Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Anna Josepha King journal of a voyage from England to Australia in the ship 'Speedy', 19 November 1799 - 15 April 1800
C 185

Mrs King’s Journal of her 2d Voyage to New South Wales which commenced the 20th of November 1799.
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Tuesday Novbr. the 19th 1799
Embarked with all my family on board the ship Speedy, commanded by Captain George Questend bound to the Cape of Good Hope, and from thence to New Holland

Wednesday the 20th
Sailed from Spitshead in company with one hundred and fifty sail of Ships under convoy with the Queen Charlotte and Sanspariel with a fine fair wind. Employed putting all our little matters in order. None of my family sea sick nor have we time to think about it.

Thursday the 21st
King seized with a violent cold and rheumatism occasioned I fear from laying in a damp bed, our at last, sudden departure prevented us from having them properly aired. Fresh breezes but fair.

Friday the 21st
Laid too, for about two hours, for the ships to come out from Falmouth in number about twenty joined us the wind fair.

Wednesday the 27th
A fine steady breeze – my close attention to Kings indisposition has prevented me from making any observations between the last dates – he still is very ill with the gout in every part.
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Thursday the 28th
Fine weather and a fair wind.

Friday the 29th
Parted company with the fleet under convoy with Lord Keith bound to Lisbon. King still confined to his bed – the gout very bad in his head – fine weather and a fair wind.

Saturday the 30th
The weather as before.

Sunday Decbr the 31st
Very squally weather – King still ill.

Monday 2d
Still very bad weather the ship labouring very much and taking in heavy seas

Tuesday 3d
Lost our convoy in the middle of the night. At daylight saw five sail, four at a great distance ahead and one astern. We lay too for her to come up to us. We found her to be one of the extra Indiamen – she mounted twenty guns she was bound to Madras. Our commodore had made a signal for all the fleet to lay too – and how our misfortune came to pass nobody could tell- but we was very happy that we was not quite alone therefore determined to keep company with the Indiamen.
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I confess I fear we shall find ourselves in some danger I expect nothing else but that we shall be taken. King getting a little better.

Wednesday 4th
The weather still very squally and strong breezes, but a fair wind – the ship taking in heavy seas - King continues to recover – got up to dinner.

Thursday 5h
More moderate in company with the Indiamen.

Friday 6th
King quite recovered and able to go on the deck, fine moderate weather and a calm sea a strange sail in the morning – still in company with the Indiaman – looking out for the land (the Madieras) but cannot see it.

Saturday 7th
Made the land at daylight very squally and a foul wind.

Sunday 8th
Fine weather with slight squals, saw a strange sail a stern under full sail coming after us, our companion being a very dull sailor the captain did not know what to do but at last agreed to let all sail and take our departure – we hoisted the colours for a few minutes in compliment to our friend, and away we went – and before night she was full down
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down. the wind much more fair but very squally.

Monday 9th
A very heavy gale which lasted all the day obliged to lay too, ship labouring and taking in much water, at night the lead lights was obliged to be put in the sea having broke the windows. I passed a very uncomfortable night. Made the Salvage Islands – the wind more moderate and the sea going down a very great swell and a foul wind.

Wednesday 11th
Made the land Tenerieffe and Palma. becalmed between both Islands which makes our situation very unpleasant as we must be in sight of the enemy however we was very lucky to pass unobserved.

Thursday 12th
Still a calm the wind variable at times. Still near the land – saw a dolphin close to the ship’s side – fine moonlight nights, which makes it very pleasant. Was it dark nights, our situation would be very unsafe, being so near the Canaries – all well on board
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Friday 13th
A foul wind variable at all points of the compass – Still near the land – the weather fine. This being our dear boy’s birthday we did not forget to drink his health- one of the convicts very weak with a bad cold – a child also very ill and not expected to live. all else well.

Saturday 14th
The wind still foul with light squalls made the land [indecipherable] - cleared it at ten oclock at night.

Sunday 15th
The wind rather more favourable with light squalls every now and then - a fine afternoon. Dined on the deck.

Monday 16th
The weather fine. Dined off a very fine goose, large round of beef, carrots, potatoes & a good plum pudding, one of the men very ill – the woman also – the child much better.
Employed unpacking our stores find much injured by damp particularly new cotton stockings – hats in pretty good order – in looking over some papers & letters I found one from my friend Mrs Enderby that I had not opened, and the last she sent to me from Bath, before my departure from Portsmouth – which from the great hurry I was then in, has I suppose forgotten to be given to me at the proper time – therefore conclude that
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that in the hurry and bustle it has been packed up without being looked at however it gave me the greatest pleasure to peruse, at this distant part of the globe a letter from my friend -the poor woman named Elizabeth Strathan departed this life about four and was buried at eight. We have quite a calm scarcely a breath of wind and the water as smooth as a millpond. Such days as these would be called pleasant, but I must confess coward as I am I should rather prefer a breeze provided the wind is fair, and which I hope may be the case tomorrow morning – I am sorry to conclude this days observation by adding that the Scotch fiddle has made its appearance amongst the ladies which has caused some new arrangements.

