Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
Nagle - memoir. Titled 'Jacob Nagle his Book A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine May 19th. Canton. Stark County Ohio', 1775-1802, compiled 1829
MLMSS 5954 (Safe 1 / 156)
Jacob Nagle his Book
A.D. One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Twenty Nine. 19. Canton. Mark County
I was Born in the Town of Reading Berks County Pennsylvania State N. America in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty one. At Four in the morning on the 15th of September & the Lord has preserved me to this Day Friday May 29th - 1829.
As this is to be Copied I have Bought it without any Stops, According to my Recollection I shall go on in plain terms
The Brittish Landing at the head of Elk & I joining the Army at Wilmington I Came from Reading with Jack Biddle a Relation by Mariage he was Commiserry General Under Genl Washington & having sum dispatches for Genl Washington as soon as he Delivered me to my Father he went Over to the Brittis Army.
As I am fully Convinced that I cannot give a full Account of my Travels by Recollection I shall endeavour to Relate what I Can Recollect to the best of my Knolidge.
My Father was of the german decent and my Mother of the Quakers from England my grandmother having Two husbands Our families have spring from the Nagles, Lincolns &Rogers, a short time after my father being high Sherriff of Berks County the War broke out in Boston with the Brittish in 1775 &My Father Receidd a Capn Commission & Raised a Rifle Company & Marched in the Month of June for Boston in the year 1775. During the time that he Remained there he Receivd a Light Wound by a shell from the Enemy a Cross the bridge of his nose in a Short time after he joined the 5th Pennsylvania Regiment in the capassity as Major then Prefored to Leutn Colonel & full Colonel of the Ninth & 10th Pennsylvania Lines, in 1777 Lord how landed at the head of Elk* Marching for Philadelphia my father sent for me I was then not sixteen I joined the Army Marching through Wilmington that Night &my father took me to Coln Procter who Commanded the grand park of Artilery I laid in his Markee that Night & the next day I was put under the
Care of Adjutant Hofner & Messed with him in a few days we encamped on the brandewine on the hight & to the Right of Shadsford, to the left of us a Cross the Road there was a Buck wheatfield opposite to a wood & the brandewine between, them the provision Waggons being Sent Away we ware Three days without provisions Excepting what was bought from the farmers that Came into Camp & Sold us besides what the Soldiers plundered from the farmers, & Receiv'd a [Neats] [?] Tongue from my father & hofner bought sum potatoes & butter the Evening before the Brittish Arived & we Concluded to have it for breekfast Hofner gave it to One of the Soldiers Wives that Remained with the Army to Cook for us She had the Camp kettle on with the whole of it, but Unfortunately while Cannonading the Enemies shot took the Kettle & all its contents away with it therefore we made another fast day. the Evening before the Infintry hove up abrest Work for the Artilery the Infintry laid in Our rear & Our Amunition Wagons Next to the Artilery We wer in front of an orchard and a brest of a plow'd field which the Brittish wis in with their artillery the Brandewine between the Enemy & us at Day Break the Brittish Apeared & hoisted a Read Flag on the top of the farm house Opposite to us
The Brittish Artillery Advanced in the plowed field it being upon a decent down to the Brandewine. The Canonading begun on both & Continued a heavy fire till about Eight or nine as near as I can Recollect, but we Could Purceive the Brittish Artilery would leave there guns Two or three Yards when he saw the flash of our guns then proceed when the shot struck We then Ceased firing for about an hour the Artilery ware ordered sum Liquor & he mixed it with water & Powder.
The Adjutant desired to Rest a little & told me to come under a waggon that had shells for a 13 1/2 [?] commanded by Capn Courtney Paterson which was split about 10 oClock & Sent away Unserviseable Hofner & Myself was laying under the waggon when the Enemy Sent a Shot & Caried a way One of the wheels I hollowed out to hofner, hofner the waggon will be on you & I jumped from under he Replied lay still You Young Pashel, the waggon Remained firm, but I shifted my Quarters, the time now Expired & the Action Began in general upon all Quarters. About 10 or 11 o'clock Genl Washington Came riding up to Coln Procter with his life Guards with him & Enquired how he came on
he Informed the General that there was Five Field pieses behind the Wood on Our left which I before mentioned that anoied us Very much &he was then Ordering 4 Pieces to play upon them Accordingly he aimed for the flash of the Guns as he Could not see the gun however in 15 or 20 minutes we Received no more shot from that Quarter we Supposed the ware dismounted[?] The Adjutant Rode down to the ford to water his hors & a hession Laying in the Brush fired at him & missed him & wounded the horse in the Right shouldier by this time the hessions got into the wood & Morgans Rifelmen I Could See Some of the Riflemen in the Buckwheatfield One in a white frock Lay on his back to load his gun on the Edge of the Wood next to the road there was Sum trees fell & the hessions got into there trees & this Riflemen fired 7 or 8 times at them in these trees the Buckwheat being in Bloom the Could not see him, but we were on the right over Him at length he Cralled on his hands & nees to the fence where he fell in with Six More the Then all got up & Marched into the woods where he had been firing at them as we supposed to Overhall them.
My father's Regment was on Our Right belonging to Genl Conneways Brigade the Action Continued Very heavy during the day the British Advanced to the Very Works
Though ourd Artilery made a Clean Lane through them but the fill'd up their Ranks again, while at a distance the Brittish Shells that the hove from their Howetors Never busted which saved a good Many One shell while the fuse was burning a soldier Run and pull'd the Tube out which prevented it from Bursting When we began to Retreat while the Infintry Covered us we had a Mash or Swampy ground to Cross with the Artilery to get into the Road & the horses being shot the men Could not drag the pieces out therefore we had to leave two or three peases Behing in the Retreat I perceiv'd a Beautiful Charger all White in a field. Next the Road With an Elegant Saddle and goold lace housing & his bridel broke off and his Rider gone I made an atempt to hitch him but he was skared & the Enemy keeping up a Continuing Fire I thought it best to leave him it Coming on dark if it had not been for an Artilery Soldier that worked his way throug a mob of soldiers to a well & brought me a drink of water I should of fell on the Road However that night we got to a small town I think was Calld Beggers town & the Army encamp'd near it.
