest now. Nothing to report. Dick, Saunders, Davis & I went into Ostrovo to dine with some Serbs and Bogaljub & Milan brought the camion for us at 9.15. Dick quite drunk.
Menu: Slaw, tinned fish, sheeps’ tongues & paprikas; pungent soup; cabbage & meat, chicken & fried pot.; slaw & pastry; Turkish coffee; pankakes, Malta & Turkish coffee wine.

[Page 176]

15 Thursday

Grey day. Camp routine unadulterated. Took ammoniated quinine for growing cold.
K. in clouds again.

[Page 177]

16 Friday

Very cold – wind. All cleared out to bed as fast as we could.

[Page 178]

17 Saturday

Took Miss Pritchard to party in Mess tent and afterwards to kitchen – very cold.

[Page 179]

18 Sunday

Cold grey day. Sister Davis & I went to Vodena by train & to Convalescent camp & poked around & met Borzidar who took us to tea & then we had the luck to catch 2 lovely cars & be brought right home in time for dinner. Matron came back.

[Page 180]

19 Monday

Beastly cold day. Kaimack. and all hills clear & snow on them. Walked a little with Miss Pritchard.

[Page 181]

20 Tuesday

Hard frost & hills clear. Very cold in morning but lovely in middle of day like a nice winter day in Penrith. Walked with Matron.

[Page 182]

21 Wednesday

Camp routine – nothing to report. Walked with Matron & Tubbie – glorious view.

[Page 183]

22 Thursday

Tubbie, Stephie & I went to M. Treveau & had tea – pleasant little walk.

[Page 184]

23 Friday

Dr. De Garis took me with her to V. to have automobile parts supplied. Little Capt. Alex. with arm wounded gave us lunch in his room. 2 women came in & greeted us. Lovely day. View superb.

[Page 185]

24 Saturday

Camp routine, nothing to report. Cold & frosty.

[Page 186]

25 Sunday

Glorious weather. 12 or 14 officers came for afternoon tea & one Serb lady – Sturdy sample with very big legs & thick ankles. A. Lindsay & I had coffee with Milevoj & Milan (tents) in their [indecipherable]. Miss Pritchard left also Stephie

[Page 187]

26 Monday

Beastly cold entirely lost voice. Matron usurping Doctor’s place in treating me. Glorious day, soft & sunshiny.

[Page 188]

27 Tuesday

Grey day but very mild. Tubb, Matron & I went walking. The glory of the moon rising!

[Page 189]

28 Wednesday

Glorious moonlight in morning.

(Tubb, Stevie & I went to Vodena to see dentist. Went down with Serbs & came back with joyous Francais arriving in camp at 8.40. Cough very troublesome.)
This happened on 29th.

[Page 190]

29 Thursday

See previous page.

[Page 191]

30 Friday

We bad Stephie goodbye but she came back as train wd. deposit her too late.

[Page 192]

Dec 1 Saturday

Stephie left us for second time & did not return. We were at home. Many officers came to dance but [indecipherable] shop very early at 10.

[Page 193]

2 Sunday

Sister Davis & I went to Vodena to lunch with Lt. Borzidar Djordjivic’s train sat 2 hrs. at Vladevon & we got there at 3.30. He gave us lunch at Serbian Café & tea at Walked to waterfall & to train. Met Sheila, A. & Olding in town Raining when we got out of train. Merednik came to meet us with lantern. Tubby had lovely meal hot for us. Lovely plane tree in grave yard still in leaf – autumn tinted.

[Page 194]

3 Monday

Grey & very windy all day. We awoke to find snow on Kaimacktchalan’s neighbours. "Come little leaves said the wind one day." They fluttered just like that leaving many of the trees quite naked, & the cold intensified.

[Page 195]

4 Tuesday

The cold came down upon us – Ah zip – frost on wind.

[Page 196]

5 Wednesday

Oh the biting frost & wind. Sister Davis & I got a lift to Vodena in a French touring car & Dr Petrovich past on my tooth & famous tea. We sat in Stn.Master’s office & came home by train arriving before 8

[Page 197]

6 Thursday

Walked in afternoon with Matron & had tea at laundry. Biting wind on frost. Braziers in tents.

[Page 198]

7 Friday

Beastly, beastly cold. Matron went to Vodena.

8 Saturday

Beastly, beastly cold. Braziers in full swing.

[Page 200]

9 Sunday

Rather cold, clear day. Pollard & I had a little walk to look at Kaimacktchalan & then we went to Milan’s and Milosov’s [indecipherable] & then on to our own afternoon tea – chilblains on dead foot.

