Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 20 April 1917 – 1 January 1918
MLMSS 959/Item 2
[Transcriber’s note:
This diary covers a period of Lieut. Bartlett's service in France and a short leave in England during which he marries Ida Rupertia Jenkins in London, the ‘Rup’ referred to in his dairy. Written in a De La Rue Portable Diary.]
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First part of year was spent at a Training Camp in England – Salisbury Plains – and a detailed diary was not kept until return to France on 20.4.17.
20 Friday [April 1917]
Caught 8 1/5 from Victoria. Rup & her Father came down to the station. Don’t like leaving now.
Embarked at 5.45 at Folkestone – Bouglogne at 8.30. Put up at the Louvre & out to Wimereux to see Rup’s cousin Smythe.
21 Saturday
Entrained at 10.30 for Etaples called on Miss Hendry & Co at the 18" Gen. Hosp in afternoon.
Like old times ‘to see them all again.
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22 Sunday [April]
Out to Rifle Range in morning. Stayed in rest of day & wrote letters. Took on O.O.[Orderly Officer] for a chap.
23 Monday
Out to the "Bull Ring" & saw the liquid fire stunt also various gases. Quite interesting. Wrote in evening.
24 Tuesday
Left Etaples at 8.15 & arrived at Albert at 2 pm. Proceeded to Base Camp & knocked around the town. This is place where statue of Virgin has been blown from church top in hanging over. Dined well at the off club & saw the "Anzac Coves."
25 Wednesday
Anzac Day 2 years ago. Proceeded from Albert to Bicourt & joined up with the Regiment. They were resting. attached. to B. Comp. wrote many letters. no mail in for me.
26 Thursday
Out on parade. Messing & accommodation is slightly beastly. O.O. at 6 in the evening Lectures in the evening on the new formation. No mail yet. What has happened to the post
27 Friday
up early & doing my duties conscientiously !! Pay day.
100 frs. Regt does very well in the Bde. Sports. Gilbey came back.
28 Saturday
Usual parades 9 to 12 & 2 - 3. Rode out & saw Browne at Montauban on Williamson’s Horse.
Still no word from Rup wrote one or two urgent notes off about post not arriving
29 Sunday
Church Parade at 10. Into Albert in afternoon with Hughs. Dined there with Billy Dalton. Home a 7.30 & No 1. lre came from Rup.
30 Monday
Lovely weather. Parades still 9 – 12.30 & 2 – 3 which is very nice. lre from Aunty Lee. Borrowed gramophone from Y.M.C.A.
1 May Tuesday
Inspection in mrng by Gen. Hobbs. Div Comndr. Pretty hot. Wrote lres. to Albert & Frank Bart. lre from Rup. No 2. Into Albert on special duty.
2 Wednesday
Specialists began their training. 3 of our crowd went to Amiens on leave saw Bde. Sig. Off re transfer to 53rd or 55th sent 2£ 15 [indecipherable]
3 Thursday
out to Rifle Range in morng. Worked till 4.30 in afternoon on bayonet fighting. No mail. Standing by to go up to the line to reinforce 2 Div.
4 Friday
Simply lovely weather. Hun aero. went over in morning & a piece of our own shrapnel nearly hit me !! out to Range on my own. 2 lres from Rup & sent long one in return.
5 Saturday
Inoculated in morng but all OK. Rode out to Montauban in afternoon & saw Graham Wright & Browne etc. Div. Sports in afternoon. Lre from Rup saying she was going on leave..
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6 Sunday [May]
Feet tired – run down due to inoculation. Saw the big crates at la Boignelle in afternoon. Pennefather came back. 3 officers went to Amiens
7 Monday
off at 8.0 to Albert & entrained for Bapaume. Arrived there 1.30 & marched on to dugouts in rear of Vaux. The 2nd Bde went up to relieve the 1st Bde.
Cory & I found a cosy dug out & slept the sleep of the just!
8 Tuesday
Rained during the night & everyone got wet ‘cept-Cory – I"!! Rain kept on during day the mud gets bad. The 15th Bde took over our trenches, & we moved forward to Vaux. Hellish bombardmt at night.
9 Wednesday
Spent a very cold night owg to a draughty billet & no blankets! Trench coat came in handy. Saw Colonel Milligan & we discussed the old 4th Bn. Moved our billets at night. Two gas alarms each wise wash outs. Slept well.