Tuesday 17th
Fine weather the wind more favourable the sick getting better.

Wednesday 18th
Got the trade winds going eight knots continue to go the same all the day and night.
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Thursday 19th
Still fine weather and a fair wind, saw a strange sail ahead coming up with her fast, she appears to be one of the convoy, and by her heaving a half point different to our course with all her sails set, she is fareful what we might be- however we soon set her at ease by very soon passing her and before noon she appeared hull down – I must confess had we been in her situation, and a ship coming so fast up with us – as we did with her – I should have had some fears

Friday 20th
Charming weather, and a tolerable breeze our females very sickly the weather very warm.

Saturday 21st
Variable light airs expecting to make St Anthony the weather very hazy at noon saw it ahead, at five oclock saw it ahead a little breeze sprung up made sail and took leave of St Anthony supposing this to be the day my dear boys vacation takes place I cannot help thinking much on his account, as I know he will feel our seperation more at this time than at another – but I am certain
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he will meet with many friends, that will notice him , as to dear Maria I feel very easy on her account knowing she is under the protection of a worthy and sincere friend who is more like a mother to her than anything else

Sunday 22d
A delightful fine day very warm and a calm till towards the evening when a fair wind sprung up in sight of the Islands St. Vincent, St Lucia & St Nicholas

Monday 23d
Fine fresh breeze doing at times eight and nine knots, finding our porter in the lockers, flying, and bursting, we unstowed it, to save the remains- dined, and drank tea on the Quarter deck. Killed a sheep – struck a porpoise hawled her on deck, cut her open and found a young porpoise in her about a foot long. Unpacked sundries find them in good condition. Saw the Islands
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St Iago [indecipherable] and [indecipherable].

Tuesday 24th
Passed a very unpleasant night – strong breezes and very squally – continue so all the day, going eight knots – the ship very [easy?].

Wednesday 25th
Much more moderate this being Christmas day all the officers dined with us – our dinner consisted of a boiled leg of mutton three roast fowls and a very fine ham with as good a mincepie as could be made on board ship. The ladies seems all very happy and by way of a treat they had a little dance for about two hours- it was much amusement to us to look at them, some attempted Irish, other Scotch steps and in truth I could scarcely make out any sort of steps – but a country [jump?]. At tea King was taken with a violent pain in his knee which lasted all the evening – the weather very sultry and hot and looking very much like a tornadoe this sudden change of weather is the cause of so much sickness – the man that I have
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mentioned before as being sick he is at this time very weak and low two women not expected to recover, a child very ill.

Thursday 26th
King very ill – gout flying about him a fine breeze and dreadfully hot. My former opinion with respect to the behaviour of our females is very much differed now as the following circumstance will convince everybody. What hardened depraved creatures the greater part of them are - The Captain had reason to punnish one of the boys, for a guilt occasioned by a woman of the name of Ward- for which she was also to be punished by being pumped on (the only punishment the Captain has ever inflicted on any of them). this woman has often been heard to say that if ever she was pumped on, that she would jump overboard the next momemt – and sure enough she did – and was it not for the very great expeditious
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manner with which the captain ordered the boat down took in sail (and at this time we was going seven knots) she must have been lost her clothes kept her up as long as she did, and when the boat got to her, she was sinking but the mate was very quick in his motions and got her up. – it pleased god that she should not be drowned. She was fortunately placed into the boat, with her head hanging downwards (and this was mear chance) the water of course ran out of her mouth nose, and ears – when she was brought along side the ship she was hoisted up in the boat- and when she was taken into the ship I really thought she was dead, the Doctor used every means for her recovery one of which I shall observe – he gave her three teaspoonfuls of ground pepper in a glass of red wine – a most powerful medicine but wonderful quick in the effect for immediately as it was put down her throat the salt water came off her stomach – three [indecipherable]
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She is recovering – It has given one such a turn against them, her conduct as well as all the rest, that I shall be happy to get to the end of our voyage, as soon as possible.

Friday 27th
King very ill – the woman recovering fast she appears to be very sorry for her past conduct, and she is determined to lead a better life for the time to come. a woman dangerously ill – two children the same.

