Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

George Johnston letterbook, being copies of correspondence between Johnston and the Duke of Northumberland, 1811-1812. Includes some related correspondence
C 474

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Letter Book containing copies of correspondence between Major George Johnston and the Duke of Northumberland, 1811 - 12
Presented by Mrs E.C. Johnston
["Jeir"?] Nelson St., Lindfield.
(This book was formerly among the papers of Mrs. Weston of Horsley, then passed into the possession of her daughter, Mrs. Smart, who presented it to Mrs E.C. Johnston.) HW. 1926.

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don Mrs E.C. Johnston June 1926

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Alnwick Castle 10th Decbr 1811

My dear Sir

Altho' I have not been able to write to any of my friends in consequence of my having suffered from the gout for upwards of 4 months, yet I do assure you your affairs have never been out of my mind, and I have been endeavouring to discover what prepossession the Regent might entertain on this business and what would be the best to advise you to do, in your very unpleasant situation. From all that I can learn I have much reason to fear, that the Judge Advocate in delivering the proceedings and sentences of the Court Martial entered more into the business, and read certain observations and comments upon the whole matter, not very favorable to you, and had induced H: R: H: to believe that there

George Johnston Esqr

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were not such appearances of general revolt and insurrection, as to justify the strong step you took of putting the Governor under arrest and assuming the reins of Government yourself. I believe H R H conceives, that you ought as soon as ever you arrived at Sidney, to have waited upon Govr Bligh, who had sent to desire to speak to you, and learn from him, what his intentions were, with respect to the officers, who had constituted the late Court, and to have endeavoured by representations, to have prevented him from acting improperly, before you had recourse to the measures you adopted: and a good deal of stress I understand has been laid, upon those strong measures having taken place without any public or even private remonstrance having been made to the Governor, on his violent and supposed illegal proceedings. This is what I have been able to collect from the enquiries I have made and with a mind prejudiced, and entertaining these

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ideas. I fear much it will be a very difficult business to procure a Reestablishment of your former Rank and your reintroduction into the Army against the opinion and sentence of a general Court Martial. Under all these Circumstances I wish much to hear from you whether you can furnish me with such proofs of the Incorrectness of the above Ideas, which have been instilled as I fear into H R H's mind as have not already appeared in the Evidence before the Court Martial and may tend to remove the Impression which the proceedings of the Court, together with any Comments may have made upon the Regents Mind, and it will be likewise necessary for you to let me know exactly what you meant to have done on your Regiment being ordered away from New South Wales supposing no Court Martial had taken place, before I can possibly give you such final advice upon this subject, as my real regard and sincere friendship

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for you would make me wish to do so. You must certainly have resolved upon one of the three following things. -Either to sell your property in New South Wales, and to have devoted yourself in future entirely to a military Life -or to have continued to keep your Property there, and at the same time preserved your Regimental Commission hoping sometime to obtain leave to quit the Regt to go over to that Country to look after your property a thing almost impossible to have carried into Execution: for a leave of absence for less than two years would hardly have answered this purpose, and such a length of Leave, especially in time of war could not reasonably have been expected - or finally you must have determined to return to your estate in New

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South Wales, and have settled yourself there for good, giving up the Army altogether. When you are so good as to inform me which of the three things abovementioned you had determined upon, I shall be better enabled to give you my advice for I think these three different Situations would require a very different mode of acting under your present Circumstances.

The Duchess, Lord Percy and the rest of my Family desire to offer you their compliments, to which I beg likewise to add my own and to assure you, that I ever am with the most sincere regard and esteem
Your faithful friend

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37 Parliament Street 16th December 1811

My Lord Duke

I had the honor of receiving your Graces letter of the 10th instant, and was extremely concerned to hear of the very severe attack your Grace had suffered from the Gout, but I most sincerely hope your health is again completely reestablished that it may long continue is my most fervent earnest prayer, and I beg leave to assure your Grace that any language I should attempt to make use of would be very inadequate to express my feelings for your Grace's invariable kindness to me.

I cannot but acknowledge to your

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Grace that I ought to have waited upon Governor Bligh and indeed I expressed my intention of doing so immediately upon my arrival at the Barracks, when I was directly told by many different persons in the Room (two I can particularly name Bailey and Blaxcell) that they could not by any means think of my going there, that I had once before attempted to remonstrate with Govr Bligh and received only an insulting answer that in the then state of things it was probable he would adopt some violent measure with me and perhaps keep me in arrest, at Govt House, in which case the people would immediately rise and tear him to pieces and commit every enormity, and after what they had represented I must be responsible for their calling upon me to

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place him immediately in arrest. In consequence of this representation and knowing it to be perfectly correct in regard to the treatment I had formerly received from him and perceiving the agitated state of the people in the Town of Sydney I saw nothing but difficulties to encounter turn which way I would and was therefore induced at the request of the Inhabitants to adopt the measures I did as the only means of preserving the Colony from anarchy and Bloodshed. Long before this unfortunate affair happened, I applied for leave to return to Europe in order to settle my private affairs but was refused in consequence in consequence of there being no other field-officer with the Regiment, it was then my intention to

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have solicited permission to sell out entirely for while I continued in the Army I was liable to be detached to Norfolk Island or Van Diemens Land and having a large Family to attend to and my concerns in New South Wales requiring me to be constantly upon the spot and it would have distressed me much had I been sent to either of these places and I flatter myself I might have been indulged with that favor from my length of service and the many years I had been abroad - and when I came to England upon this unfortunate business I had determined should the sentence of the Court Martial prove favorable to me to have memorialed for Permission to sell out (provided that it met with your Graces approbation) and bid a final Adieu to this

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Country and to settle in New South Wales for the rest of my life - I have now stated to your Grace everything and the reason for my not going immediately to Govt House I beg once more to assure you that, had I not been prevented by the clamours of the Gentlemen assembled in my Barrack urging me to place Governor Bligh immediately in arrest to save the Colony and fearful from their representation should anything detain me at Govt House an Insurrection would ensue - - - was the sole Cause of my not going the Governor Bligh as it was fully my intention to do when I first arrived in Sydney

I beg my most respectful compliments to the Duchess, Lord Percy,

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and the rest of the family
and have the Honor to Remain,
Your Graces much obliged
Humble Servant
George Johnston