10 Thursday
Topping weather. Recd 10 lrts today. 3 from Rup. Great cheers!!! Rained in evening. No definite move in Bullecourt. Expected to go up to the Front trenches but was left alone. Guns busy
11 Friday
News came thro that an English Division had captured Bullecourt. Weather lovely. Parcel of electric stuff came from Muriel.
12 Saturday
Am writing "some" diary to Rup. Just got on to the 20th page. Played Bridge in evening with Roberts, Run & Cory but was rather fer up and bored. Hun dropped a shell in our garden!!!
13 Sunday
Recd orders to go up tonight and relieve the 55th. Posted long diary to Rup per Town major of Vaux also have him my coat to mind. Ruined while the relief was on & we all got wet
14 Monday
The Beastly Boshe starts a barrage at 8 am. Keeps it up all day. Absolutely Hell!! Take me home to Blighty!!! mud & wet also hellish. Feel like nothing on earth!
15 Tuesday
The barrage stopped at 8 or thereabouts & the Huns pinched a sector of the 54th with the aid of us (you bet) he was kicked out us feeling plurry awful. Head’s like a fire
16 Wednesday
Very quiet all morning. The Londons on our left reckon the Boche has retired Our patrols think different.
Everyone rather windy about nothing. Capt Thompson moved in last night & we indulged in hot stew & cocoa today.
17 Thursday
at 1.30 am or thabts. the blessed dugout caved in & buried me!! My right shldr went bung & I slept down at the AMC.
Off to hospital Warloy later after a tiresome journey. Wrote to Rup.
18 Friday
The Doc tells me that the trouble is torn muscles on my right shlder. Quite an easy time and the gramophone passes the time. Wrote to Rup & Ede
19 Saturday
Sent notes to Shannon & Post Corp. wrote to many letters to England. Arm improving am wondering what has happened to my Kit.
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20 Sunday [May]
Read & wrote & generally slacked. Sent over for my mail "again" but the Btn was still up the line.
21 Monday
Wrote to Rup & [indecipherable]. Absolutely haven’t a bean on me! Sent out S.O.S to the Field Cashier.
22 Tuesday
My washing came back minus the mud wch I thought would never come off. Wrote to Rup her daily note. Paid by field cashier
23 Wednesday
Got up & went into Albert & bought tunic etc. but felt rather bad later. Despatched one spencer on a tour for valise.
24 Thursday
Feeling better. French tailor altered my tunic buttons.
Read as usual and am very bored with life in general.
25 Friday
20 letters arrives. Great cheers ! 10 from Rup the rest from everyone. Hear that my valise is on it’s way. Went for a walk in afternoon
26 Saturday
DMS of the 5th Army came round. Got up in afternoon & went for a stroll but am still very weak. Player poker in evening & won 4 francs. Long lre to Rup.
27 Sunday
Went into Albert this morning after my valise but the beastly thing had not turner up. Played cards in evening.
28 Monday
Another bunch of mail arrives from Rup. Sent her the [indecipherable] & numerous postcards.
29 Tuesday
Am fed up with hosp & want to go back so asked the Doc. to let me go tomorrow. lre to Rup re £20.
30 Wednesday
Left hospital at roam & got down to Bapaume in hospital Train No. 4. (Doc Kelly) Stayed the night with Val Myer
31 Thursday
Rejoined the Bn in morning after a very good breckie with Myer. The Bn are at Le Transloy. Won 100 francs. at poker!!! lres from Rup.
1 June Friday
Took the company over as Ren is on Bde. Bombg Buried "two unknown German soldiers." Pennefather came in the evening from Bicourt & took over company. Orderly dog at 6pm.
2 Saturday
Order Dog today. Coy is digging trenches today at Villers O’Flos. large mail from Rup & parcel from Muriel. Won 100 fr at poker.
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3 Sunday [June]
Took the Bathing Parade to the Div. Baths. Rode over to the 8th Bde & saw Geoff Evans & all the crowd. Wrote to Rup No. 26
4 Monday
Penny took the coy. out on advance guards. Damned hot anyway & was glad to get ‘ome!
Brackpool joined up & others.
5 Tuesday
A beastly route march of over 8 miles rather knocked me up. A Shower bath in evening. Dined at Bapaume Railhead.