[Page 201]

10 Monday

Milder day. Matron left at ten. No rest as stove was installed but I began to gather my thoughts.

[Page 202]

11 Tuesday

Sister S. took possession of Matron’s Magazine & it became another resort for sisters leaving me no rest for the [indecipherable] of my foot.

[Page 203]

12 Wednesday

Mild drizzle. Went to Vodena with Sisters D. & Urquhart. Had tea with Dr Petrovietch. Got home about 8.30. Travelled back with Serb. Capt. Just back from Russia via Archangel & Liverpool & Winchester. Very tired of the war in all its aspects. Leaves still on the big plane tree in Vodena main street.

[Page 204]

13 Thursday

Wet day. Sisters in linen tent so had no peace had to retreat to my own tent & was too cold even to think.

[Page 205]

14 Friday

Misty day & cold wrote a little in my tent – started "Somewhere in the Balkans." No peace in Matron’s tent.

[Page 206]

15 Saturday

Cold damp day. Camp routine. Nothing to chronicle Grey mists like frozen voile at the foot of Kaimacktchalan. Electric lights in our tents.

[Page 207]

16 Sunday

After lunch Dr De G. took a number of us including Col. Gordjevic to concert in Vodena. School exercises by children – Immensely interesting cosmopolitan audience. Home in time for dinner. Big Italian officer stopped in road & announced how he loved the English girls.

[Page 208]

17 Monday

Dull raw day. Wrote in Jean’s tent during afternoon. Chilblains quite swollen on foot of injured leg.

[Page 209]

18 Tuesday

So tired I had a sleep in afternoon bitterly cold without [indecipherable]

[Page 210]

19 Wednesday

Copied Serbsky music during afternoon.

[Page 211]

20 Thursday

Pollard & S had Had another small shot at play – got very little done in Matron’s tent.

[Page 212]

21 Friday

Came on to drizzle in afternoon. Sister Saunders & S had tea in Serbian camp with Prof. & he gave me a Serbian Badge. Dancing in evening in mess tent. During forenoon an A.J.C. boy was brought in with both hips dislocated. Pollard & I had Matron’s tent till 3 p.m. she copied music for me.

[Page 213]

22 Saturday

Camp routine – nothing to report.

[Page 214]

23 Sunday

Dull damp day. Tried to do something in Matron’s tent but there was stream of visitors. Trying to snow & almost succeeding. Slopped around in top boots & cavorted in tents re dresses for coming party.

[Page 215]

24 Monday

Snow white on the hills in morning. Cleared up a little but very muddy for fancy dress party in the evening. We paraded thru the wards then had glorious band to play for us in 2nd marquee. I had to retire early sickened by tobacco smoke.

[Page 216]

25 Tuesday

Camp routine during day. In evening nice dinner & waited on by 3 soldiers. After dinner 10 of band played for us & we had a delightful dance. Brownie did a sword dance.

[Page 217]

26 Wednesday

Very cold wet day. Canada & I with little success tried to interview band master but Rushcitchieh was in a shiftless mood & ne Dobio as interpreter. We were all finding new matron rather chilling.

[Page 218]

27 Thursday

Carol practice with the band. Not sleeping well & consequently no good for creative work. Chilblains crippling me.

[Page 219]

28 Friday

Mild day. Camp routine.

[Page 220]

29 Saturday

Wet Fine muddy day. At night some of us went to band men’s tent & listened to them sing Serbian songs. Astonishing weather – quite warm.

[Page 221]

30 Sunday

Had fine half day in tent with brazier & wrote 2 things for magazine. Wet muddy day.

[Page 222]

31 Monday

Camp routine. Some people fooled around seeing old year out.

Jan 1st 1918

Sister David Sister Urquhart & I went to Vodena on train called at Vladivon & Antonio went & returned with us. Saw Boseidan & his commandant for a moment.

Jan 2nd

Camp routine

Jan 3rd

Camp routine

Jan 4th

Turned bitterly cold. Struggling for sleep like everything.

[Page 223]


Date. Particulars Received

Feb For Richmond article
in S.M.H. 17/9.

Sat. 5th

Terribly, terribly cold

Sunday 6th

Did odds & ends in tent

Monday 7th

Serb Christmas. Saw wards & had cake with Treasurer then Dr De Garis. Reid & I went to Salonique Very warm as we got down. Australian dinner at Wht Tower. Staying at 52nd

Tues 8th

Ran around to S.W.H. near camp & back to 52 for lunch & afternoon tea. Concert & refreshment after at night at M.T.O. officers’ mess

[Page 224]

Wonderfully warm. Wed 9th

Met C. Reid for lunch at W. Tower & went out to Major Frogley & on to Serb. Performance at Matron sent car for me & in evening I went with her to party at 42nd Gen. Hosp. [indecipherable] night.