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No 2

Alnwick Castle 25th Dembr 1811

My dear Sir

I have received your letter of the 16 and have seriously considered the whole your present situation and future Prospects and I confess, as it has always been your intention to quit the service and settle yourself permanently on your estate in New South Wales, I think it is a Matter well deserving your Consideration, whether it is now any object for you to solicit your restoration to the Rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, Reinstated you cannot be; because your Situation as Major to the

Geo: Johnston Esqr

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102nd is already filled up. Prejudiced as I Know the Regent to be, for the reasons I assigned to you in my last letter, I much fear it will be next to impossible to remove these prejudices and prevail upon H: R: H: to replace you in the Army, and that every application for that purpose will only expose you to the further mortification of a Refusal; and I own if you do not mean to continue in the Service, I do not see what advantage you would gain by being replaced amongst the Lieutenant Colonels of the Army. The Sentence of the Court Martial you must recollect, would still remain, for it is impossible that, or the Regents approbation of it, can be altered; and therefore whatever disagreeable circumstances

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those have produced, can ever be altered in the least , much less obliterated by your holding the Rank abovementioned. It is therefore as I said before, well worth your consideration whether any real advantage would accrue to you, even if you were reinstated in the Rank of Lieutenant Colonel and whether any memorial for you upon this subject, should it prove fruitless might not do you serious injury, by thus subjecting yourself to repeated refusals. I would therefore wish you to turn this business over in your mind in order to determine whether in your opinion the advantages to be gained on the one hand will balance the disadvantages which may accrue on the other, and whether there is the

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smallest prospect of success, for every application to be made either to the Regent, or to the Commander in Chief prejudiced as I find they both are against you. Do, my dear Friend, turn this in your mind, and consult some of your friends, of whose judgement you have the best opinion, and as soon as ever you let me know your determination, should it be still to continue your application for the restoration, to your former Rank in the Army, be assured I will endeavour to do everything in my power to assist you, altho' I own fear it will be of no avail. Adieu and rest assured I ever am
Your most sincere Friend
And obedient Servant

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37 Parliament Street Jany 3rd 1812

My Lord Duke

I was honored with your Grace's letter of the 25th Ult and am greatly distressed to find H: R: H: the P: R and the Commander in Chief are so highly prejudiced against me. I trust your Grace will excuse my saying I consider my case particularly severe, when I find Colonel Foveaux (who not only approved of the steps that had been taken, but by Govr Bligh's own account at the Trial treated him most rigidly) receiving promotion, and lately had been appointed inspecting Field Officer at Cork, even the very

His Grace
The Duke of Northumberland

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Officers that called upon me in Waiting to place the Governor in Arrest, have either been promoted or allowed to retire from the Service receiving the Value of their Commissions, and I alone am the Sufferer. - - It has been suggested to me by some Gentlemen in the public offices that if I could get a Memorial properly presented to H: R: H stating my long and particular services in N S Wales with the handsome testimonials I have received from Admirals Philip, Hunter and General Grose who were successively Governors of it they seem to think I might be restored to my Rank, as it is reported I was strongly recommended by the Court to the P. R. for that favor. Could that be effected I might then as a half pay officer hold some respectable

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and desirable situation in the Colony.

Permit me further to state to your Grace that I have a claim upon the Government for doing duty as Lieut Governor of the territory upwards of three years and I have both Governors King and Blighs Certificates that I was the next officer in Rank to them for the above period, it is my intention (should your Grace see no impropriety in it) to apply for Remuneration for the time I did that duty which if granted will in a great measure defray the heavy expense I have incurred in this most unfortunate business .The Transport Board have advertised for a Ship of 350 Tons to be taken up the 28th instant

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to carry stores and Passengers to N S Wales from Ireland, and it is supposed she will sail about the end of March or the middle of April if I can get my affairs arranged and the civil lawsuits settled I intend to apply for permission to go out in her. Having been so long abroad, I have but very few acquaintances in this country and therefore hope your Grace will excuse my again taking the liberty of requesting your advice by which I shall be entirely guided.

I beg my most respectful Compliments to the Duchess, Lord Percy, and the rest of the Family
And I have the Honor to remain
Your Graces most obliged
Humble Servant,
George Johnston

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No 3

Alnwick Castle 14th Jan.y 1812

My dear Sir

I have received your letter and have read it over with great attention and given the most serious consideration to its contents. I find from it that your Friends have given you a very different account, from what I have received, and most sincerely hope they may not have been mistaken. If they are correct and the disposition of the Regent and the Members of the Court Martial is such as they describe, I certainly think you ought to present the

George Johnston Esqr

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Memorial they advise, and you may rest assured that I shall be happy to give you every aid in my power. For which purpose I must desire you will let me know when you intend presenting the Memorial. But yet I own, the observations added by the Prince Regent to the sentence of the Court Martial, tending much to confirm in my mind the information I have received from a person who I should imagine ought pretty well to know the Regent's sentiments and those of the Commander in Chief. God grant that your Information may in the event prove to be the most correct. The duty of a Friend to any person in your situation is to speak the truth

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and not to deceive by flattering accounts which leave but very little chance of being realised.

The Duchess and my Family [indecipherable] desire to unite with me in compliments and best and most sincere Wishes for your success and be assured I ever am with the highest esteem and regard
Your most sincere Friend

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37 Parliament Street 21st Jany 1812

My Lord Duke

I had the honor of receiving your Graces letter of the 14th instant, and cannot express to you as I would wish my feelings and gratitude for the kindness with which your Grace has always patronised me. I most sincerely hope that the Accounts I have heard from my friends are not to mislead me, for I perfectly agree with your Grace, that in my present situation nothing would be more cruel than to be deceived by fallacious reports and which would only draw me

His Grace
The Duke of Northumberland

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into a most unpleasant dilemma. But I am still flattered with hopes of being restored to my rank with the Service and am advised to get my Memorial presented the end of M February or beginning of March, at which time His Royal Highness the Prince Regent will have the Government without any restrictions, but if your Grace will permit me I wish to be guided entirely by your opinion and whatever your Grace will do me the honour to advise I shall most strictly adhere to it.