6 Wednesday
Out wiring at Villers au Flos.
lre from Rup. No. 32. Applied for leave to Amiens
7 Thursday
Out on a long route march in the morning. Played cricket for B. Coy in evening. Left for Amiens at 7 o’c & reached there at 2 am Friday.
8 Friday
stayed last night at the officers club. Bought some new Kit etc. & sampled the cocktails!
Drew 200 Fr off the Field Cashier.
9 Saturday
Left Amiens by the 5.52 train: Arrived camp at 10.30 am. & adjt. earns my hatred for the rest of his natural. still one cannot help being born "a pig" instead of a gentleman.
10 Sunday
The Padre preached on the doings of "Leave" people. Silly ass ! Evans came over to dinner. Sports on at 5.30. I was starter.
11 Monday
Hell of a thunderstorm last night & this morn. Rode in Bapaume to dentist & saw Myers at Camouflage. Had teeth tempy filled
12 Tuesday
usual parades. Played the Devons at soccer in the eveng & were licked 2-1. Orderly Dog today. Gippy clothes from Esc [?] came yesterday.
13 Wednesday
Route march at 7 o’c. I had Coy. & bally well didn’t have the horse! Feeling very fed. Somewhat stiff after yesterdays match.
14 Thursday
into Bapaume to dentist & the scoundrel gave me Hell. Met Cherry Slade in there. My valise came home yesterday. Beastly toothache.
15 Friday
Moving day. Boche blew up railway at Achiet le Petit & we are delayed. Reached Warloy just after midnight
16 Saturday
Troubled with rats last night confound them!
Built a nice tarpaulin tent in the afternoon & got a touch of the sun.
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17 Sunday [June]
Toddled off to the Corps School at Aveluy.
Lunch at Albert Officers Club. Had a swim in the Ancre
18 Monday
School began. I am in with Rankin & Castle. Wrote to Rup & Muriel for torch. Played Bridge in eveng.
19 Tuesday
Big thunderstorm in morning. work is pretty stiff. Thought I had finished with squad drill years ago!
20 Wednesday
Geoff Evans dropped in durg the morning Weather pretty hot. no mail from the bn. yet. 8th Bde. do a practise stunt nearby.
21 Thursday
much colder this morning. intend putting in for leave this weekend. Still no mail. Wrote to Rup No.40
22 Friday
Lectures given by Col. Ross quite good & most interesting. Concert in the evening. First mail from Rup. Cake & breeches from Ede.
23 Saturday
Off to Amiens at 1 pm with [indecipherable]. Went in civvy car which buster about 1 mile from Amiens!
Met Den & old Browne & had quite a merry evening.
24 Sunday
Got up late & only had coffee for breakfast!!
Couldn’t find old Browne for the rest of the day! Home in car. Put my other pip up
25 Monday
work again & feeling little nothing on earth!! Woobrych strainer his ankle on the B.F. Course,
26 Tuesday
rather cold. 8 letters from all over the world. Ede seems to have moved to Hants.
Good lecture in eveng by Col Ross on Stonewall Jackson.
27 Wednesday
usual days work. Wrote No. 45 to Rup. Played bridge with Heath & we went down 2000. Told Rup all at about it.
28 Thursday
Went to Albert in morning & had teeth fixed. Duke of Connaught was in there at 3rd Army HQ. Bought napkin rings for Rup. Back for dinner. Concert by the Coves.
29 Friday
Easy day for a change. Col. came to tornets. Anzac Cove gave anor concert in eveng. parcel from Muriel with torch & cigs.
30 Saturday
Raining all day wrote up my backward mail. Not many went Amiens. Played bridge until a late hour.
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[Cutting from a newspaper]
Saturday’s London papers contained several hundred "In Memoriam" notices of officers and men who fell in action a year ago yesterday when the British Somme push began. The affectionate remembrance in which a British officer can be held by his men is strikingly shown in the case of Major G. B. Bosanquet, the members of the Sergeant’s mess having inserted the following:-
In proud and revered memory of a true soldier and gentleman, Major G. B. Bosanquet, Gloucester Regiment, who fell in action on July 1, 1916. The finest gentleman and bravest leader a soldier could serve under.