in the heate of the Action I See them Buriing an Officer in the same dress that my father wore which was green turned up with Red & goold lace I was in great Concern till I enquired & found him to be a Coln belonging to the Virgene Line, which gave me ease when we ware in Camped my father was Searching for me & I for him but did not meet till the next Day I do not pretent to give a Discription of the Battle Only where I was my Self & being Young & the first Action I was ever in & being a long time ago I cannot recollect the Perticulars that Occurred, a few days after the dead was Buried & the wounded Sent away we Marched in a short time we laid wait for the Enemy Upon Sculhill the grand Park was Ranged along the Ridge of a hill no great ways from the bridge Morgans Riflemen ware In a Wood on the Opposite Side of the Road Next of Sculhill the Action was begun but we had not begun With the Artilery When it begin to Rain that the Could not Engage & we begin a March & the Enemy likewise it Rained for three days Successfully at One hill the ground was so soft that
that the Waggoners was Compelled to onhitch the horses from One gun & hitch them to another till the Got them all up the hill. & Small Creeks that Could be walked Over would then compell you to swim The Rifle men ware on the flanks as the Could Youse the Rifels having to B.skins for their loks & every now & then we could hear them & the Hessions Firing at each other the third day in The Morning we incamped & made fires to dry their Clothes & Refresh themselves Coll Procter gave me one of his horses to Ride but the last Night I got into One of the Ammunition Wagons though wet I laid warm; when the Army was Refreshed we Marched the Brittish gott into Philadelphia Washingtons army In camped in the Swamp I had a furlow form the Coll to go to Reading to see my Mother & friends a day or two after the Had the action at jarmintown when I Arived home I found a Young Man About my Own Age that my Mother had taken into hur house that had been wounded at Brandyvine with Three balls in his body he was so much like me that my Mother Scarcely New us apart he belonged to Virgini But he died I joined the Army again at White Mask at this time I was under the
Command of Capn jones during the time we lay there Capn jones was Detatched with Two Pieces of Artilery & 500 Chosen Men & we Marched in the night to Chesnut hill the Artilery was placed in the High Pass & the troops on both wings the Commander then Sent Sum Men & Kindled about 4 or Five hundred fiers on the hill which alarmed the British in garmintown & Philadelphia supposing the American Army was Coming Upon them and Kep them Under arms during the Night but the did not Attempt to Send out a detatchment Next day we Returned during the time we lay there the Agusta 64 Gun Ship was blown up by Mud fort Striving to get up to Philadelphia we Receive the news of Genl Burguirse being Taken Before the Winter Set in the American Army Built Log houses at the Vally forge and & I went home to Reading during the winter and went to see my father but I Returned again to Reading when the brittish made there escape from Philadelphia Our Army Proceeded After
[Paper marked "No. 2", inserted above page 9]
We run off Charleston a Moun Light Night we Saw a large Sail to leeward of us we Run down to Close till we Could perceived hur ports She proving to be a 44 Gun Ship we halld our wind and She After but we ware Soon out of Sight and directly after fell in with an English Merchant Brig and took her the Next day we fell in with Two Seventy Fours and it falling a dead Calm we Crowded all Sail from them but we Still got nearer we ware Nearly in Gun Shot when a light breeze Sprung up and we walked off we then Perceivd why we got so near them the Line of Battle Ships nowing there was Strong Current let go a kedtch Anchor and Riding by it we not observing the Current was drifting down upon them & if a Breeze had not Sprung up we Should have been under their guns in Quarter of an hour more however we Soon lft them and Run to the Northerd & Crused of N York
[Paper marked "No. 1", inserted above page 9]
In Returning to Cape May in some Schooner that Run up and down the River of a Beautiful Moon light Night we Perceiv'd a Refigee boat pulling for us we had a small howeter with us that was to Ship on the Quarter deck on board the privateer we loaded her & fill'd it with old nails & hooks & Thimbles & whatever we Could find in the Vessel & lashed it well to the bits, when they ware about 6 or 8 yards off we let it fly amongst them but the Cry & Moan was Cruel but Sum that was not ingered got to their Oars & was Soon Out of Sight She pulled about 18 oars but the gun Carried Away the lashing & fell the Other Side of the deck however it was not Wanted More
them through the garses & Came up with them & Defeated them at Prince town after that my Father through the Fatege & hardships in the Army had to leave it getting the dropsy We then Moved to Philadelphia & I went to see in the fair American Priveteers Belonging to Clare McClannegum Capn Decator Commander Commedore Stephen Decators[?] Father & Adjutent Hoffner leaving the Army went out Capn of Marines the first Vessel we took was loaded with Wine & 30 Thousand Pape of Maderia Onions brought hur into Cape May & Sent her up to Philadelphia put to see again & Took a large ship Loaded with dry goods and different kinds of fruit likewise a Schooner with Sum Chine Sent them both up & I was sent in the schooner when delivered to the Merchant the hands all Returned to Cape May where Miss Decator Lived when he was out at see at hur Return we went on Board and put to See again in Crusing of N York we fell in with a Kings
packet from Falmouth bound to N York she mounted 14 Six Pounders & 4 Eighteen and we Mounted 16 sixes we Run along side & gave her a broad side we heard the Screaches of Wimen on board of her however in two Broad sides she struck her Colours but hove the mail overboard She had seven Ladies on board going to N York to the Husbands that ware Officers in the Brittish Army Capn Decator Permitted them to Remain in their own Cabins & took good Care the Should not be Mollested & when brought to Philadelphia ware Sent to N York to their husbands the Capn of the Packet said he would not have struck if it had not been for the Ladies being on board in a few days after we fell in with a Scotch Brig loaded with wine & took her the informd us there was a Scotch Ship from Glasko