Saturday 28th
King dangerously ill with a bad complaint in his stomach – gout in knees- elbow – hip – and one foot - in the course of the day – the obstruction was removed – gout very bad – but I thank god the worst part of his complaints is mending – one of the poor women that was so ill has just drawn her last breath – after a long and lingering illness – she has left a very young child about seven months old – of course we shall not let it [part?] whilst on board – Captain Questead has appointed a very good sort of an
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elderly woman to take care of it and should it live to reach our destined port I shall feel happy to protect a poor little orphan. – the weather is very hot a good deal of lightening and very heavy rain – not with standing the unpleasant situation of being under water – yet I feel refreshed at it – all the people getting water to wash with – and I am also well pleased because it will thoroughly wash fromour Quarters a party of live ducks that has found their way from betwixt decks. I must not forget to observe what a disappointment and fright I met with during dinner (the table we dine off is immediately under the skylight, and which was then open) I called for a glass of port, and was just going to drink the delicious draught when down came tumbling through the skylight a large fat goose plump on my head – with one foot in my glass – away went porter, glass and all – and with some bustle Capt. Questead saved and prevented the feathered Neptune from destroying the remains on the table – it caused a good laugh – with only the loss of porter & glass.
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Sunday 29th
The weather dreadfully hot and nearly a calm with frequent squalls – King very bad with gout only – Elizabeth very ill which is owing to the intense heat and prickly heat which we may expect will soon begin to make its appearance – the sick man recovering fast.

Monday 30th
A beautiful day a fine breeze which will enable us I hope to cross the Equator to morrow. King a little better – Elizabeth very poorly two other children very poorly thank god that I keep well – only faint at the great heat which we now have.

Tuesday 31st
King getting better, Elizabeth very ill crossed the Equator in the morning early. Seventeen men went throught the usual ceremony of being shaved &c. The ladies were excused excepting one who choose to be very curious – and hid herself in the sheep pen, in order to see the ceremony passed on the men – to be sure she choose a nice warm situation – and a very snug one as she thought – but
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unfortunately one of Mr Neptunes tribe observing her peeping throught the boards, he ran to catch her but before he got to her, she jumped through and got away from him however it was judged right, that she should be paid for peeping therefore she was under the necessity of going through the operation – poor creature she stamped and screamed, tore her hair but all to no purpose. She is an Irish woman and the only one of that country on board.

Wednesday January 1st, 1800
A greater part of our ladies complaining of a fashionable sickness – Elizabeth a little better – King recovering – the weather very hot. May all our dear friends in England enjoy in health and every happiness the returns of this season – tho we are far from them yet our thoughts are often with them- and never more, than at this time – this hot weather prevents us from enjoying a good dinner which consists of a goose, fowls, ham, and mince [indecipherable] with some of the finest potatoes I ever eat in my life.
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Fine weather a tolerable good breeze going six and seven knots. Elizabeth very poorly many persons on board sick. King I am happy to say is mending fast.

Friday 3d
A very hot day weather and wind as far as can be expected here, good. Elizabeth a little better – King a good deal better.

Saturday 4th
Going on much the same, the sick rather better, unpacked more boxes find them in a dismal condition, most of my little things spoilt from being wet & lying by in that state for so many months without being looked at; find in the same box to have lost out of it ten pounds of calico muslim, this is one of our small losses, and all that can be said is that we must put up with it quietly. I am however a few gowns out of pocket by this misfortune.
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Sunday 5th
Fine weather the atmosphere much more healthy for what it has been for this week past – now I find it quite hot enough. In the night or rather early on the morning awakened and much alarmed by the screaming of a woman (a woman named Butler). She appeared mad – she bit and drew her face in all manner of shapes – the doctor could not tell what to make of this sudden disorder (she had had some little complaints such as a cold before). She continued in this state the whole night.

Monday 6th
The weather very fine, the wind but indifferent but as well as can be expected in this place - Butler very ill, she says she shall not live – every appearance of madness and seems to have a wish to divulge a something. Employed unpacking trunks find them in very good order. Our little orphan getting a very fine boy. King just came out of his morning bath which he enjoys twice a week, and finds it to do him much service.
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Tuesday 7th
Thw wind varaible and squally Mrs Butler still very ill.

Wednesday 8th
A very hot day, the wind fair. Mrs Butler has bit her nurse on her hip wanting to eat meat, sent her boiled mutton which fortunately I was at that time having made into broth. She eat ravenously – after having eat it she appeared better – but at five oclock an alteration for the nurse – and at half past seven she departed this life without a grone. I cannot help lamenting this womans death, as she appeared a clearly better sort of woman – notwithstanding she lived amongst the officers in the [Heragen?]

Thursday 9th
Poor Mrs Butler buried – in sight of Trinidad – and other small islands. A little breeze towards the end of the day, very hot and sultry, the sick recovering.

Friday 10th
Beautiful weather and a pretty good breeze.
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Saturday 11th
Spent the whole day on the deck, had a general clean throught the ship. Dreadfully hot, the sun just over our head, a tolerable fair breeze.

Sunday 12th
Fine weather and the wind favourable. We spend the greatest part of our time on the deck. Constantly drink tea on the deck.

Monday 13th
Fine weather, at noon the wind came contrary but from the appearance of the sky we may expect it to change again before the morning.

Tuesday 14th
A great out cry amongst the ladies that they had seen Mrs Butler’s spirit amongst them in the night . A child very ill named Paterson – it has been ill ever since it came on board – no person ever thought that it could live, day after day. Our little orphan is very well and grows a very pretty boy.