Among the regiments who publish "In Memoriam" notices to their officers, warrant officers and men are the Lincolnshires, Royal Sussex, Sherwood Foresters and the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, which adds the words "Gentlemen, when the Barrage lifts"
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1 Sunday [July]
Had a good sleep in! Rained all day! Guns making hell of row. Wrote much mail.
2 Monday
Weather much warmer- nothing much doing the weekenders had rather a strenuous time!!
3 Tuesday
Beastly hot & the 'round me'[indecipherable] man was very energetic!! Feeling fed up with things somewhat.
4 Wednesday
Quite an interestg morning on trench to trench attack.
no mail from Rup.
5 Thursday
Paid 270 Frs. & sent £5 to Rup. 56th came up to do a stunt on O.Villers. Put in some good revolver shootg.
6 Friday
Concert in evening by the Div. Concert party. Rather putrid & not to be compared with the "Coves." Put in for leave
7 Saturday
demonstration to all Corps Platoon Cmdrs. Into O Villers – met Major Sumpter [?] & on to Amiens with him.
8 Sunday
up late so went for stroll with Major Sumpter. Lunched with him & his mates also dined with her and her Mater. Also dined with Mrs Trip and Mrs Anderson
9 Monday
Home to Albert at 12 M.D. up at 6 AM & got back to Aveluy for brekker. Picked for revolver team. No lres from Rup.
10 Tuesday
Big stunt in morng on attack. Rather bored & tired. Parcel came from Rup. Heard that Graham [?] was back with the 8th T.B.
11 Wednesday
I took the 5th Div. Ppat. in attack & did quite well. Had the windup Rather!! saw Major Knight in evening. Parcel from Rup.
12 Thursday
Went to the 32nd for dinner & saw Col Davies re transfer. Called on Perkins in hospital
13 Friday
out all day stunt. Shot on the revolver competition & the 5th came second.
14 Saturday
Another demonstration stunt to Platoon Comdrs. Into Amiens with Lamerton. Tead at Temporaine 1.2. Met Dundas [?] stayed at the du Rhein.
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[Duplicate of page 22]
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15 Sunday [July]
Woolrych came in at 1 am from Albert & slept in my room. We spent the day together & had plenty of music. On the river. Home by rail.
16 Monday
last mail from Rup addressed to school. Nothing doing much. end of course drawing near. Read "Prester John".
17 Tuesday
training for drill competition. I am one of the unfortunates. Sent Rup £3 Feelg somewhat seedy.
18 Wednesday
Corps Gymkhana. The 5th Div. went to pieces & the cup goes to the 2nd Div. Rained so I did not go down to sports.
19 Thursday
Left School at 11 o/c & toddled over to Becourt. No hope of going to the Bn. so spent the night in Albert.
20 Friday
Walked back to Becount in morning but still nothing doing. Played bridge & read. Slept in Camp with Woolrych.
21 Saturday
Left Becourt about 2pm & joined the Bn. at Herrissart Number of of new officers there.
22 Sunday
My first church parade for months! The billet is filthy Feeling ill already. Wrote muchly in evening
23 Monday
Hear from Rup that the £5 turned up. Musketry parade in the morning. Read & wrote in afternoon. Coy. 0.0.
24 Tuesday
Big mail from Rup Ede etc. sent parcel of light uniform to Rup. M.G. stunt with 16 of ‘em – Rather a waste, I reckon.
25 Wednesday
out on usual stunts in morning below the village. no mail today. Omeletted with Ren, Adams [?] etc.!! Wardon got his comm.
26 Thursday
out on outpost stunts all morning. very hot. feeling rather crook in the throat. Bn. O.O. this evening.
27 Friday
Did not go on parade ‘cos of cold, bad throat & head!!
feelg very groggy. lres from Jack [indecipherable] & Rup
28 Saturday
Orders that we leave tomorrow. Didn’t go out on parade have still bad cold & throat.
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29 Sunday [July]
Packed up etc. sent anor parcel of clothes home. Hell of a bombardment up north.
30 Monday
Left Herrissart at 9 am & entrained at Puchevillers. Long journey to Arques. Marched to Ebblinghem & found fairly comfy billet at 12 mid night.
31 Tuesday
No parade today. I took over mess sec. The push began but no news thro’ yet.
1 Aug. Wednesday
Heard that all objectives have been taken. no parades owing to wet weather.