head of us Bound to Charlestown the holker was then in Company with us Capn Hain Commander we give Chase & about 10 o'clock in the Night we came up with her & gave her a broadside & she Returned it as Readily She was a two decked ship & Mounted 26 guns 12pr 9pr 6 Pounder & 4 on the Quarter deck & 75 Men she being a lofty Ship & the see Runing two high for our low vessels She had the Advantage of us She kep on her Course with Steering sails a low and a loft on both sides bur we Could Run round her Under our two Topsails after Several broadsides we both halted off till morning we Receiv'd Sum bread n Cheese & grog & Lay at our Quarters till daylight, the Scotch Capn that we took the day before expected She would take us dawn of day the Cap Asked the Ships Company if the ware willing to Engage her the gave three Chears & said the would never leave her, we spoke to the holker & then Run along Side & the holker on the Quarter we Engaged till about 10 o'clock when She Wounded our foremast in two places Likewise Our Mainmast in two places & Cut Our Riging severely
Likewise the Holker was in as bad a Sittuation the Holker had One Man killed & we had One Wounded we halted off to Repair Damiges &fished Our Masts &Splised oru riging Our Consort done the Same the Enemy Continuing Underfull Sail During the hole Action About one a Clock we ran along Side on the Starbourd Side & the holker on the Quarter at length we shot ahead & Run aCross hur bows &Raked hur four & Aft then shot a head on her larbourd side the Enemy Shooting ahead we fell under hur Stern & Raked her with Several broadsides at length the Capn Chief Mate & Second Mate ware all Killed &no One to fight the Ship, Excepting the Boatswain a brittish Officer Remained on the Quarter deck with a Musket during the action the Men was discouraged and at length the Struck we boarded hur and took all the Prisoners on Board & Sent 10 of Our best Seamen on board to Repair hur Riging
in the Mean time we intended to get Provisions & Water Out of hur but befor we Could get any on board a gale of Wind Came & we had to Lay two the ship being high out of water the Claped her before the wind for Philadelphia Capes with two PriseMasters on board the gale Continued for Several days we being very light we had to fill our water Casks & put Four of Our guns in the hole & Struck our top Masts at the same time we had no Provisions Excepting 2 or 3 Bags of Bread dust & a Quart of water when the bread dust was Expended we Received a half Pint of flower but we Could not spare the water the gale Ceasing we steared for the Capes Our Water being very Short we had to Suck it out of a gun barrel & then Carried into the foretop then another might bring it and Suck it & Return it to the same place but that did not last long for Sum Could not Suck it at all Therefore the had to Serve a pint per Man off Cape Hatrass we fell in with a Nother gale which drove us among the Shole
& we had to keep the led going Several Nights and days in both Chains & if we had not been so Very light & drew so little water we must of Perished but thank God the gale Ceased & we got a moderate Breeze from the Sotherd which brought us to the Cape as we Came into Cape melopen Abrest the Hen & Chickens a N Wester took us all aback & laid hur down Upon her beam ends the Water begin to Run down the Main hatch way they begin to cut the Main Mast Away but before to was half through the Vessel Rightened & we let go all the anchors we had which was Four & kedge &Struck our topmasts it blowing tremendous from the NW if we had drove to see we must of Perished Our little stock was Exausted the Third day it Cleared up with a fine sotherly wind but light & we maid sail up the river we had at this time Seven English Capn on board and about 90 men
Prisoners we got into fresh water & feasted on it, it hapined to be a Lovely Moonlight Night with a light fair wind we ware Abreast of Wilmington when we Saw a Schooner Coming towards us & Came within hail taking us to be a Merchantman Our ports being down & our topgallant Masts Struck The Ourdered us to Strike You Damned Ribels & fired a Swivel over us all hands being Upon deck the Capn answered a ya & Ordered two Guns to be Cast loos & they heard him the begin to shear off towards the Shire & we after them we then got a ground & the Schooner Striving to get farther from us Likewise got a ground & we Could not get our guns to bare Upon hur but a Sloop Coming down Out side of us we fired a Six pound Shot at her & Made her Come a long Side what Should She prove to be but a Vessel from Philaa: with dry good
that this Refugee Schooner had taken we put 20 Men & a Six Pounder into her & pulled towards the Schooner into her pulled towards the Schooner & we got a ground we then was preparing to bring the Six Pounder to bare on her at that moment the got two guns to bare upon her From the Brig and fired Two or Three Stot & the Cried Out for Quarters But Unfortunately the Son of the owner of the Sloop was in Irons Below & one of the Shot Killed him & took anothers leg off we off in the Sloop & took Possession of the Schooner we had now with these Two Taken Twenty One Prises This Refigee when he saw us was going up to Cut Out a brig at Marcushook that lay in the Stream loaded with flower when we got to Markeshook we all hands went on Shore & the Prisoners Carried the Brig up as the Confedresy lay at Chester & had all her boats out to Press us all
we all walked Round by land to Philadelphia I got up to liberty ar 10 o'clock that Night Veary & my feet Sore I Came in to the house & I found my Mother did not now me & I Sit down on a Chair & enquired for my father My Mother formed me that he was gon to Chestor expecting his Son was pressed by the frigate & She expected him & me home every moment My Mother taking me for a soldier from the Army having Sum Business with my Father till a Maried Lady lived nex dore was sitting with her She Eyeed me very Close & new me My god Mrs Nagle it is your Son My Mother hitched up the Candle & Came Nearer & New me the Tea Tackling had been on the table for two hours before that waiting for us but my father did not return till past Midnight I must inform You that one schooner that we had taken from the Strates loaded
With Silks was Retaken by the Brittish Crusers &the Large Scotch Ship that Engaged us before mentioned was Ris[?] upon by Our Own Men they Being most of them English men the hoisted the jolley Boat out though full of Shot holes and Put the Two Prise Masters into her with Sum Bread & Salt Beef &Set them a drift & maid sail for Charlestown having a fair wind the got in the Part Owners being there the Seised the Ship & gave them Five guineas for bringing her into port She was Valued at 175 Thousand pounds Sterling when we took her She had on board a Chest of Silver Plate & Two Boxes of Gold Watches and loaded with dry goods in the hole & wine between decks & all the Boats full of Wine & the Quarter Deck stowed with Hampers of cheese & between Every gun Pipes of Wine therefore out of 21 Vessels we lost the Two Richest Prises one of the Men was hitched in Philadelphia & hanged on the Island a brest the town. Our Cruise being Out then shipped on Board a large Ship Bound to France Call'd the Jay but my Father Not Agreeing to it I Returned the Months advance.