I presume your Grace has seen in the papers an account of the intended expedition of the French against Port Jackson, I have every reason to believe there is some truth in it as I heard confidentially four days before it appeared in the papers and as I know

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St Crisq [?] well, I am fully convinced nothing would give him greater pleasure than making a attack upon the settlement. Should the Expedition take place I would give up almost every thing could I only be upon the Spot to oppose the Enemy and if not allowed my rank I would serve as a Volunteer, or in any other situation I might be thought useful, and I flatter myself from the knowledge I have of the Country and the confidence the people there have in me, I might in great measure be the means of helping to defeat the invaders or else I could die with pleasure in the Field of Honor.

If the report of this expedition should prove true, I beg permission to ask your Grace how far it would be proper for me to volunteer my services to the

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Commander in Chief. I saved the Colony once from the Irish Rebels although they were far superior both in Arms and Numbers to the force I had and I hope and trust in a case like this I should again be found useful in preserving the Colony to the Mother Country.

I beg my most respectful Compliments to the Duchess and Family.
And have the Honor to Remain
Your Graces Much Obliged
Humble Servant
George Johnston

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No 4

Alnwick Castle 8 February 1812

My dear Sir,

had I not been confined to my bed I should not have left your letter of the 21st of last month, so long unanswered.

As you propose to present your Memorial towards the end of this month, I shall immediately endeavour to do every thing in my power, toward the accomplishment of your Wishes and will endeavour to sound the ground for you as soon as possible; and I most sincerely wish that I may find that it is I and not your other friends who am mistaken.

George Johnston Esqr

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Should any attack of the Enemy be made upon Port Jackson I know nobody whose knowledge of the Country and whose anxious Zeal to serve his Country upon every occasion would fit him better to defend that Country than yourself.

The Duchess, my Daughters (for Lord Percy is in Town) unite with me in the offer of our compliments and best Wishes for your success; and be assured I ever am with the greatest regard and esteem
Your ever faithful Friend

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37 Parliament Street Feb.ry 15th 1812

My Lord Duke

I had the honor of receiving your Graces letter of the 8th instant and am sincerely concerned to understand, you have had so severe an attack of illness.

I am most truly grateful for the kindness your Grace is so good as to honor me with, and I hope the Commander in Chiefs report to H: R: H: the Prince Regent will be favorable to me.

I have the Memorial already prepared, it is nearly a counterpart of that forwarded to H R H the Commander in Chief, but I will

His Grace the Duke of Northumberland

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defer delivering it until I have the honor of hearing again from your Grace.

I beg my most respectful compliments to the Duchess and Family,
And have the Honor
to remain your Graces most obliged
Humble Servant
George Johnston

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No 5

Alnwick Castle 20th Feb.ry 1812

My dear Sir

I have received your letter of the 15th in which you say you have your memorial ready but shall defer presenting it till you hear again from me. I certainly should not advise you to present it just at present during the hurry and confusion which must naturally arise when the restrictions are taken off from the Prince Regent and his administration to be new formed, or new modelled. I should undoubtedly think it advisable to wait till

Geo: Johnston Esqr

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every thing returned to its usual tranquillity.

The Duchess, and my Family join me in the offer of our compliments.
I have the pleasure to be,
your sincere Friend

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No 6

Alnwick Castle 1st April 1812

My dear Sir

As in your last letter you mentioned your intention of presenting your second Memorial for the reestablishment of your rank before this time I am naturally impatient to know the result; from the interest I ever shall take in whatever concerns you. I endeavoured, as I said I would to pave the way before you presented the Memorial. I fear however without much success; for having never received any answer I fear indeed it is true, that it did not require any, as of course it could only

George Johnston Esqr

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a representation of my thorough conviction that whatever might be to blame in your conduct proceeded entirely from an error of judgement and not from any natural mutinous disposition; as could be I believed testified by those Governors who had the chief command, previous to the appointment of Governor Bligh; this of course was as far as I [indecipherable] could venture to go as a military man in the face of a General Court Martial.

Be assured nothing will give me greater Satisfaction than to find that your other friends have not been mistaken, and that the consequence of this second application of

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yours will be your restoration to the Rank you formerly held in the Army

No person being more truly than I am
My dear Sir
Your Sincere Friend

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37 Parliament Street 8th April 1812

My Lord Duke

I had the honor of receiving your Graces letters of the 20th of February, and first of April and beg to inform your Grace I had taken no steps related to my Memorial until the receipt of the latter, when on Monday I went to the Council Office as I understood that from there it would be forwarded to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent in Council, but they informed me it was entirely out of their department and they only forward Memorials from

His Grace The Duke of Northumberland

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Naval Officers. I have since that enquired at the War Office, at the Agents, and of General Grose[?] but can get no information from any of them through what Channel it ought to be presented. Not knowing how to proceed and fearful of Erring, if your Grace will do me the honor to inform me the proper mode through which it ought to go, you will add to the many favors[?] already conferred upon your Graces most grateful,
And obliged
Humble Servant
George Johnston

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No 7

Alnwick Castle 11th April 1812

My dear Sir

I was good deal surprised to find from your letter of the 8th that your memorial had not been presented; I understood you had determined to present it before the end of the last month, at the same time I confess I was still more astonished to perceive that your friends, who had assured you of the favorable reception with which your Memorial would be received and the certainty

Georg Johnston Esqr

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of its success appear now to know so little of the matter as even to be unable to inform you in what manner this Memorial can be presented at all. for my own part the only way in which I have ever known Memorials presented to the King, and I suppose the same mode is to be pursued with the Regent is at the Levee. The person, having any memorial to present, generally places himself near the door thro' which H: M: retired, and holding the Memorial open in his hand, delivered it upon his knee to the King as he approached him. As I hear that the Regent is to holdave a Levee every Thursday, I take it for granted it must

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be presented on one of these days, and most sincerely do I wish that the final event may not prove that my apprehensions were too well founded and that the flattering hopes and most positive assurance of success which have been given you by your other Friends were ill founded and for which they never had any authority. Perhaps my great anxiety on your account may have made me more apprehensive on the occasion than I need to be. God grant that this may really be the case for be assured Nobody can interest himself more in what ever concerns you than

My dear Sir

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Your most sincere Friend

You must excuse the writing and any inaccuracies in this letter for it is written in my bed.