2 Thursday
Short route march in morning. Still short of news sent £2 to Rup. Guest night. Quite success
3 Friday
Raining as usual. Route march in morning abt. 8 miles. Williamson & I went for a stroll in the eveng !!
4 Saturday
Another route march bit longer than yesterday. Rain stopping at last. Letter & photo from Dorothy.
5 Sunday
Wrote many lres Major Simpson & Doc. Elliott came lunch. Ride in afternoon.
6 Monday
left Ebblinghem for Coulombs by motor bus. Billets fairly good. feeling very tired.
7 Tuesday
Bn. scheme in morning. again feel tired !!! Mail from Rup. Wrote her also
8 Wednesday
Anor Bn. scheme. We are in reserve this time. Rain came again
9 Thursday
Bde. scheme which was rather a w.w. English troops. came to the village for billets
10 Friday
Left Coulombs for Ebblinghem. Rotten march. Williamson & I wound up the clock.
11 Saturday Half –Quarter Day
Raining again. Heard from alb. [?] that he was quite near.
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12 Sunday [Aug.]
Rode to Setques & met alb. Had quite a jolly day. Got back at 10 o/c after 24 mile riding.
13 Monday
Feeling sore thro’ yesterdays long ride. Out on Route march. Met Alb. in St Omer in eveng.
14 Tuesday
Sent Rup spoons & £4. Raining again. Feelg very bad with life in general.
15 Wednesday
Paid the Company in evening. Created rather a record in time too. 200 men in 1 hr. 35 min.
16 Thursday
finished my rolls & came out square. Mess Bills all paid. Bathg parade to Blaringhem. Did not go but wrote letters
17 Friday
Nothg much on in morning except a route march. Gettg up a concert.
18 Saturday
Rode over & saw Geoff Evans. & Browne. Dined with Syme & Co. snaps from Rup.
19 Sunday 11th after Trinity
Made all arrangemts for Lunch for Alb. & Browne but the Blighters did not turn up.
20 Monday
The concert I got up took place O.K. though the band did let us down a bit.
21 Tuesday
A 10 mile into march to take some of the flesh off us. Photo from Rup.
22 Wednesday
Went to D.HQ in morng & saw Gen Godley. Young Musgrove joined the company.
23 Thursday
Out on usual training stunts. Scheme in afternoon. Boche planes over & bombs [indecipherable]dropped near
24 Friday
Took Company in morning for Gas [indecipherable]. Willie was away at cooking show
25 Saturday
Route march. Recd topping parcel from Rup with some [indecipherable].
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26 Sunday [Aug.]
Had the Major down to lunch. Col went to Blighty for few days. Raining
27 Monday
Have left my Diary four days so forget what has happened!!
28 Tuesday
Same as above will draw a face [sketch of face]
29 Wednesday
Inspected by Sir D. Haig & came out quite well.
30 Thursday
Concert in eveng at 14th F. And B. Jolly good. no mail came owing to rough sea.
31 Friday
Pay day & drew 690 [?] francs to send £20 home to Rup. Photo from Dorothy.
1 Sept. Saturday
finished my paying sent anor £5 to Rup. Busy building huts for refugees.
2 Sunday
Took church parade but left during the service owing to my objection to the Preacher. Air raid on St Omer.
3 Monday
Out on new formation for the attack. Heard from Rup in answer to my No 87.
4 Tuesday
Anor lre from [word deleted] though not as nice as yesterday’s training
5 Wednesday
Competition for platoons & I won!!
Gave my chaps their beer. no mail from Blighty
6 Thursday
Two topping lres from Rup. Nothing doing much. Adams went on leave.
7 Friday
Elected as caterer for the coming Demonstration. I spoke to the Major about my leave
8 Saturday
Stunt on with the new method of attack. Put in my application for leave
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9 Sunday [Sept.]
Took church parade. Heard & was going on leave next Thursday wrote & told Rup.
10 Monday
sent 4 lres over to Blighty by a chap on leave. My leave looks quite promising
11 Tuesday
Rumours of an early move. Leave still on. Great excitement.
12 Wednesday
preparing for Thursday sport. Was paid at Blaringhem. Bought [indecipherable]and beer at [indecipherable]
13 Thursday
Off to dear old Blighty!!! Train took 4½ hours to get to Boulogne. Stayed at Paris Hotel.