Insert No 4
At this time I was at the Main Topmast head looking out the Capn Sent me up though it was not my turn as a great Number of the Young Men Ware SeaSick &I Saw this Vessel with the Naked Eye when the Liughtenant Could not See her with the Spyglass & I being [?] and the vessel Stearing us the Capn Came up & by my directing where abouts he Saw hur before the Wind Stearing for us whoever was to See a Vessel that proved a prise was to have 100 Continental Dollars & the best Musket on board of her
I then Shipped on Board a State Ship Call'd the Saretoga mounedt 22 Guns Commanded by Capn Young but as She was Not likely to be Ready in a Short time I shiped with his Brother Capn Young Command the Rising Son of 20 guns 9 Pounders & put to See with a Fresh Breeze Standing to the N.E. when a Vessel hove in Sight to Windward Bareing down Upon us we beat to Quarters I was stationed in the fore Top with a Musket we ware all Ready but when the Came near we found She had but Six guns on board she proved to be a Philadelphia Brig loaded with wine at this time I was at the Main Topmast head looking Out the Capn sent me up though it was not my turn as a great Number of the Young Men Ware SeeSick & I Saw this Vessel with the Naked Eye when the Leughtenant Could not See her with the Spyglass & I being Resstive & the Vessel Nearing us the Capn Came up & by my directing where Abouts he saw hur before the Wind Stearing for us whoever was to see a Vessel that proved a prise was to have 100 Continental Dolls & the best Musket on board of her Shell'd Ammons & Peasons was taken by the Orpeous Brittish Frigate & Sent her to New York but being Out of Provisions & only one half Barrel of water the Came to the first vessel the saw as I saw her first the Capn Sent me in hur & the Convoyed us to
the Capes we made the Capes to the Sotherd of Cape Henlopen called the Seven Mile Beach the Rising Son was a great way a Stern of us & a large Cutter Mounted 18 Twelve Pounders was making for us we made a Signal to the Ship & Capn Young Crowded all Sail & Came up Like a Shot by this the Cutter gave us a gun we hove two the Ship Came up & fired a shot athought her forefoot & she Return'd the same the Ship Run along Side of hur & spoke hur She proved to be from [Sta] Stacia bound for Phill: & the Capns new each other The Cutter then convoyed us up as the Refegees was Numerous in delaware River when we got between Pede Island & New Castle a Refegee boat Came out of a Creek & the Cutter having her ports down the thought she had no guns the pulled Right for hur & we ware about a Quarter of a Mile a Stern when the got Chose She gave them Two guns with pound & grape & Sunk the Boat
The Cutter Never hove two & let the Remainder that was not kill'd drownd by the time we Came up the ware all down Except the peaces of the boat when we got up to Chester the confedrecy Frigate sent her boat aboard & took 4 Men out the Rest of us being stowed a way below & the Could not find us the left Three Midshipmen on board with a brace of pistols & Cutlass Each a peace below Mud fort being Ebb tide we Came to an Anchor the boat being gon I Came out of my hold & two more likewise one of the midShipmen I new Mr Brown & he Said he was glad he had got me I Should be a mesmate of his in a short time After the Asked me if I Could get them Sum good wine I inform'd them I would and brought them the stronges & best on board the made a field bed Abaft the Binocle & the wine went down so sweet the all Soon fell a Sleap I wont Aft & Secured the Arms & then Climed over them
I got holt of the painter or Pipe that the Pilots skif was Riging by & hall'd her up a long Side put the arms in & left the Vessel we pulled all night and got up to Philadela early in the morning we took the Arms to the Merchents Counting house and made the Skiff fast in the dock & acquainted the Mirchant Of the Prise laying below mudfort & he sent men down to bring her up in a few days I joined my Ship below Crusing off N York we fell in with One of gullridges priveteers we being all Black & Our ports down we Apeared like a dull Sailing Merchantman but in truth there was nothing Could Sail with her that ever we tried we fixed a grating Under her bows & had heavy Buoy Out a Stern & pretending to crowd all Sail & Stearing Our Course the Priveteer would sail all Round us at length She under easy Sail Ahead of us we Cut away the boy & grating & we ware along Side of hur before She Could have time to Make Sail took her & Sent her into Philadela
Coming into the Cape we fell in with a nother Priveteer of Our force belonging to Philadela and the Captains Agree'd to Remain in Company in a few days we fell in with a Brittish Convoy of About 40 Sail under Convoy of a Small Frigate Capn Young hailed Our Consort & told the Capn if he would join him the would engage the Frigat as we ware Superier in forse & by that means we Could take the Most of the Convoy he said he would we ware to windward & we bore down Upon them Our ship was entering Amongst the Convoy & the frigate was lufing Up for us when Our Consort hall'd up and made all Sail away from us Capn Young was in a great Rage & we ware Compeled to Make off as the Frigate was far Superier to us However we Crused no more with him Sum time After we fell in with a Kings Store Ship of 26 guns we Engaged her She Engaged Three Broadsides & then Struck we had none kill'd the had several Wounded & Sent her in we fell in with a Mugion