Wednesday 15
The wind foul, towards the afternoon it died, it came calm which will change the wind – and I hope more in our favour – Mr Lewis compleately taken in – he went out on the Bowsplit to look at a fish that one of the men had caught, and on his return found himself fastened to
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to the Bowsplit – forfeit a ½ gallon rum.

Thursday 16th
A calm and extremely hot, after the business of the day was over a greater part of the ships company jumped over board to enjoy a good swim – and which they had compleately. Saw a great number of porpoises, only two whales has been seen since we have been at sea - we have not seen a shark since we have been out.

Friday 17th
Foul wind but a very fine day

Saturday 18th
At seven oclock this morning our largest hog fell down the main hatch way and broke three ribs of each side her back -- this was unfortunate as we had just killed a sheep. A fine breeze towards noon with light showers towards the evening.

Sunday 19th
A very fine day and a fair wind, going eight, and nine knots, this being Sunday our ladies all dressed out very neat & clean excepting one, that calles herself Lady Underhill – she complains very much that she cannot wear the things government has provided for her – and unfortunately she has but very few others – I never

saw such a proud creature in all my life and with all her rags and dirt – would you believe that she mounts a muslim turban which is often as black as ink – then it is white – then when her Ladyship employs a person to wash it – she wears a black ribbon.

Monday 20th
A fine fair wind continue to go eight and nine knots through the whole day & night – the middle of which a heavy sea struck her on the starbord quarter

Tuesday 21st
A fair but a stong breeze frequent squalls at noon we had on the log board two hundred and twenty five miles – I never remember to have gone such a number of miles in all my life before in one day – at eleven oclock the wind shifted from the quarter directly aft so momentary that it occasioned the ship to labour very much, and take in a good deal of water. Obliged to have deadlights in - which makes us look very dismal and gloomy however we are spinning a fine long [thread?] towards the Cape of Good Hope.
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Wednesday 22d
Much more moderate the wind fair going seven and eight knots – our goat that we purchased at Portsmouth has just brought us two kids after going seven weeks longer than was expected, when we left England – the man said she would kid in a fortnight after we was at sea – the poor sick child still alive, but very much reduced – the little orphan very poorly – Captain Questead very poorly, with a violent cold caught, by his being obliged to keep the deck constantly wet.

Thursday 23d
Fair winds with frequent squalls going infinitely better than could be expected – I find myself very poorly with a bad cold – King I am happy to say is in good health he finds his warm bath, of the greatest use to him. It is a large tin shoe, painted green big enough to put his whole body into, when
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he bathes it is placed under the companion outside the cabin door when it is filled with warm water a sail is thrown over the companion which covers him – from everything. I often take a dip after him. Captain Questead still very poorly – the doctor taken very unwell – little orphan better the other child very ill.

Friday 24th
A fine breeze made choice to dine on the deck – the wind being aft occasions the ship to labouir so much, that we cannot sit at the table – quietly and steady going eight knots – Captain Questead much better – and so am I also the doctor.

Saturday 25th
A fine fair breeze, getting on in every respect very well – when we left the Lizzard and I gave Capt. Questead ten weeks to the Cape of Good Hope – and by the present appearance I think he will do it in that time – unless like all other naval operations – wind and weather should prevent – this morning it pleased god to release the poor little girl Elizabeth
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Paterson – she died about nine oclock and was buried in the course of the day – as we intend to look very brisk on our arrival – and because she shall not think we have been upon a short allowance – we have killed another sheep – Mr Gant very ill.

Sunday 26th
Fresh breezes – the latter part inclinable to a calm – and a great swell – Capt Questead quite well – King complaining and I dread the gout.

Sunday 27th
A fine breeze, going eight and nine knots – Mr Gant very unwell

Tuesday 28th
The weather very thick, and little wind

Wednesday 29th
A very fine day, and a little breeze. Mr Gant very ill.

Thursday 30th
Fresh breeze and cloudy weather the wind not so favourable, a sudden gust of wind broke the fore top steering sail, boom Mr Gant a little better orphan very poorly.

Friday 31st
Fresh breezes and a foul wind a very heavy sea
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February Saturday 1st
A strong southeast wind and a disagreeable cross sea – 12 o clock at night wore the ship and stood out to sea for fear of any risque. Immediately after the wind fell and it came quite moderate which will ensure me a little rest not having had much since the 29th.

Sunday 2d
Nearly a calm and a great swell at noon a fresh breeze more in our favour – at four sprung the main top mast obliged to go under little sail which will deprive us from seeing the land tonight.

Monday 3d
At eight saw the land on the starboard quarter a fine fair breeze, at half past five in the afternoon, anchored in a snug birth in Table Bay – before she was moored boats from almost every ship in the bay came on board some on business – and some out of curiosity, as we was working into the bay one of the officers belonging to the Lancaster was looking to see what ship we was – he observed to his brother officers that she is a whaler
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but that he was certain Governor King was on boards for that he saw his bathing shoe in one of the boats assuring himself thus to be the case he sent a boat to acquaint his captain of our arrival who was then dining on board the Tremendious – this accounts for Capt Larcom’s early visit to us and when we heard of our signal – it caused some little mirth.