14 Friday
Left Boulogne at 8 pm & had pretty rough crossing. Reached Town at noon & reported. Dined with Dad at N.10
15 Saturday
Met Rup & Muriel at Victoria in morng
shopped in afternoon. Stayed in all evening
16 Sunday
Fixed things up with the Vicar at St Augustines – called on Dorothy [indecipherable] in afternoon
17 Monday
Busy day with Rup in Town- bought her present. Ring Licence etc. Stayed the night at [indecipherable]
18 Tuesday
Got married today at St Augustine’s Highgate. Rex Turner was my best man. Went to Wargrave.
19 Wednesday
Rained all day so we stayed in, played bridge. Wire from HQ for 4 days extension.
20 Thursday
Rowed up to Henley with Rup. Hard pullg coming back. Havg quite a happy time!
21 Friday
Went to Maidenhead by train & called on the Webbs – up to Cookham lunch by electric boat.
22 Saturday
Drove into Reading & lunched there. Tead at Sonning I took photos Played billiards with [indecipherable].
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23 Sunday [Sept]
Up to Town – Lunched at Highgate. Stayed at the [indecipherable] Hotel
24 Monday
To HQ & altered allotment with Rup. Dorothy came to tea also saw Gladys [indecipherable] Arlette in eveng. Air raid.
25 Tuesday
For a walk in the Park in ming. to the "at Home" in aftern. at H’gte. anor Air Raid but not much damage done.
26 Wednesday
down to Folkestone at 11.0.c. tried to get to Dover to see Katie but we were taken for spies!!! Listened to the band in eveng.
27 Thursday
Brekker in bed!! Topping day. Walked along the Leas & listened to band saw airship & plane. Katie came to tea
28 Friday
caught the 3.30 pm boat to France & the 12.54 train up to Pop. [Two lines deleted]
29 Saturday
Got off at Caestre & joined the Details camp & had a good sleep. Heard of the rotten casualties in the [indecipherable]
30 Sunday
Went over & saw Morrisset & amp; some of the 8th fellows. Rumours of going up tomorrow
1 Oct. Monday
Went for a walk – a route march & we did not move up.
2 Tuesday
Paraded early & marched up & joined the Bn. My first 2 lres from my wife.
3 Wednesday
Am appointed Sig off again & endeavd to straighten things out.
4 Thursday
Bathing parade in morning & was turned out damned early. Ripping little note from Rup.
5 Friday
Got busy with tho Sig’s. Courtney came back from the T.B. [indecipherable] & I had tea in village at Reninghelst
6 Saturday
Raining all blessed day. Two topping lres from Rup & the proofs – Return same
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7 Sunday [Oct]
Cold & Wet & fed up!!! Take me back to dear old Blighty.
8 Monday
shifted camp from Reninghelst to Ondernoom [?].
Rained of course & we got washed out. What a life!!
9 Tuesday
In Evan’s court martial as Prisoner’s Friend. [Three lines deleted]
10 Wednesday
Evan court M finished & he got off. Don’t know whether it was due to me tho !!!
11 Thursday
Had quite a good feed in Reninghelst with Pennie. Raining muchly.
12 Friday
Hear that we are move tomorrow upwards!! Wrote lng lre to Rup.
13 Saturday
Packed & moved up to Westhoek Ridge at night. up to our necks in mud but still happy !!!!
14 Sunday
Am on Sigs job & with HQ. in a Boche pill box. Gas shells at night & lost my sleep !!
15 Monday
Wrote a short note to Rup. Received quite a number of lres from everyone. Plenty of gas shells at night.
16 Tuesday
Heavy shells all day & we had some narrow escapes. More Gas damn it !!
17 Wednesday
Moved up to the line at 4 oc & had rough time! Boche plane chased us on the duckboards.
18 Thursday
Our phones lines are dis. on & off but we get along somehow. Buzza [indecipherable] & D M blown out.
19 Friday
Lines going well especially the one to Bde. Heavy shelling all day
20 Saturday
Saw Woolrych in morning. Getting fed up & was gassed by the beastly tear stuff.
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21 Sunday [Oct]
The Boche gave Westhoek Ridge a drubbing. Relieved by the 31st.
22 Monday
stayed last night at Halfway House & went on to Dickebusch.[?] Lovely bath !!