Schooner from Charles town loaded with Rice and Indian Corn it being a dead Calm we CutBoat & Maned Her well Armed & boarded hur we Maned her the Rice & Corn not being worth much in America She was Sent to Cape Fransway On the Island of Sandemings & I was one of the Number as Soon as we had wind we Maid Sail Nothing perticular Accured till we made the Island about 12 at Night we fell into the Middle of three Mugion Privaters the begin to Show lights as a Stranger in Company & we showed one likewise by that means they did not now which it was & day light we ware Close in with the harbours Mouth & the Punch Mugion Priveteer Close After us but a french Man a War Brig Sliped her Cable & gave her Chase we got in but the Mugion got off - we sold the Rice &Corn for as much as would load her twice with Sugar & Coffee but the Prise Master which was a Pilot belonging to Cape Henlopen found Seven Tearses Of Rice that belonged to a pasenger in the Schooner & was not in the Bill of Lading
That private Property he Smugled & put in his Own Pocket On the homeward bound Passage to Philadelphia on the Passage he treated an Old Seaman Verry ill And beat him Cruelly though he acted as his Mate & put all his trust in him as the rest of us was but young Sailors on Our Arived the Old Sailor Informed on him before the justice of Peace & brougt all the Rest as Witanngs therefore he lost his Prise money for the Cruse though when we arived at Cape May the prize Master went on Shore & brought fresh Provisions & Liquor & served out to us as a Plaster for our sore heads, but it did not do for the Old Seamin he was determoned to be Revenged, & he got his Ends on the Passage Making the Land between New York & the Capes of Phila we fell in with a Brittish Convoy of 40 Sail with Three Men of war a 20 Gun Ship One Schooner & a Cutter as daylight the Wind being light we got out ours Oars & having Sum Sailors Passengers beside our own Crew we pulled a way from them though the Schooner & Cutter was in Chase of us
we Mounted Only Four Four Pounders but we got in Shore of them with a leading Wind from the Eastward when we got near little Egg harbour a Refugee Row boat came put to Cut us off but when the Came within a good Musket Shot we got the 4 Guns on one Sale & Opened a broad Side upon them & the Scampered off for the Shore as fast as Possible we gaining upon the Schooner & Cutter the give up the Chase, we got into Cape May in the Evening & proceeding up the River a heavy black Squall from the NW took us all Aback & was Nearly Capsised but he got the sails down & let go both lower Anchors and Rode it out untill Morning when the Weather Cleared up we got Under way & got up New Newcastle that night Came to an Anchor the Wind & tide being Against us to set the Watch with Orders to Call the Prize Master at the turn of tide or a Boat 12 o'clock the Man that had the first watch Remained up till we all fell a Sleep & having no perticular time he Call'd me up & I Remaining up till I got Very Sleepy and
not finding any One Willing to Releive me I fell a Sleep & did not wake till the tide had made up a good hour I call'd the Master & hove all the blame on me though Sum of them had kep no watch a Scheme Came into his head to punnish me as he was a Fraid to Flog me being aquainted with my father he made me get a large Ore out & keep pulling & Said I chould Remain there till we got to Philadelphia but when we got up to Markes hook the wind died away & we Came to an Anchor we Outboat & pulled the Master to town & the two of us that was in the boat had to Return by the time we got About his way to Gloster Point a breeze Sprung up from the Sotherd and we see the Schooner Coming with a fair wind we Strove to fetch a Wood boat that was near us going up we got alongside and the vessel going fast through the water and the boat Shearing off & the Man in the Bow being a Young Sailor not Nowing what to do he jumped Out & left me a drift it being Ebb tide & the wind up the River
Ocasioned the Water to be very Rough and having no place a Stern to Scull I had to Shift my owr every few Minutes to get in Shore at length I provailed & holed her a long Shore by twelve O'Clock that Night I got to the first warf a board Yard made the boat fast & hid the Oars & went home Remained at home for two or three weeks I shipped in a Sloop bound for the Havannah the Capn was a Londoner a Savage and Ill tempered man by the time we got to Cape May he told us he had got us in blue Water & that he would Stretch our hides however we Sailed in a few days About 45 Sail Under the convoy of the Trumble Frigate being Cut Four days we sprung a Leak we got as much of the flower on deck as we Could in hopes of getting to the leak but we Could not therefore it was agree'd to put back we made a place Call'd Wollops Island the Wind being from the Eastward we Came to an anchor but the Wind increasing & her bullwork but slight her harse tore away to the timber heads & a Refigee laying to windward of us with The Mast waiting for us to Come Out
we Cut the Cable & Stood a long Shore but Could see no entrance the Capn get the Small boat out which was all we had & put his Chest into her Thinking to save his own but the Young Man that was in the boat did not now how to manage her he held on the painter in the Middle of the boat She took a Shear Off & he held on till he got into the Stern of her & jumped Out & Left her adrift with all the Capn's property at length the Refugee Coming down Upon us we Run her a Shore on the Island a heavy Surf Runing we hove over the Square sail boom to see wich way the Surf would Carry it when I found it drifted for the Shore I jumped over board After it when it Came near the Shore I left it & Swam for the Shore & the Rest followed me we all got on there Excepting the Capn & he Could not Swim I then Swam Out for the Vessel again & got on board & got to Shore with the Other End and made a Signal to the Capn he jumped in and we Run him up high & dry.