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37 Parliament Street April 22nd 1812

My Lord Duke

I was honoured with your Graces letter of the 11th instant (and feel most grateful for your Graces kindness in pointing out the proper mode of presenting the Memorial) since which a friend of mine has spoken to Colnl McMahon respecting it and he has promised to present it to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent at the Levee the 30th instant and I am assured that if I had only some person of influence to speak in my favor at the time and to second Colonel McMahon's efforts there is every Reason

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to believe that the prayer of the petition would be acceded to. I am fully sensible of the many obligations I am already under to your Grace, and I hope that you will pardon my presumptions as regarding the favor of your Grace's patronage for the support of this measure so likely to restore me to His Majesty's Service which is my most eager and anxious wish. I most earnestly hope that your Grace has recovered from your late severe indisposition and that you may long continue in Health and Happiness is the most sincere prayer of

Your Graces much
Obliged Humble Servant
George Johnston

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No 8

Alnwick Castle 27th April 1812

My dear Sir

I have received your letter of the 22nd and in order to serve you as much as I can I have written to Colonel MacMahon; But it is upon the account which Govrs Philips and Hunter will give of your former conduct and the [indecipherable] eminent services you have rendered the Colony that will depend any favor shown you on the present application. I confess I am still so unfortunate as to doubt the success of your

Geo Johnston Esqr

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Memorial, and fear much that the Prince Regent has been prepossessed against you. I most sincerely wish the event will prove I am mistaken. Be assured nothing has been omitted on my part towards the accomplishment of your Wishes, but it has been a very delicate Business, in the face of a general Court Martial, for an officer so high in the list of the Army as myself to interfere; lest it should have the appearance to a certain degree of arraigning the Sentence of a Court Martial, composed of such respectable Officers, given upon oath, after a thorough investigation of the Business.

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I shall be very impatient till I hear the result of this Business, being with great haste truth
Your Sincere Friend

The Duchess and the rest of my Family unite with me in Compliments.

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37 Parliament Street May 25th 1812

My Lord Duke

Ever since I had the honor of receiving your Graces kind letter of the 27th Ult for which I am at a loss to find words sufficiently expressive of my gratitude. Affairs have been and still are in such unsettled form, that the Gentleman who spoke to Coll MacMahon respecting my Memorial thought it better to defer giving it to him particularly at present until the Administration is arranged and in a more regular state, should it therefore

His Grace the Duke of Northumberland

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meet your Graces approbation I will postpone it for a short time.

I have great pleasure in informing your Grace that I have received letters from New South Wales dated the 30th of November, at which time all my concerns were in a flourishing condition and the horse I had the honor of receiving from your Grace was in high order and looked as well as when he was first landed there. The Teeswater Sheep were also increasing fast and by crossing the Tees Water Rams with the other kinds of Sheep they were getting into a very superior breed both for hardiness and weight of carcase. I am also informed there are four

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Cream Colored Horses broke in (according to instructions I sent out) and should a favorable opportunity occur they will be embarked for your Graces acceptance. I have received Sydney Gazettes to the end of September and if your Grace will permit I will do myself the honor of transmitting them for your Graces information.

I had also received some four White Topazes from N S Wales that are now cutting and as I am informed they will prove of a very superior quality I hope your Grace will do me the honor of accepting them.

I beg my most respectful compliments to the Duchess, Lord Percy and the rest

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of the family
And have the honor to remain
Your Graces most Grateful
And Obliged Humble Servant
George Johnston


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Alnwick Castle May 1812

My dear Sir

I have received yours of the 25th in which you assign the reason why your Memorial has not as yet been presented to the Regent; and I confess I think that you are perfectly right, in having delayed your Business, in the present confused State of Affairs. Some of my apprehensions, with respect to your want of success have been somewhat lessened in a consequence of a letter I lately received from Colonel MacMahon who seemed to think the very strong manner in which I had stated your Case, and which

Geo: Johnston Esqr

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he promised me will be laid before the Regent, with your Memorial, would be very likely to have some effect upon H. R. H.. I most sincerely wish it may; bur I yet I would not have you, on my account to be too Sanguine in your Expectations.

I am very glad to find you have received so good an account of all your concerns in New South Wales, and that the horse and the Teeswater Sheep are in health, and likely to prove so beneficial to the Colony. Your cream colored Horses must be beautiful, and should they be so fortunate as to arrive safe and well in this Country, I shall feel

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not a little proud when drawn by such beautiful Creatures, and the first Horses, from that part of the world that ever appeared in Europe.

I am much obliged to you for the offer of the Sydney Gazettes. When you shall have done with them, I will trouble you to send them down to me in a parcel by the Coach. you are too good to think of sending me the Topazes. It really appears as if I robbed you constantly of every thing you get from N. S. Wales. Pray let me know how the new Govnr Macquarrie is going on? if I mistake not his first Commencement of his government did not promise much advantage to the

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Colony under his Superintendance.

I was very sorry to receive a most desponding and melancholy letter from our mutual Friend, poor Admiral Schank. I had not heard from him for a long time, and the most lamentable Death of his Daughter, appeared to have affected him to such a degree, that added to his former ill health I own I cannot help feeling serious alarms for him. Poor Man he could only dictate about four lines, without be able to inform me of the Cause of his Unhappiness, but referred me to a letter Mrs Schan had written to the Duchess on the Subject. Surely his Son in Law [?] must be somewhat deranged

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and I think someone informed me that he had formerly received been wounded in the Head.

The Duchess, Lord Percy, and the rest of my Family unite with me in Compliments
and be assured I am ever
Your most sincere Friend

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37 Parliament Street

My Lord Duke,

I had the honor of receiving your Graces letter of the 29th Ult and am happy to find your Grace approves of my having defered taking any further steps in my business until public affairs are in a more settled state. I cannot sufficiently express my thanks for the many and great obligations I am under to your Grace, which will be ever acknowledged with heartfelt gratitude by yo to the latest period of my existence - I received a letter from Admiral Schank about a fortnight

His Grace the Duke of Northumberland

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ago wherein he mentioned the melancholy death of his Daughter which appears to have distressed him greatly. And a few days since I received another from him, making most anxious enquiries respecting the Lady Nelson but I am sorry to inform your Grace, I could only send unpleasant accounts concerning her, I was informed by Lieut Lord of the Marines just arrived that they have taken away her Sliding Keels, and built a Poop on her, which is so firmly secured that they think if a Sea should Strike her it will not carry it away and she must therefore be Swamped; doing away her Sliding Keels must have

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completely ruined her as she never can (without them) in my opinion keep to Windward or work off a lee Shore. Governor MacQuarrie is gone to visit the Settlements at on Van Diemen's Land in her, and was expected to be absent about two months. I understand great alterations and improvements have been made by him in laying out New Towns, Roads, Barracks, [etc] [etc]. I have the pleasure to inform your Grace that I received another packet of Sydney Gazettes to the end of November, which I have made up with the former in a parcel and shall do myself the Honor to forward them to your Grace by the Mail Coach tomorrow Evening. The four Stones

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are in a small Case enclosed in the Newspapers they are three Topazes and an Aqua Marina the person who polished them says they will cut glass like a Diamond and that they are the finest of the kind he ever saw. I hope you will receive them safe and they will prove worthy your Graces acceptance.