23 Tuesday
Into Bailleul with Pennie for lunch. Saw Evans at the club in there. Beaucoup Rain.
24 Wednesday
Still raining nothing much doing. Our battle planes seen in neighbourhood of Dickebusch.
25 Thursday
Left for Wipponhoek [?] on the border. Billitted with QM, MO & R.T.O. Feeling crook.
26 Friday
Wrote long lre to Rup. Reced 3 from her. Raining like Hell. Pennie goes on leave tonight.
27 Saturday
Maters Birthday cleaned up & was fine & cold.
Laid a line to B.O.R.from our haystack [indecipherable]. Hear that Rup was mentioned in orders.
28 Sunday
2 lres from Rup re the valuable services rendered !! Wrote & good deal & read. Feeling fagged.
29 Monday
Pennie goes on leave & took my Boche revolver. nothing doing much. New reinforcement allotted.
30 Tuesday
Picked new sigs [indecipherable]. Parcel of gloves from mate Jenkins for my birthday. lre from Arthur Gottlieb.
31 Wednesday
General parade in morng full sigs. Tead in Abeele & bought some mags. [indecipherable] returned from school.
1 Nov. Thursday
Rumours of a move. not much doing & having quite an easy time.
2 Friday
Spent the afternoon at the Aerodrome amp; had dinner with Hibbs of the Sherwoods.
3 Saturday
Off to [Donlien?] as Billiting Bloke. General mess up & slept in the mayors house
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4 Sunday [Nov]
off to our new billets with vague map reference & plenty of bluff !!! Fixed them up o.k. tho
5 Monday
spent the day getting everyone more or less settled. Three lres. from Rup Cheers !!
6 Tuesday
Have quite a decent billet myself. Am savg one for Pennie. Visited the Aust. Hosp. & saw Sis. Shepheard.
7 Wednesday
Much rain & cold. Ugh – the coming Winter. Am to be counsel for Usher ! my hat !!! Parcel for birthday from Rup.
8 Thursday
Hear we move on the 10th Watts came to dinner. Heard from [indecipherable] at Havre. Paid in Baillieul
9 Friday
Had rather a good dinner of chicken etc ! lres from Rup. Alb. & Muriel. we leave tomorrow for [indecipherable]
10 Saturday
Born 1891& still going strong !! moved to Locre in Belgium.
11 Sunday
Moved on to Linchenhoek [?] Camp from Locre. Quite a good place & camp.
12 Monday
Played cards most of the day & won a few francs !!! Photos of Rup & I came from her.
13 Tuesday
Went ahead to sun new support position at Wijtschaete Ridge. Pretty quiet spot.
14 Wednesday
HQ have some dugout ! Oak fittings & feather beds. also enamelled fire grates. snaps from Rup.
15 Thursday
Lovely day & no shelling ! Cheers !! Went up forward with MacDonnell & saw our line
16 Friday
moved to new HQ in Ravine Wood in aftrn. Communications rather rotten but soon fixed them up
17 Saturday
Shifted again back to [indecipherable] Farm & established myself there. Rather a cramped sleep !
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18 Sunday [Nov]
Usher FGCM. [Field General Court Martial] The blighter was convicted. Should the Brig. round the line more or
less !!
19 Monday
Done much writing. Five lres.!! D.Coy found that the L.G. was not missing after all.
20 Tuesday
Phones in a putrid state. specially the 237 Fuller. Two lres. from Rup !! Dorothy. Had a bath !!!
21 Wednesday
Went down to D Coy with some chocs. Fags for Johnnie Watt. Anor MG scare – more GCM’S !!! Spent the night at adv. Coy HQ with Jack Gordon.
22 Thursday
Slept until noon as I was beastly tired. Nothing doing
23 Friday
The same old round & common task. Nothing happening much
24 Saturday
Investigated Cohen’s haunted dug out but found no solution. Reported it anyway.
25 Sunday
Jock wounded. The bally Hun smashed our crockery !!! Weather changing & colder.
26 Monday
Wandered round with Major Lucas & had some tea at the Y.M.C.A. Cotton returned
27 Tuesday
Nothing doing much. Wrote a good deal & read
28 Wednesday
Incoming Sig off. came down to see me. Heard from Reggie. Boche raided us & we wounded two.
29 Thursday
Went over to the "Archie" Battery & learned one or two things. Relieved by the 57th Bn. & came back to Kemmel.