he then told us if we would Remain there and Save as much of the flower as we Could it Should be Sold & we Should have Our Shear to bare Our Expences homewards the Capn then beged one to get on board for a brace of Pistols of his that was in the Cabin I got on board & one more with me we Cut the Mast away & I got the Pistols but Could not go down into the Cabin the Windows being broke & the Cabin full of Water & I Saw Several Shirks Halling about the hams & Cheese My Clothes Shoe & Silver buckles ware there but I Could not Venture down for them; the Surf was Rising & got on Shore we had One Sailor Amongs us a bright Molatto that was born at Chester upon Delewar River the Capn Treated with Cruelty during the time he was on board if he Spoke to him & the Man looked at him he would thrash him till he was tired then he would sent him up to the Mast head to Remain there if he saw him look down he would say I know what You think Come down here & would thrash him again as long as he Could
in this Manner he treated him till Such times as we ware on Shore This Molatto would not do any more after he got on Shore the Capn when he got his pistols from me Swore he would make him Work or Shoot him the Pistols ware loaded but entierly wet he Snaped The pistols at him Several times but in vain the man tackled to him & gave him Severe Floging which made him easy we got the Sails on Shore Put Out of the Sun and hitched a tent & Remained there About a week the was but two houres on the Island & the Capn Bearded at one of them while I was employ'd in getting the Capn Pistols on Shore I laid my new Silk hankerchief & brestpin on One of the Mens Chest that Came on Shore & when I look'd for them They ware gone we Saved About 300 Barrels of Flower & the Rest we lost the Vessel Contained About 700 besides Other Articles Such as Pilot Biscuit, hams Cheese Was etc, the Capn got sum flats from the Main & we all went over with the flower in Coming to the house where the Capn Boarded I Saw a Young Woman with my black Silk hankerchief
on her neck I asked her where She got the hankerchief She very politely informed me the Capn of our sloop had made her a present of it. & when I informed her that he had stolen it from me She wished to Return it to me but She apeared to be Concerned & it hurt her feelings I would not Except of it & I Made her a present of it but I was Surprised at the Meanness of my Commander It being in the high of the war when we got on the Mainland we had to Apply to the Squires of EveryPlace we Came to for passes & have them Renew'd the Capn at parting gave us two Dollars to Carry us to Philadelphia if I recellect right it was Call'd 254 Miles lost all my Clothes excepting what I stood in One pair of trowsers one shirt & a light waistcoat & a West India lime basket for a hat Without shoes we traveled till we Came to a small town Call'd Snowhill I fell in with a gentleman that had been in my father's house in Reading & New me & gave us all Sufficient to eat & drink likewise the farmers in general treated us very kind when the Understood that we ware Cast away Excepting One Rich farmer an Englishman would not give us any Succor
The farmers Informed us the ware tories, on the Road before we got to Lewis town we fell in with a Young Man - a Shomaker that worked on the Road Side in a little by himself we asked him where we might get lodgings it being late in the Evening & we inform'd him of our Situation he informed us that he boarded at a farm house about a mile on the Road but he did not now weather he would give us Entertainment or not as he new he was a Rank tory But he told us not to let on that we had seen him as he would be there by dark and if we would be Tories for one Night he did not doubt but what we would be well treated Accordingly we agreed & Set Out for the house we had a long lane to go up to the house after Walking About One Mile When we Arived before an Elegant Stone house & a fine grass flat & garden before the dore & about 40 & Negro huts on the left of us the Old gentleman Sitting on the porch we aproached And enquired if we Could have lodgings for the Night as we ware Cast away Sailors, he told us he Could not as he had entertained a Young Man a few days before & in the Morning he had stole a Silver Cut out of the Window took it away
therefore he would not Entertain any More Strangers. With that One of the Sailors began to dam the Country & Curs & wishing he was out of it & Once more in his Own Cuntry & that there were nothing but Rebels here, hush hush Said the Old Man do you Know that if Sum People heard You the would put you into Prison, he Replied the must then give me Sum Victuals; well Come in lads & I will give You sum Vitles We all Seated Our Selves in a large Entry where it was Cool & Pleasant & the Old gentleman Ordered a large bowl of Milk Punch to be brought in & Ordered his wife to See that Supper was got as he Supposed the lads was hungry & when that bowl was Out he Ordered another in the Mean time we ware Asked Many Questions by the Old gentle??? Concerning the fleet we Sailed Out with & god forgive us we Contrived as what we ment to be lies in what we Related to him but it turned out two True we inform'd him the Trumble Frigate and the Most of the Convoy was taken by the Brittise If we had not got on Shore we would have been taken likewise & so it turn'd Out but we new Nothing of it but we Could Perceive it pleased the Old gentlemn & Very much to hear the New & by this time the Shoemaker was there and Enquired a good deal & Caried on the joke though he new the whole of the plot we had an Elegent Supper
&a genteel Room With Three large Beds in it for the five of us in the Morning we got up very early & the Shomaker had Sum Overseears & they had a harty laugh about tricking the Old gentlemn when we Came to the front of the house the Old gentlemn was sitting in the porch we thank'd him for his kindness and he gave us sum Money to bare our Expences on the Road & we departed we Next Arived at lewistown thinking to get up to Philadela in Sum Small Craft but we ware informed that the Refugees were so thick on the River that no Small Vessel Could go up or down therefore we traveled on Came through Dover & when we got ut towards Newcastle we fell in with a Wagon Master & 12 wagons from the Army & he new my father, he put us all in his wagons as our feet were Very Sore he bought me a Pair of Shoes but I could not ware them in a few days we Arived in Philadela but my feet were so bad I Could not get out of bed the Doctors Could not Cure me till a Young Lady Next dore Came in & Saw my feet, She put toasted bread Steaped in Strong Vinegar with black Pepper Strewed thick on it & Applied it to my feet & bound them up in the Morning I was walking about the Room & the Pain & Swelling entierly gone in a short time After I took the fever & was given up
by Three Doctors I was Speachless I motioned to my Mother for Water & as there was no hopes of my Recovery She though She would satisfy me & gave me Sum in a tumbler in less than fifteen minutes I got better & Recover'd Daily the Doctors ware amased the next day when she found me Recovering in a short time I was perfectly well My father now living in Water Street between Chesnut & Walnut Street kept a Publick house Paul jones Came in a Twenty gun ship from France and a good many of his Men Boarded at Our house we ware all Sitting at breckfast when Capn Fanning Came in wanting to Ship Sum Men bound to the havanna in the island of Cube and I shipped with him Eight half joes for the Run & took Eight Dolls in advance On 1781 10 of November we Sail'd down the River in the Trojen Copper Bottom Schooner with loose Ice in the River & put to See the 20th of the Said Month we Caried away our Main Yard on the 21st the Mainmast was sprung close by the boartd we could not carry sail we began to fish the mast & get an other Mainyard up having no man at mast head to look at the Royal Oak & LeNympt Frigate Came down upon us before he Saw them the fired a shot we hoisted our Colours & hall'd them down Again