I beg my most respectful Compliments to the Duchess, Lord Percy, and the rest of the family
And have the honor to remain
Your Graces
Most Grateful and Obliged
Humble Servant
George Johnston

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No 10

Alnwick Castle June 8th 1812

Accept my dear Sir, my thanks for your handsome present. The Stones are really beautiful, and I begin to suspect, that some of still greater value will be discovered, as the Country becomes inhabited to a greater distance. I should not be greatly surprized if even some Diamonds were found on a very careful examination of the Rivers. I have understood from Brasileans that nothing is more difficult to be discovered as Diamonds by a person unused to search for them as they are very difficult to be known from common rough Pebbles.

Geo: Johnston Esqr

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I am glad to hear from your letter that such improvements are going on in New South Wales; but I cannot help lamenting that they should have totally spoilt the Lady Nelson. Whoever has made the alterations I should imagine is no very eminent Shipwright. Perhaps if Governor Macquarrie returns in her, without being drowned, he may think it proper to restore her to her old state. One would be almost really led to think this alteration was made by one of the Governors Enemies with an intention of drowning him in his Tour. I am much obliged to you for the Sydney Gazettes, which will be a great entertainment to me during my confinements.

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The Duchess, and all my family, unite with me in Compliments. Do be so kind as to let me know, whenever your Memorial is to be presented.
Ever most sincerely yours

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37 Parliament Street July 1812

My Lord Duke

I have the honor of receiving your Grace's letter of the 8th Ult. and delayed answering it until I could give your Grace some certain intelligence respecting my Memorial being presented. I have now the pleasure to acquaint your Grace, that having been favored by Colonel McMahon with an interview, I was informed by him that my Memorial, being entirely of a Military Nature (which we did not before

His Grace
The Duke of Northumberland

[Page 66]

understand) it must in the first instance go through the Commander in Chief, and be by him reported upon, and laid before His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, he therefore advised me to wait upon Colonel Torrens, respecting it, but as I could not obtain a personal interview with Colonel Torrens, I stated my business in Writing to him and yesterday Evening I received his answer acquainting me, that as soon as my Memorial is received at his Office, he will not fail to lay it before His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief. I shall therefore only defer it untill i have the honor of hearing from your grace. colonel mcmahon at the same time

[Page 67]

informed me that upon the Commander in Chief's reply [?] to His Royal Hig on the Memorial, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent would be principally influenced what favor to shew me.

I am fully sensible (whatever the result may be) that your Grace has used every means possible to forward my wishes, and once more I beg leave to assure your Grace that I am totally incapable of expressing my grateful feelings for the many and important Obligations, most particularly on this occasion, under which your Graces great goodness has laid me, and which can never be forgotten, or too highly estimated, by me whilst I exist.

[Page 68]

I beg my most respectful Compliments to the Duchess, Lord Percy, and the rest of the Family,
And have the Honor to remain
Your Graces
Most Grateful and Obliged
Humble Servant
George Johnston

[Page 69]

No 11

Alnwick Castle 4th July 1812

My dear Sir

I received your letter by the post last night, and have sat down to answer it, being unwilling to have cause any delay. I am sorry to say, I begin to be more convinced than ever, that my fears were but too well grounded, and that you will not meet with the Success, which your other Friends have taught you to expect. This referring you back to the Commander in Chief has to me a very bad appearance, as I should apprehend you

George Johnston Esqr

[Page 70]

will have exactly the same answer which you have received before. When you were assured, the Regent would himself receive and consider your Memorial, I began to entertain some hopes, that the representation I made to Colonel MacMahon , might be of some service to you, but I confess now I despair, and entertain great doubts, whether the favorable accounts, with which some persons have buoyed you up, and concerning which they were so positive, will not be found to be totally illusive, and groundly [?] I most sincerely hope I may be mistaken and would by all means t advise you to present the Memorial thro' Colonel Torrens directly, as I think the sooner you bring this Business to

[Page 71]

a final Issue the better.

I have been extremely amused with the Sydney Gazettes, which I will return to you in a day or two, and I shall have some other things to go up by the Edinburgh Coach to Northumberland House, and will send them at the same time. Governor McQuarrie appears to me, to be very fond of issuing orders without Number, making alterations; establishing new offices, appointments, and salaries; and I should suppose rather exceeding his Powers in the instance of appointing Justices of the Peace, in the Island of Otaheite. I did not before suspect the Government of New South Wales included the Society, or Friendly, Islands.

[Page 72]

I am desired by the Duchess, with the rest of my family, to offer you their Compliments; to which I beg likewise to add my own, together with my most Earnest Wish that your Memorial may be successfull and I shall feel very anxious till you inform me of the Result. Being with the most unfeigned truth
Your faithful Friend,

If Admiral Hunter, is in Town, pray remember me kindly to him, when you see him, and tell him, his young friend has now the happiness of having been for upwards of Six Months Lieutenant on board the Caledonia. That both his Captain and

[Page 73]

his Admiral give the most favorable acct of his Nautical Abilities, and strict attention to his Duty as an Officer and (which I am sure will please Admiral Hunter) that he is one of the best Astronomers in the Fleet. I have likewise had the Satisfaction of hearing he underwent a most strict, and severe, examination, and came off with uncommon Eclat. Captains Bennet, and Sir Edmond Pellew, assured me that he promises fair to make a distinguished figure in the Navy.