Tuesday 4th
Went on shore and spent all our time at Mr Hogans – who had been expecting us upwards of a year and a half – a large party dined at his house on that day – our mornings were much taken up by receiving and paying morning visits – invitations pouring in hourly for dinner parties which filled up the whole of the time, of our day - I received very great attention from all the English – and indeed I should not do justice to the Dutch
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 if I did not allow them to be very civil but it was from another motive that their civilities was so spontaneous.
I dined 2 publick days at General Dundas’s where we sat down the first time 16 and the second 35 – I cannot help observing him extremely pleasant and agreeable. Mrs Dundas conducts herself, she is very much beloved by all that knows her, I had the honor to know her when Miss Cumming, at the Isle of Wight. She is not in the least altered, nor being the first lady in rank, at the Cape of Good Hope, Mrs Blake Sir George Young’s niece, is very much liked among the Dutch ladies – as being extremely good natured – her politeness to me I cannot forget – on every occasion having now passed the time alotted for the ships stay at the Cape we was preparing to embark - the Governor and other friends was very anxious for us to stay one day longer, that we might go to the assembly & with much reluctance
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reluctance, I must say, King consented that we should stay – he being very anxious to get on as fast as possible the remainder part of our voyage, however we staid – expecting an amusement of this kind, I had provided myself with a dress – so that I was not only ready in mind and wish but dress also – therefore I had nothing to think of but to recollect my Scotch steps which by the bye I believe I gave my master some credit. The assembly room is not so long as the Blackheath assembly room, nor near so wide- we danced in two sets about fifty couple in each set. We English ladies felt ourselves much crowded, and pushed about by the Dutch, who are very fond of throwing about their legs, and at a strange rate – Mrs Dundas led off the first dance, I stood next to her, a Mrs
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Smith, and a Mrs [Cronford?] with us, here the only English ladies that was in that set when I got to the bottom of the indecipherable room one of the Dutch women said to me you must sit down – now you have got to the bottom of the room. You see how many couple you have not danced down – and they will never dance if you do not sit down – I saw some people standing in a passage at the end but Mrs Dundas nor myseld never thought it necessary to suppose them as belonging to our set – we therefore took ourselves to the other end of the room – and sat ourselves down – had I been in England I should have thought I had behaved extremely rude, by attempting to sit down before the dance was quite finished.
In fact, the Cape ladies are the most impolite set I ever met with in all my life, & if possible, they are ten times worse than ever - at half past eleven o clock the supper was
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the supper was announced – and such a squeeze I never shall forget it put me in mind of going to the pit at some of our charming play houses & and at some particular benefit my poor gold muslin had nearly been torn to pieces. However I was fortunate enough to get to the room – just in time to set myself down – at the back (by the bye, of an old acquaintance) of a gentleman, when some of the frows called out with a loud voice, look how much like man and wife that gentleman man and lady looks - back to back. We had a very good supper, at least at the part of table I was at – I could not see any of my own party – they were at the other end of the room. - Dancing after supper was well attended by the Dutch [indecipherable] and young [indecipherable] – who I find kept it up till morning.
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We quiet people departed in peace after supper, for my part, I had more on my mind, than sleep, as we was to embark in the morning – therefore I had to get up to prepare for our departure – early in the morning – the Captain expecting to sail, as soon as we was on board.

February Saturday 15th
Embarked from the Cape of Good Hope in good health on board the Speedy whaler.

Sunday 16th
Sailed from the Cape with a fair breeze found all on board well, and that the ladies had behaved very well – but notwithstanding Captain Questead was very happy to be again under sail – for the remainder of his passage – that he might give up this troublesome charge. At five oclock in the afternoon saw five large whales, which gave such a howl and jump, at the same time, out of the water – I was very much terrified at such an alarm – a very fine evening and night - but I dread bad weather on the whales account

Monday 17th
The morning looks very like blowing weather in sight of Table Land frequent squalls comeing on – the Capt took in such sail as was necessary the squalls passed - but after one we had about noon - followed it such a dreadful gust of wind, that for a moment I thought (I cannot tell what others thought) the ship was going down.
It split the misson mast – altho very little sail was on it – thank god this dreadful gust or tornado passed in about one minut – but the whole of the day and the following night was very bad. I never recollect such weather in all my life – our situation of being near the land made it much worse- I was also on the same day very much terrified at hearing that the ship made a great deal of water - the leak was near enough for me to hear the water wash in – under the counter from one end to the other – it came
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in I understand that the leak was above water and that only when the ship [dipped?] that it came in.