Thurs 10th

Milan called for me at 11 & thence to S.W.H. at 2 we left Salonique with Miss Barker. Bitterly Bitterly cold.

Frid 11th

Suffering for want of sleep busy camp day. Still cold.

Sat. 12

Milder. Terrible day in dump shifting. Sheila had birthday party at night.

[Page 225]

Sunday 13

Camp routine. Tried to get a sleep but Jean had no mercy.

Mon 14

Serb N.Y. day party at night for Bolnicar’s. Very mild.

Tues 15

Sister Davis & I went to Vodene & saw Dr Petrovic & Major Popovitch & Bozidan & his commandant. Went on engine returned in 1st class carriage. Warm day.

Wed 16

Sister Davis left. Warm bright day. Tried to sleep in Pollard’s tent. Thurs.17 No. 9. Matron Miss Munn & I went to Vodena.
Camp routine

[Page 226]

Friday 18 Dr De Garis returned from Salonique bringing Mrs McHardy White. Lovely mild bright day.


Mrs Green went to Salonique & took Mrs McH.W. Home.

Sunday 20

Lovely day – perfect frosty mornig no wind. Walked with Tubby & saw bulbs opening all over hillsides Radomir’s slava.

Monday 21

Deep fog made day cold. No incident.

Tues 22

Fog in morning – glorious afternoon.

E. C. Brown & I went to Serb mess for music Rugitich a nuisance.

[Page 227]

Wed. 23

Walked to Katchena with Pollard [indecipherable] & Brown. Warm weather 9 ½ miles

Thurs. 24

Camp routine.

Frid 25

Wrote a few words of play

Sat 26

Went to Vodena with Sisters Saunders & Maxwell & Storey joined by Antoine & Stoyanovitch. Lecture in evening by Dimetreovitch.

Sunday 27

Camp routine. Wrote a few words.

Mon. 28.

E.C. Brown & I went to Serb Mess for music. Rujotich a nuisance.
Heavenly weather. Sister S. & I driven by Rogoljab went to Vladivon for

Tues 29

Fine weather. Stoyanovitch & Antoine for Dinner.

[Page 228]

Wed 30

Lovely day Camp routine. No hope of sleep.

Thurs 31

Camp routine. Investure of hero.

Fri. Feb. 1st

Sister Saunders & I went to Vodena with Tommies from Vertilcop. Antoine went with us from [indecipherable]. Dull time in Vodena. Rode to Gladivon on Brake Van. Dinner with Dear souls at Vladivon home at 10.30 to find poor S. King suffering.

Sat 2nd

Sister King operated on all anxious

Sunday 3rd

Very cold. Last day in camp. Sister King suffering. Left on fast train with [indecipherable] C. Brow & 2 Salonique unit. British tommies very kind.

[Page 229]

rode in luggage van. Not too cold.

Monday 4

Got to Salonique at 7 & got out to camp very cold there. Tea at W. Tower with Reid & Brown.

Tues 5

Went down to Red Cross met Richardson & Dick & went on Board Lafayette 11.30. Sailed at 4 p.m.


Drizzle & slight ground swell – not feeling happy

Thurs 7

Even keel. Visited Serbs. Talked with old col. Wrote some. Warm


Sea like glass. Ship absolutely steady. Read 3 acts of play to Sister McD & finished the 4th.

Sat 9

Ship routine. Not quite so warm

[Page 230]

Sunday 10 – got into Toulon where we had lunch & left for Marseilles at 2.15 Dinner there & left for Paris on slow train at 11. All seats gone on "Rapide".

Monday 11

Arrived in Paris at 6.30 taken by R.C.C. to Hotel St James & went to bed. Dinner at [indecipherable]

Thurs 12

In Paris. Morning [indecipherable] 15 Passports & [indecipherable] St Jacques. Then we went to a revue.

Wed. 13

Left at 8 a.m. for Havre. Arrived about 12.30 went to B.R.C. Hostel went to the Sg & saw some one decorated & a parade. Went on m.v. Mandie at 10 Channel smooth as [indecipherable]


Arrived at Waterloo at 12.00. Went to Minerva & found Miss Hodge who took me in for night.


Called on Miss Smith & then went

[Page 231]

to 66 Victoria St. Thence to [indecipherable] & back to Miss Hodge. Went to Waterloo for suit case after dinner.

Sat. 16

[Transcribed by June Pettit for the State Library of New South Wales]