[Page 74]

37 Parliament Street July 16th 1812

My Lord Duke

The day after I had the Honor of receiving your Graces letter of the 4th of July, I sent in my Memorial, and I now find your Grace has been perfectly correct in your opinion. As this morning I received an answer through Colonel Torrens of which the following is a copy. "I have it in Command from the Commander in Chief to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 8th instant and to acquaint you that His Royal Highness having submitted the Memorial

His Grace
the Duke of Northumberland

[Page 75]

therewith enclosed to the Prince Regent His Royal Highness has returned the same without any remark upon the Subject of your request." - As there is not the Smallest prospect now of my ever being restored to the Service I am resigned to my fate. Yet permit me to repeat to your Grace that whilst I am in being my Grateful Heart will ever bear in remembrance the infinite Obligation I am under to your Grace. As there was a Ship of 500 Tons taken up last Week to carry stores, and passengers, I shall directly make application to Lord Bathurst to be permitted with my Daughter

[Page 76]

to return to N S Wales in her, but from the very cruel treatment I have already received, I am much in doubt whether my request will be acceded to.

I beg my most respectful Compliments to the Duchess, Lord Percy and the rest of the family
And have the Honor
to remain
Your Graces
Most Grateful and
Obliged Humble Servant
George Johnston

[Page 77]

No 12

Alnwick Castle 18th July 1812

My dear Sir

I have returned your Sydney Gazettes and I am much obliged to you for the Perusal of them. Pray has not Governor McQuarrie rather exceeded his Powers, when he appointed a Justice of the Peace in the island of Otaheite? I am writing with the eager Expectation of a letter from you, with the final Result of your Memorial to the Commander in Chief. The Duchess and all my Family unite with me in Compliments to you and most sincere Wish for your success. I have the pleasure to be with the greatest regard
My dear Sir
Your very faithful Friend

Geo: Johnston Esqr

[Page 78]

No 13

Alnwick Castle 20th July 1812

My dear Sir,

Your letter of the 16th arrived about three hours after I had sent off the Sydney Gazettes to you which I hope you received safe.

I am very sorry you have failed in your Wishes, but you must remember that I feared all along, that those Friends, who assured you of success, were deceiving you. I knew that the Regent had been from the first prejudiced against you by some Body; and I should suspect it must have been the Judge Advocate. In short from the manner in which every attempt of mine was received for the purpose of removing that Prejudice, I was satisfied you were grossly deceived.

Geo. Johnston Esqr

[Page 79]

In vain was my last letter laid before the Regent, who said it was impossible to set aside the Sentence of the Court Martial. I confess I wish could have wished you had been persuaded that what I said, from the first, was a fact, and had not presented the second Memorial, as I should fear that to persons totally unacquainted with you and all the circumstances of the case, it may appear, that you have been guilty of something very bad, when not only a Court Martial has condemned your conduct, but notwithstanding repeated applications you could not procure any alleviation; and you may be quite certain your Enemies will not fail, to put that interpretation upon it, in any conversation they should hold with other Persons upon this Subject. This, my dear

[Page 80]

Sir, was the reason why I endeavoured to prevail upon you, not to think of the Second Memorial; but unfortunately some of your other Friends deceived you, with hopes for which there never was the least Foundation. It is however now all over; and the best thing I can advise you to do, is to endeavour to think no more about it. I can hardly conceive Lord Bathurst will refuse you a Passage to N: S: Wales in the vessel which is taken up. I hope w however you will let me know when this point is determined, as likewise when she is likely to sail, if your request is granted.

I am much obliged to Admiral Hunter for the good Opinion he is pleased to entertain of my Son. To receive so favorable an opinion of him from such a good judge as Admiral Hunter is truly gratifying to me.

[Page 81]

The Duchess, and the rest of my Family, unite with me in compliments

Adieu and be assured I am with the greatest regard
Your most sincere Friend

37 Parliament Street 31st July

My Lord Duke

I had the honor of receiving your Graces letters of the 18th and 20th instant with the Sydney Gazettes which I am sorry your Grace took the trouble of returning. In my last letter of the 16th I acquainted your Grace with my intention of applying for a passage to N S Wales

His Grace the Duke of Northumberland

[Page 82]

in a Ship taken up by the Government which I did on the 17th but have not yet received any answer however I was informed this Morning from Authority I cannot doubt that Government are taking Law Opinions whether they cannot prevent persons returning to that Country and at all events that I shall be refused a passage in the Ship now fitting out, and be told I may find a passage in any private Ship that is going. I am sorry to remark to your Grace that I think Government appear to be uncommonly Vindictive against me as I alone have been the Sufferer throughout the whole affair and they seem determined to persecute me to the utmost..

I never yet understood that I was considered as a dangerous, or

[Page 83]

troublesome, character, and I humbly presumed that my services in that Colony might entitle me to the trifling indulgence I requested, and I must confess I am painfully hurt at the disappointment I am likely to meet with. I am truly ashamed at having taken up so much of your Graces time, about my concerns but I think your Grace will have the goodness to excuse it.

I beg my most respectful compliments to the Duchess and Family
And have the Honor to Remain
Your Graces most Grateful
And Obliged Humble Servant
George Johnston

[Page 84]

No 14

Alnwick Castle 7th August 1812

My dear Sir

Nothing could surprise me more than what you mention in your last letter. I cannot possibly conceive that Government should think of taking any Law Opinions, with regard to their being authorised to prevent the Return of Englishmen to their own Property within His Majesty's Dominion. Such a punishment may certainly be inflicted by act of Parliament, or Perhaps by the Sentence of a Criminal Court (altho' I should much doubt this power in a Criminal Court unless under an act of Parliament) but I think I may venture to assert that any Minister would be liable to an Impeachment who would presume to exercise an

Geo: Johnston Esqr

[Page 85]

such an arbitrary Power. I am therefore convinced your Friend is at most mistaken on this Subject, as your other ones were respecting the advantages you were to derive from your Memorial. I confess it appears evern extraordinary to me that Lord Bathurst should have taken of your application to him for a passage to N: S: Wales.