Tuesday 18th
A little more moderate all hands employed preparing to put things in a proper trim for the next gale which I expect will take place soon. I cannot but say – how much pleased I am with the ships behaviour the carefulness of the Captain and the attention of the Ships Company deserves the greatest applause – I should have observed that the Buffalo’s carpenter was left behind – he applied for a passage with us – in the Speedy – which was granted to him and I cannot help observing how very fortunate things turns out particularly in the present instance – our accident happening to the mast (which the Capt. found to be in a very bad state from an old complaint of the like before he could have left England) it required the quickest dispatch to be put in order again. This carpenter being on board (and a very clever fellow he is)
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enabled this business to be completed much sooner the carpenter on board is a very good and clever fellow but not one of the quickest in the world therefore two hands was much better than one.

Wednesday 19th
The mast is now finished and I am told that it is stronger than when new however I hope that it will last us to the end of our passage – when should it prove bad Captain Questead can replace it.
Our Doctor I have not mentioned anything about lately, he is still an invalid not capable to do his duty as a doctor – his disorders no person can tell – he has been out of his mind. Captain Questead has had much to do on his account, and a good deal of trouble with him – he went to the hospital whilst we was at the Cape and the medical people pronounced him mad. He shaved and blistered his head, and
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and a doctor told King he could not live through that night – however he did, and got on board – his health seems to be better but extremely weak – to me he looks mad and acts mad - he gets up in the middle of the night, comes down into the cabin – frightens us out of our wits calls the Captain out of his bed to tye up his head – this he has now left off because he is fearful of the Captain – he says that he has been in a trance and that he is now getting well – god knows what his disorder can have been but curious it is – that the woman named Butler was just in the same way only that she really died, and he has only talked about it – this day has turned out much better than expected which has given us an opportunity of putting all our little troubles and disappointments in order for the next buffetting.

Thursday 20th
Wind very unfavourable and the sea very cross the ship taking in a good deal of water – all the hatches battened down – I wish much
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to have a moderate day that the counter may go through some amendments which at present disturbs my mind very much – tho the Captain tells me its of no consequence – but even the idea of a leak on board a ship is enough for me I am grown such a coward.

Friday 21st
The wind as before and weather also, our stock doing but very indifferent – sheep and fowls dying fast – our ladies are in very good health – the Doctor finds himself rather neglected by the Captain and us – he seemes to be comeing to his senses – our little orphan very ill –

Saturday 22nd
No alteration in the weather

Sunday 23rd
The morning very unpleasant at noon heavy rain with Thunder, and Lightning at 3 oclock it cleared up – the wind more in our favor and the weather looking settled – all on board tolerable well. A great smoke and smell at the same time of fire – alarmed the Capt. And us in our cabin – I had that
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instant been considering where it could come from – it proved that the Capt servant had been down in the gun room under our cabin – with a light in the morning to get at a box for King, and he had left the candle burning in this place for more than one hour, when the candle had burnt down to its end, it caught the bag he had fastened it to, by the sticking of the grease, to the bag, which was rice, belonging to us – this was smouldering away – and at last got to another bag of twine - when the smell was more distinct of fire, and the smoke all together alarmed us, Just in good time – had it gone further god only knows what our lots would have been for the gun room is as full as possible of every thing that would have burnt at a great rate and a cask or tow of spirits would have helped to have blown us up – I ran upon deck, and at that
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and at that time it was raining as hard as it well could, in fact I did not know where to go – for all I thought was over – we must be lost – it was very soon put out, the boy recollected he had left the candle and could run to the place he found it quite in a blaze, but soon put it out – It cannot be supposed but these little frights makes me something of a coward – for this is my name now, and I cannot help it nor shall I endeavour to try to get it removed – as I trust please God I live my next voyage will be the last – when I am going that, the thoughts that I shall have will keep up my spirits, and I shall not care what weather we have provided the wind is fair, - because the faster we go, the sooner I shall be blessed with the sight of my dearest children may God grant, that we may all live
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to return

Monday 24th
Very find weather the wind fair and water smooth our stock dieing fast

Tuesday 25th
The weather as fine as can be and a tolerable good breeze going [indecipherable] knots – The doctor getting better fast

Wednesday 26th
Very strong breeze but fair the sea running tremendiously high – at one lurch that the ship took it had nearly carried away one of the boats on the larbourd quarter then we should have lost the bathing shoe – the leak under her counter – and the water that comes in, on her quarters occasions the pump to be going every four hours – the sea often makes a fair breach over the ship –

Thursday 27th
The weather much more moderate the sea going greatly down – I pity they poor women for when we have this weather the are all obliged to keep down in their births – and the battins are fastened down to prevent the water from going down – for all this precaution they are all as wet as drowned rats it is a bad management to have their beds so near to the leak
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Notwithstanding they are all very well, and very happy – now they are got used to it. The doctor quite recovered poor child ill –

Friday 28th
Very fine weather and very little wind

March Saturday 1st
The weather remarkably fine, nearly a calm one of the boys was standing near the main hatchway. The ship took a heavy rool, he fell down – and followed him a Barrel of Pitch – the poor fellow has from the fall cut his tongue on both sides that I shall not wonder, if he is prevented from eating – for some time Carpenters employed caulking the counter which they find to be a bad leak and all across & this fortunate chance gives me much pleasure – as I shall feel more easy in the next gale - poor Elizabeth had a bad fall – the booby hatch was set up on its side she was standing close to it – the ship took another unlucky lurch, and down it fell upon her She has not hurt herself much but very much frightened – and indeed so were we all – for most of us thought
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she was dead. Killed the little kid.