Insert No. 5
Being Prisoners we generally Sat Out of the Way as Much as we Could & 7 or 8 of us got into One of the Boats on the Booms of a Moon light Night & Coffin Seeing us there Cam to us & Looking into the Boat he perceiving Sum Water there he Accused us with Making Water in the Boat for a Set of Dd Rebel Raskels and threatened to flog us at a Nother time he wished the Capn to flog us till we would go to the pumps as we Refused to go the Ships Company Inform'd us that if we worked they would keep us Altogether during the passage the Holker Privateer of Philadelphia fell in with us & would Come Within gunshot of the frigate and fire at her the frigate would make Sail after hur but of no youse Beside the 74 would not let hur Chase out of Sight for fear of of Our Chothing
The Sent their boat on Board from the Royal Oak & took us all on board & took Our Schooner in tow the ware bound to the West Indias the Royal Oak being Very leaky keeping hur Chain Pumps going every Quarter of an hour & her hand pumps Constantly going Ocasioned by the action Of the Chesapeake with Count de grafs The kep the Le Nymps With her for fear of Sinking Capn Coffin was then First Leughten of the Royal Oak the Overhall'd us on the Quarter deck to find Out if their ware any Englishmen among us there ware Seven Among us that had Run from the same Ship but the officers being all Strangers they ware not nown & the Men would not inform they had then 90 odd Americans on board that was Compelled to do duty & Coffin wished to keep us likewise Being Prisoners we generally Sat Out of the way as Much as we Could & 7 or 8 of us got into One of the Boats on the Booms of a Moon light Night & Coffin seeing us there Came to us & looking into the Boat he perceiving Sum Water in her he Accused us with Making Water in the Boat for a Set of Dd Rebel Paskets & threatened to flog us at a Nother time he wished the Capn to flog us till we would go to the pumps as we Refused to goThe Ships Company Inform'd us that if we work they could keep us Altogether during the passage the Holker Priveteer of Philadelphia fell in with us & would Come within gun shot of the frigate and fired at her the frigate would make sail after hur but of no Youse Beside the 74 would not let her Chase Out of Sight for fear of loosing her One of the Seamen Was Punished with two dozen for stealing sum of our Clothing ut the Capn Said the had two Many on board already their was 21 of us in Number & a Yanhe[?] Brigs Crew they took a few days after us, we made the wind being seant they stood on for St Hills we they perceived it on Shore The having English Colours up to intice the men of War down the English
Colours & up french & begin to fire hot & warm Upon all the Vessels the all bore up out of reach of the shot the Island had been taken by the french and they had not heard of it however we fetched Bastar Roads in the Island of Sent kits & there the sent us on Shore to prison the two Ships Companies the jail having one Yard we had but three small Rooms to walk in our allowance was 6 upon 4 which is 3/4 of a pound of bread per Day Salt Codfish one day & Salted horsemeat on the other the jailer informed us that the Soldiers had no better I made a practise of selling my Allowance to the Negros for a trifel & by Sugar with my bread & water in this disagreeable maner we lived beside our boatswain thought to Rule us as he thought fit in Prison as well as on board the Schooner & one Bay he Under took to flog me though I was Young I engaged him till finding I was two Smart for him one of his Companions Came behind me & Nocked me down one of his old Shipmates that had been with him on board of Men a War & the Ablest Man Amongst them & of a good Princible was laying down on his bed Not being Very Well, Seeing the treatment that I receiv'd from them he jumped up & swore if I did not Flog the Boswain he would flog me
he backed me as my Secong & at it we went in About ten or twelve Mintules he gave it up & after that we all had Quietness & this jack was Always my friend Afterwards he was a Very able man & a good Seaman he Shamed Sick to get to the hospittle & when Out he got liberty to work on board the merchant Ships One day a Brittish Man of War Came into the Roads & let go hur Anchor She was Call'd the Blind Russel 74 Gun Ship the Capn going onshore on his barge Spied jack working on board Came a longside & Ordered him into the boat he went in & the pulled for the Shore the Capn landed & was giving the Coxswain Orders to Carry the man on board the Capn was Standing on the beach & jack was in the bow of the Boat jack leped on the gangboard & from thence on Shore & Snatched the Cain out of the Capn's hand & Nocked him down & then took to his heels & Run for it & the whole Bargar Crew after him Crying Stop him but the blacks nowing the wanted to press him Cried Out Run Massa Run Massa no ketche no have & jack got into a Cain patch where they could not find him so the Capn went off with a broken head without him & he Came into Prison again
Sum time After a guardle Coaster belonging to the Island Came onto the Roads & wanted hands & the Capn Came into Prison to See if we would go with him we agreed to go with him if he would take us all as we intended to take the Vessel from him but he got sum intelligence from the gailor as we supposed therefore he did not Come for us but shortly after the Stag Priveteer of Liverpool of 26 guns Came in & wanted hands 6 or 8 went with him he wanted me Verry much to go for a Topman but I could not think of fighting Against my Country though the fared better than I did the took Several prises & Sent them into St Thomases Sold them & got their Prise Money & went home to Philadelphia in American Ships while the Remainder of us was laying in gail at this time The french fleet was Preparing in Marteneek to go down to jimako with 15 Thousand troops on board to take it I Cannot give the dates as I lost all my journals but Sum time after the Sailed from Martineek & in Coming down Past St Kitts the landed their troops aback of the Island & the fleet Under Count de Grass Came to an Anchor in a half Moon abreast the town and Three batteries & Sent a flag of truce on Shore to now Weather the would give up the town what troops there were & Melisse Were gone down to Brimston
hill which has a strong fort on the top of it & no way to Came at it only by Starving them Out it is I believe Called 18 Miles from St Kitts & with in 2 or 9 miles of Sandy Point or old Roads the town Submitted to the french & a few Soldiers landed & took possession of the forts the Armey Marched to Brimston hill hove up Works & begin to Cannonade & heave Shells in to the fort Night & day when we found the french had taken possession we thought we had a Right to brake out which we did down the Stair Case was only a thin perticion leading into the Kitchen I amongst the Rest being foremust went out to the dore by this time the jailer Run down to the french Officer of the gard & told him the Prisoners ware breaking out of the jail, the not nowing but we ware Englishmen & perhaps Murderers immediately sent a Serjents guard up the Serjent Seeing me at the dore & the jailer told him that I was one of them he gave Chace After me with a fixed Bayonet I Run upstairs & I Could Run no further I stood with my back against the wall the jailor had two daughters & the youngest was nearly of my Age & during the time I was in prison She was partial to me She Seeing the Sarjent in Chase of me She Came up with him he lifting his gun to