You may remember I informed you, I did not think your Business being transferred from the Privy Council to a Military Tribunal, looked favorable towards you; It conveyed to me the idea that Ministers had formed an unjustifiable preposition against you, even before there had been any proper Examination into the Affair, on which they could form an Equitable Opinion. I am much mistaken if their

[Page 86]

Minds were not prejudiced against you, from the very outset of the Business, by a person who I know has always had great Weight with Ministers in every thing that relates to N S Wales, and who is a great friend and protector of Mr Bligh; and who I have known to take things up somtimes[?] in a hurry. If he once get things wrong he is very violent, and can never be set right again. My suspicions however may be ill founded, as I have no positive proof of the Fact. I only know he has not been sparing in this blame of your conduct, and that if he once takes a prejudice against any person it is impossible to remove it.

I believe I once told you I had seen a letter on the Subject of the unfortunate business which happened inN: S: Wales the East Indies in which the Writer endeavoured to connect that Mutiny with

[Page 87]

what happened in N: S: Wales in saying it was your success in seizing upon the Government of that Colony, which encouraged the Officers in India to make a similar attempt. However false this statement was, I can however easily conceive it might make an impression upon His Majesty's Ministers; and, if so, it is not unnatural that they should wish, if the could, to prevent your from returning to that Country; where from all all the Evidence given upon your Court Martial, it appeared most clearly that you had the greatest possible Weight, and was most highly esteemed respected and beloved, by all the inhabitants. The only mode I can devise for taking away such false impressions will be the Testimonies of Admirals Phillip and Hunter, if they are sufficient

[Page 88]

ly acquainted with any of His Majesty's Ministers, to talk to with them upon the Subject. I have already endeavoured to do this, as far as I have been able, with respect to the Prince Regent, altho' I fear ineffectually. I still however continue my attempts from time to time in my correspondence with Colonel MacMahon, as opportunities still offer themselves, for be assured nothing will afford me greater Satisfaction than my being able to do you any service, especially upon this occasion, where I am convinced your intentions have been totally misunderstood.

The Duchess and the rest of my Family desire their compliments to which I beg leave to add my own, being with the greatest truth
Your Sincere Friend

[Page 89]

37 Parliament Street 10th August 1812

My Lord Duke

Three days after I did myself the Honor of writing to your Grace, I received from (Mr Peel) an answer to my letter to Lord Bathurst of which the following is a copy ........

And Admiral Hunter having written to his Lordship at the same time, stating in the strongest manner my services in the Colony received nearly the following a similar answer.

No doubt Government are induced to act in this cruel manner from the Malicious Misrepresentations of some secret Enemies who appear to be determined to do me every mischief they possibly can

His Grace
The Duke of Northumberland

[Page 90]

As I have now no chance of returning to N. S. Wales, unless by some private trader, or Whaler, I shall therefore immediately make every enquiry about one, in order that I may get out of this Country as soon as possible having experienced scarcely any thing but Misfortune since I have been in it. Indeed your Graces Constant Friendship to me in all my troubles has principally enabled me to bear them with that fortitude I have hitherto done.

I beg my most respectful compliments to the Duchess and Family and have the Honor to remain
Your Graces most Grateful
And Obliged Humble Servant
George Johnston

[Page 91]

I have this moment received your Graces letter of the 7th and shall do myself the Honor of forwarding for you Graces information, the Copies of Admirals Philip and Hunters Certificates which were annexed to my Memorial and also the Copy of Admirals Hunters letter to the under of Secretary of State which was laid before Lord Bathurst.

37 Parliament Street August 13th 1812

My Lord Duke

Since I had last the Honor of addressing your Grace, I have been informed that Lieut Lord of the Marines, and Captain Campbell of the Merchant Service (both lately returned from N S Wales) jointly intend purchasing a vessel and

His Grace
The Duke of Northumberland

[Page 92]

and returning to that Country and as they have got permission from the India Company to import, (direct from Port Jackson) to London, Pearl Oyster Shells, which will bring about £180 a Ton here, and as Captain Campbell was the person who first discovered them, and knows particularly the intricate Navigation of the Reefs, when they are found, It will certainly prove a most beneficial undertaking to every person concerned in it. I intend (if possible) to procure a passage out on her, as I understand they mean to run direct for Port Jackson without touching anywhere, I think the Voyage will, may be made in less than four Months. I have done myself the Honor of enclosing for your Graces Information the Copies of Certificates, I received from Admirals Philip, and Hunter, and Admiral Hunters letter to Lord Bathurst Mr Peel as near as he can recollect having

[Page 93]

Mislaid or destroyed the Copy.

I have the Honor to remain
Your Graces most grateful
And Obliged Humble Servant,
George Johnston

No 15

Alnwick Castle August 17

My dear Sir

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your two letters of the 10th and 13th. I own I am quite surprised at the answer you have received to your application. It appears to me to be most absurd. carries with it more the air of a ress peevish angry Girl, than of a minister. Could they by such refusal prevent the possibility of your

Geo: Johnston Esqr

[Page 94]

getting to that Country, I should perceive some reason for his Lordships Conduct; but as this is not the case it is an act of illnature without any possible Benefit.

I most sincerely hope you will be able to procure a passage in the Ship you Mention belonging to Messrs Lord and Campbell and that you will not be long delayed by being obliged to have recourse to this mode of Conveyance.

The Certificates of the Admirals Philip and Hunter do you the highest honors, and I am convinced that had not the Minds of His Majesty's Ministers been strongly though unjustly prejudiced against you by some evil designing Persons, they must have had the greatest weight in your favor.

[Page 95]

With your leave I will keep these Copies, as I will not despair, but when the Regents Mind has sufficient time to lay aside those prejudices, with which it has been filled, some possible use may be made of them, which may prove advantageous to you hereafter; and be advised no opportunity shall escape me of producing them; whenever I think it can be done with any possible prospect of success.

The Duchess, and all my Family unite with me, in Compliments, and best Wishes,
And be assured I ever am
Your most Sincere Friend

I hope you will let me hear from you as soon as you have finally settled the time of your departure, or if you should be disappointed of procuring a passage by the Vessel mentioned in your letter.

[Page 96]

[Blank page]

[Page 97]

Mr Johnston presents his Compliments to Colonel McMahon, would esteem it as[?] a most particular favor if he could be honored him with an interview for a few Minutes, at any time Colonel McMahon will do him the Honor to appoint.