Sunday 2nd
A charming fine day, going eight and nine knots

Monday 3rd
Very unpleasant weather, constant rain all the day – in the evening the wind changed out of our favor, which prevents the ship from going so pleasant, as she has lately done

Tuesday 4th
The wind the same – but a fine fair day the boy able to put his tongue into his mouth – and can eat some meat, Elizabeth very well –

Wednesday 5th
Nearly a calm, fine weather, but very cold –

Thursday 6th
The weather the same –

Friday 7th
Cloudy damp weather, with variable winds – King complaining of the Govt – my bead ring broke from my finger –

Saturday 8th
Nearly a calm, very unpleasant weather a nasty moist air – wetting like rain – King very unwell – gout in his knee – and hand.

Friday 14th
Since my last date, I never remember to have passed a more dismal week, poor King having been so extremely
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ill and the weather has been very bad nothing but gales of wind, and heavy seas – although the wind has been fair, yet we have had so much to be pleasant – particularly – in Kings present state, - for it is with much difficulty that we could attend him – the ship labouring and taking in heavy seas – to my great astonishment all at once, King wished to get up although the ship was reeling so very heavy, that it was with difficulty he could get his things on him – however the business was completed and he found himself much better he eat a tolerable good dinner with the Captain, Second mate and – myself – Just as we had done our dinner – an out cry on deck that a man was overboard When to my great concern found it to be Mr Wise, the weaver poor man he had been out in the mizzen chains on his own occasion returning he had got both legs over
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the side of the ship, when the mizzen sheet struck him – he let go his hold and down he went, into the water – Immediate assistance was given, boat down and was looking for him – and nothing was seen but his hat – Poor man we all conclude from his great appearance of timmidity – and the heavy dress he had got on – prevented him from being saved – he has left a very young wife and two children behind – whose situation is very lamentable, and I feel much for her – She will have every assistance in the settlement, but I conclude she will return in the first ship – poor Mr. Wise took care to have a passage promised for his wife and children in case any accident should happen to him – poor woman I think she will be more comfortable in N.S.W. for some time to come then if she was to return – as I understand she has no property – and he has received all his pay – and indeed more than his pay
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and on this account, she will be able to make it out much better there – than in England – Government will find a great loss in him – as the weaving business cannot go on – it is a very unfortunate accident he is very much lamented by us all

Saturday 15th
Dark and cloudy weather very cold – King much better – poor Mrs Wise very unhappy –

Sunday 16th
Weather much the same – It appears that we have been this last week twelve hundred miles –

Monday 17th
A very boisterous and dark cloudy weather a very heavy and cross sea running Shipping heavy seas – poor women obliged to be battened down – their births, & beds, in a very wet condition – nor can it be helped the weather is so bad – yet I am happy to learn that they are merry, and very happy – and indeed she cannot be otherwise – when every indulgence is
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properly allowed to them – Dundas has just fallen down the companion stairs and has dreadfully bruised her back, ribs, and one tooth – A convict woman has fallen down the main hatchway and splintered her leg – very bad – another has scalded her foot in fact, the ship reels, and tumbels about so much that I wonder how, the sailors keeps on their legs – for my part on those days I – with Elizabeth keeps close to our state room least any accident should happen to her –

Tuesday 18th
Weather much the same as before – King much mended –

Wednesday 19th
Much more moderate sea gone down very much - the hurt very unwell Dundas scarcely can move – nor can she lay in bed – every time the ship gives a lurch, she is ready to scream out with pain –

Thursday 20th
A fine pleasant breeze and a charming day – water very smooth.
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Friday 21st
Dark cloudy weather

Saturday 22nd
Weather as before

Sunday 23rd
Dark and very thick weather going nine and ten knots – very cold, many of the women sick, the weather is so very damp – from the ships taking in so much water – their beds are still in a very wet state – poor children laid up with chilblains – Since last Sunday we have gone one thousand miles – Mrs Wise very poorly

Monday 24th
Very dark weather constant rain

Tuesday 25th
The wind foul, and the weather looking very wild – very cold and snow – with a great fog –

Wednesday 26th All last night, was truly unpleasant towards the morning, it encreased much worse and from eight till twelve it was dreadful – I never saw, nor felt
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it so bad before, the sea was tremendous the ship laboured, and took in a good deal of water on the deck – to say the truth I thought we were in great danger – but Captain Questead assures me that there is not the least danger and that he expected the heart of the gale has broke and that at noon it would moderate – Thank God his conjectures was true for at noon it did moderate & continued to be so, all the afternoon – I must give the Speedy a good character, for her very good behaviour in a gale, and the heavy seas, that she has gone through – without meeting with any serious loss – The great anxiety, and close attention of Capt Questead in carrying on and seeing the duty of the ship strictly attended to – will I hope, ensure us a safe passage – Through the Providence of a good God, we are again going on – and I trust a second gale of the kind will not happen to, us – I am happy that
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King is in health - & pray that he may keep so, had he been laid up in the gale I know not what he would have done.