30 Friday
On Court Martial of Manning & Co. & Quinn. Prosecutor this time !! Concert by 5th Div. people, jolly good.
1 Dec. Saturday
Was appointed on to ante room C.O !! Tried to get to Baillieul but came one !! Sent £5 to Rup.
[Page 34]
2 Sunday [Dec]
Went into Baillieul & bought more gear. First snow this year. Bought new British warm [overcoat]
3 Monday
Played for B. Coy. at soccer & licked C-4-1 ante Room opened.
4 Tuesday
Things going quite well in the anteroom. Went to Baillieul again for stores & reached home in [indecipherable]
5 Wednesday
Very Cold !!! Freezing in fact ! Am longing for my Hurdcott Hut & someone to Rup me warm.
6 Thursday
Cohen goes on leave. Inquiring into the "listening dugout" by Stevens. Went to Kookaburras.
7 Friday
Dined out with Woolrych at the club in Kemmel. Weather turned much milder.
8 Saturday
appointed to look after some more court martials. Had a hot shower at the club.
9 Sunday
Attended a meeting at the officer club
10 Monday
Court martials all day. Interrupted by air Raids & bird !! [?] Boxing tournaments.
11 Tuesday
Brackpool Gordon & Wittleton came back. Heugh [?] went to hospital. Getting short of cash!!
12 Wednesday
Another meetg at the club & paid out 30 fr for them & 10 fr for the bar.
13 Thursday
Left Rosignol camp at 11.30 & entrained for Desvres. Reached there about 7o’c. & rested well & truly
14 Friday
marched on to Tingry. and billetted with Padre Cure = confound him.
15 Saturday
Changed my billet toute suite !!! The cure & the 9 o’c touch got on my nerves !
[Page 35]
16 Sunday [Dec]
Very Cold church parade Trist fall of snow (heavy) Parcels from Rup chockes
17 Monday
Jolly cold route march & the roads were thick with snow. Feeling fed up.
18 Tuesday
On Court of Inquiry over missing men all morng. Went to Desvres in aftn & dined with Browne & Graham. Saw Col. [indecipherable]
19 Wednesday
Fixed up the line to the Adjt. C.O. Bre & myself. damned cold.
20 Thursday
Got a brazier in my room at last !!! Jolly warm too ! shall never go out now !!!
21 Friday
Route march in morning. Finished reading "Bindle" – topping book. must send it to Rup.
22 Saturday
lres from Addie Warly & Evans & Rup. answered them all. Heath & Sprattt joined up yesterday
23 Sunday
Had a good sleep in as there was no church parade !!!
24 Monday
Into Boulogne with Thompson & saw the Smythes Home in Davies car by nine o’clock
25 Tuesday
Lunched & dined at B & G [?] mess. Quite a good day considering. Hear that Rup has had [indecipherable]
26 Wednesday
No parades thank goodness !! Snow fell again. Sent books to Rup.
27 Thursday
Went over the Bde line with linesman. Came back with Woolrych. won another 8 frs at Bridge.
28 Friday
Specialist parade in morng. Went to B. & bought new tunic & was wanted while away ! just my luck
29 Saturday
Read & wrote a good deal. Stunt in morng which was damned cold !! No mail for day
[Page 36]
30 Sunday [Dec]
Leave into Boulogne to do some shopping. Put in for Paris leave Diary arrived from Rup.
31 Monday
Here ended the happiest year of my life, in the Army. A Good time all thro’
1918 1 Jan. Tuesday
On the day we ‘it the transport
there was a cheering on the pier,
An’ the girls was wavin’ hankies
as they dropped a partin’ tear,
An’ we felt like little heroes as we
watched the crowd recede,
Fer we sailed to prove Australia
an’ our boasting of the breed.
"The young who avoid the region of romance escape the title of fool at the expense of a celestial crown"
Hard to behave as though one never cared
Hard to believe we may not meet again
London ! recall the happiness we shared
I have forgot the hurting and the pain.
[Page 37]
and ‘til we are built like angels
With hammer & chisel & pen
We will work for ourselves & a woman
For ever &anm; ever amen
[Transcribed by Darren Blumberg, Peter Mayo for the State Library of New South Wales]
[Transcriber's note:
The entry ‘lre’ seems to be an abbreviation for letter]