Mr Johnston hopes Colonel McMahon will excuse the liberty he takes in thus wishing to trespass upon his time, being assured how much it must be occupied on important business.

37 Parliament Street
16 June 1812

[Page 98]

Col. McMahon presents his Compliments to Mr Johnston, and will be happy to have the honor of seeing him here on any Morning more convenient to him at Eleven oClock

Carlton House
Wednesday 17th June 1812

[Page 99]

Mr Johnston (late of the 102nd Regiment) presents his compliments to Colonel Torrens, would esteem it a particular favor if he could be honored with an interview for a few minutes, at any time Colonel Torrens will do him the honor to appoint.

Monday June 22nd 1812

[Page 100]

Colonel Torrens presents his compliments to Mr Johnston and in reply to his note of Yesterday requests he[indecipherable] will state his business in writing, when due attention will be paid to it.

23rd June 1812

[Page 101]

29th June 1812


I had the honor of receiving your Note of the 23rd instant, and beg leave to state that my business was to Solicit you to have the goodness to lay a Memorial from me (addressed to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent) before the His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, in hopes that from my Fathers sufferings, and length of Service, as well as my Brothers, and my own, and with the Certificates annexed to it, His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief

[Page 102]

might be induced favorably to receive it, to view it with an eye of compassion, and that he would honor me by submitting it to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent.

Colonel McMahon was so good as to say promise me that he would speak to you particularly concerning me, but perhaps the pressure of public business may have prevented him.

I have the honor to be
your most obedient
Humble Servant
George Johnston

[Page 103]


It distresses me much to have occasion of again troubling you respecting my affairs but having received a Note this Morning from Colonel Torens, desiring me to state my business in writing, I immediately waited upon Colonel Gordon. Knowing that he would speak to Colonel Torrens respecting it, but found he had left Town for Portsmouth in order to embark for Portugal.

From my having been so long abroad

[Page 104]

I have but few friends, or acquaintances, in this Country and you had the goodness to say when I had the honor of seeing you, that you would speak to Colonel Torrens about me and would do every thing in your power to serve me in consequence of His Grace the Duke of Northumberlands recommendation.

Will you permit me to request your advice and opinion in this business, having no acquaintances here who can take the liberty of requesting Colnl Torrens interference in Order that H. R. H. the Commander in Chief may be

[Page 105]

induced favorably to receive my Memorial, and Submit it to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. Allow me also to State that I have served His Majesty nearly 36 years without the smallest stigma whatever upon my character, until this unfortunate affair.

I have the Honor to be Sir,
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
George Johnston

[Page 106]

37 Parliament Street July


I have to apologise to you for intruding upon your time, so frequently as I have done of late, but when I inform you of the uneasiness and distress of mind, I am in respecting my Memorial (which will be forwarded to Colnl Torens this day in order to its being laid before the Commander in Chief) I hope and trust it will in some degree prove an excuse and particularly at this period, when after a service of nearly 36 years, without the slightest reflection having ever been cast upon my Character or Conduct (until the late Court Martial)

[Page 107]

I am now with the greatest anxiety expecting the final decision of either being restored to my the Service ofr for ever Rejected.

I hope you will pardon the liberty I take in requesting you would have the goodness to favor me with your support and Influence in this event, which will ever be most gratefully acknowledged by,

Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
George Johnston

Right Honorable
John MacMahon
[etc] [etc] [etc]

[Page 108]


As the legitimate Medium of Communication between the Army and the King I humbly solicit your Royal Highness to be pleased to lay the enclosed Memorial at the feet of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent.

To ask the Duke of York for his benign influence on this occasion may appear presumption in one who has incurred the Sentence and displeasure of the most Honorable Court which His Royal Highness ordered to assemble on the occasion of my Trial.

[Page 109]

But as I know that the appeal of the Soldier was never made in Vain to the present head of the British Army, a conscious though erring integrity emboldens me to ask for a protection which will ever be gratefully felt, and acknowledged.

I am Sir
With every sentiment of Respect
and Resignation
Your Royal Highness's
Most Obedient, and dutiful, Servant
Geo: Johnston

Field Marshall
His Royal Highness
The Duke of York
[etc] [etc] [etc]

[Page 110]

Horse Guards 29th June 1812


I have the honor to acquaint you in reply to your letter of this Mornings date, that when the Memorial therein alluded to, shall be received at this Office, I will not fail to lay the same before His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief.

I have the honor to be
Your Obedient
Humble Servant
H Torrens

Geo: Johnston
37 Parliament Street

[Page 111]

Horse Guards 14th July 1812


I have it in command from the Commander in Chief to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 8th Instant, and to acquaint you that His Royal Highness having submitted the Memorial therewith enclosed to the Prince Regent, His Royal Highness has returned the same without any remark upon the subject of your request.

I have the honor to be
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
H Torrens

George Johnston Esqr
late of the 102nd Regiment

[Page 112]

Mr Johnston presents his Compliments to Mr Peel, and shall esteem it a most particular favor, if he will do him the Honor to submit the enclosed letter for the
consideration of the Earl Bathurst.

37 Parliament Street
17th May July 1812

[Page 113]

37 Parliament Street
17th July 1812

My Lord

I trust your Lordship will excuse me troubling you upon this occasion, which is to solicit from your Lordship an Order for a passage to New South Wales, for myself, my Daughter, and a Servant in the Ship Fortune.

I have spent much and the most active part of my life in the Service of that Colony. I have a numerous family there, and all that I possess in the World now, to enable me to provide for that family, is in that Country.

[Page 114]

I therefore hope your Lordship will permit my return to my Family as a Settler, By the Fortune.

Your Lordship's acquiescence to my request will be most gratefully acknowledged by
Your Lordship's
Most Obedient
Humble Servant
Geo: Johnston

Right Honorable
Earl Bathurst
[etc] [etc] [etc]

[Page 114]

Downing Street 31st July 1812


I am directed by Lord Bathurst to acknowledge the Receipt of your letter of the 17th instant soliciting an order for a passage for yourself and Family to New South Wales in the Ship Fortune, and to acquaint you that his Lordship cannot recommend that a passage should be provided for you and your Family on board of any Vessel employed in the Service of Government.

I am Sir
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
Robert Peel

To George Johnston
[etc] [etc] [etc]

[Transcribed for the State Library of New South Wales]