Thursday 27th
A fine day , fair wind. A moderate sea.

Friday 28th
Weather very fine, sea gone down the wind continues fair, going eight and nine knots.

Saturday 29th
A fine morning, at noon it came on to blow – with a foul wind – very cloudy damp weather – this is very unfortunate as the distances are come in and a Lunar obervation would be of great service as we begin to neat the land, which by this days observation brings it to four hundred and forty seven miles distance from the South Cape, the weather continues to be very indifferent and threatens us, a bad night which I must confess makes one a little out of spirits.
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Sunday 30th
It is out of my power to describe half of the melancholy situation we have been in, occasioned by a dreadful gale of wind which began at 12 oclock yesterday – gradually encreasing more and more – at ½ past one this morning it blew so heavy that the Captain took in all sail, but such as was necessary to keep the ship steady - and brought her too – the sea was dreadful which with the wind kept encreasing – at half past four oclock a sea struck and made a breach over the larboard side of the ship carrying away all before it it stripped the starboard side of the sailing [indecipherable] and the boat cranes and all three water casks that was only put there the day before of course all went – (and the [indecipherable] bathing shoe) – every body’s cabin suffered by this dreadful sea. It burst down upon me, and poor Elizabeth, and completely wetted us through bed and all – and the bottom part of the cabin was shoe deep with water – for my part I thought the decks was falling in upon us – and that we was in great danger
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the very great crush, that was on deck made me conjecture everything to be going – Capt. calling out, cut away overboard – cut away overboard – it shocked me very much in a few minutes – King brought me word that we was not in the least danger – daylight coming on fast I flattered myself that it would moderate a little but to the contrary – at nine oclock it blew (and continued to do so until 12) so dreadful that to speak my real thoughts – I expected every moment we should be lost – but thanks be to god at twelve it began to abate a little – we had lulls? for a few minutes, and then a squall – and so it continued all the afternoon – and by four oclock we could visibly see it moderate – between 9 & 12 we shipped a very large sea from the stern which broke its way through and set us all afloat again – thank god we are once more preserved
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from the raging seas – feeling myself once more safe – I have endeavoured to recollect the least part of out troubles. Capt Questead’s Journal will give a more particular account of the losses the ship has laboured under through this gale – I shall never forget the great care and attention that was paid to the ship by the Capt, Mates & Sailors to make her as [indecipherable] as they could – as for Capt. Questead – he never left the deck but to see how we were two or three times poor man how very bad he looked quite weather beaten his eyes and face looks as if he had had a coat of salt over it occasioned from the spray of the sea which I understand appeared quite like a snow storm – we talk over our misfortunes, and are much pleased – and thankful - that nothing worse ahd happened to us.

April Tuesday 31st
Weather much more moderate - sea going down – every body employed putting the
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rigging to rights, & many other things that was dreadfully torn to pieces – Dundas & [indecipherable] drying our things – that was wetted in drawers and other places – a temporary railing put up to prevent the people from falling over board – at half past 9 in the evening a man named Stewart was doing something to the crane that had supported one of the Quarter boats up – the board that he had hold of, broke – and down he fell into the water having lost the boat the day before that was kept on that Quarter least an accident of this kind should happen & the other boat so badly stoved- by the same sea – the Capt. was under the necessity of getting one of the new boats on the Quarter deck and by the time she was launched it was a half hour – all this time
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Stewart kept himself up notwithstanding we had a very heavy swell – and which hurt him very much – however the boat got to him just in time and I am happy to say he was saved he said that he could not have held it out much longer, for that he found himself going – he kicked off his shoes he said, a bird kept close before him all the time he was in the water – he also called to the ship every moment and the people answering him – poor fellow he he surprised me very much to see him walk, when he came on board – he was taken care of – put to bed – and made comfortable.

April the 1st
A very moderate day – but little wind still setting things to rights – Stewart quite recovered – only a little stiff in his legs – when will our misfortunes end-
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We however arrived safe – to Port Jackson on the 13th of April- and was very happy – to put my foot once more on dry land – and I hope never to take another voyage after arriving again in England – for I am quite sick of the seas.
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Mrs King’s journals of voyage to Australia
From C.J. King
3 July 1919