Stab me when the girl Claped her back to my Brest & screamed bitterly the Soldier Apeared to be in a Rage & Strove to push her on one Side but har Mother Coming up She interceded for me in a few Minutes all the yard was up Stairs & One amongst them was an Irishman & he was informed that we ware Americans & he immediately informed the Serjant he was then both Rejoiced & Vexed to think that he was so near killing me which he would of done if it had not been for the Young girl the gard gave us Sum grog & Remained with us till late at night but we Could not be let out till further (the time St Kitts being taken) (insert between lines) Orders from the general & he was at Brimston Hill and beside there was other Prisoners Criminals in the Lower Apartments we there now in a worse Situation the English Commisary Could give us no provisions &the French could give us none without orders from the General by that means we had no succor till Sum French officers hearing of us campe up to see us & each of them gave us Sum Money to by Provisions & Near Three Weeks the french Officers supported us Comming to See us & giving us Small Supplies till at Length a Boston a Brig Came in
to the Roads the Capn hearing their ware American Prisoners in jail he Came to See us and immediately went down to Brimston hill to the general & Admeral & Receiv'd an Order to take us out of prison the Capn gave a Passage to sum of the Bostonians & the Rest of us had to Shift for Our Selves there was a great Many English Ships laying in the Roads abrest the town that the french had taken possession of & was fitting Out for france. Wm Regions & my Self went on Bd a large Ship to fit her Out at Days Works the French fleet had Intelligence of the Brittish fleet being out & the ware gone to see After them we being Aboard this Ship about 3 days when down Came the Brittish fleet Under Nevus In Shore & Count deggrass'es Fleet Engageing all the Way down to St Kitts Bastar Roads we ware then in a great hurry to heave up & get under way all that had hands Sufficient for weighing Anchor While we were heaving heaving up Our Anchor there was a Ship lay Next to us with Sum Englishmen on Board & they Begin to fire at us to prevent us from getting Under way we had more guns on Bd than they
had we Cast loose Our guns & gave them a broad Side which Made them Very Silent afterwards we hove up & Maid Sail before the Two fleets Came down to us the french fleet had the English fleet hemed in between them & the Island the Brittish Came to an Anchor in a Close line with Springs on the Cable's the french fleet Lay off and on Out Side of them & there they ware blockaded in the Ship we ware In We Run down to Sta Stacia but passing brimston hill the hove Sum Shells at us which fell a long Side of us & Made us Shear off but we got there safe to an Anchor the Next day the french Capn Paid us for Our labour & we went on Bd of a Schooner belonging to the govener of Martaneco Mounting 10 guns & about 18 hands beside the Officers we left Sta Stacia bound to Old Roads Sandy Point Near brimston hill laid there Several days I went on Shore & the Store houses ware all Open & taking all kinds of liquors & provisions to the Army I went into a large Stone building & heard a great pittiful Moaning in a large Roome Oppisate to me & entered & Saw a Stout Abel Young Molatta Man laying on a bead with his thy Shot off by a Cannon Ball as he informed me he was on brimston hill but the sent all the wounded down & he was tended by a french Doctor the french Never Ceases firing either Shot or Shell Night or day for Six Weeks untill the blew up all their Magezenes of Water & provisions
I made a practise at this time to walk the deck of the Schooner at night till 2 or 3 O'Clock in the Morning fretting & Crying for the loss of my Parents Never being so long from home when 14 or 16 Shells would be flying in the air at one time we ware then ordered up to the fleet & in a dark night we went in under the Shot of the Brittish Line & Battle Ships & Lifted Three Anchors that they had lost & was not discovered a Short time after this the Night being very dark & the french laying off and on the Brittish Sliped their Cables & lefe[?] Lights upon their buoys & Run down Close along Shore to leward & Made their escape & was not to be Seen in the Morning while laying there the could Neither land For the troops nor go to see for the fleet Out Side of them till this Opportunity accured in their favour as the french flat was Supperiel To them we ware then Ordered to Domeneco with dispatches we Only lay Two days in the bay within the port we got under way for Martineco keeping a long Shore with a Moderate breeze a heavy Squall Came down one of the valies whis is very Customery In that Island that laid us down on Our Beam ends but the Top Sail Sheats being Caried away & the foresail mainsail lowered She Rightened again Out of 14 french Seaman the Capn Could
not get One up aloft to furl the topsail and Main Top Mast Staysail he was beating them up the Rigging & they Crying O god at length we told the if he would let them Come down that we Could get up we would furl the Sails when the Rigging was Clear we went up and furled both Sails ever after that the Capn gave Wm Regons & my Self any provisions or liberty or Wine that we Could wish while we Remained on Board, we Proceeded on for Martinica in Passing St Piers we was Boardd by a Boat belonging to the Holker Privateer Capn Hain of Philadelphia & we wished to go no Board but the French Capn Would not let us go but Promised as Soon as the Schooner was striped he would Produce us a Pass to Come down by land from fort Royal Accordingly We arived & laying there for Orders the french fleet Came in & was fitting Out for france My Companion & Myself had the privelige of taking the Boat and go on Shore where we pleased the Schooner laying within hail One day being on Shore we Came down to the boat to go on Board when we was accosted by a Sailor beging we would give him some Releif as he had been Three days on Shore without Victuals or drink excepting Water we took him into a Winehouse on the Beech & gave him as Much as he thought fit to eat to eat & drink he then Informed us he hailed for Philadelphia was taken by the Brittish &kept & then taken by the french & was on Board of One of
the Line Of Battle Ships laying then in the harbour as a Prisoner & had got on Shore in hopes of getting on Bd Sum American Ship Bd home we agreed to take him on Bd with us & inform the Mate that he was aMerican to go to St Pears with us to go on Bd the Holker Being on Shore one day & putting off to go on Bd the three of us Thoms Moody by Name a french Boat was then Landing full of men & Officers the bowman hailed him a jack how You do very well. Said jack I Said then Jack You are sold not dreaming that it would be any determent to us & no says jack that was My best friend on Bd I Said I would not trust him the landed & we went on board but the took notice what vesel we went on board of & we thought no more of it but about 10 o'clock at night to Our Surprise a Serjent's guard Came on board & demanded us all the Mate told he New that Two of us Belonged to the Schooner & was Americans & was taken out of English prison they told him the had Orders for all three of us & we must go to prison we packed up Our Clothes & a few dollars that we had Receiv'd for prise Money in getting the Brittish Anchors at Bastar Roads & the took us to Prison in the Night the on locked a Room that was so full that we Could scarcely find a place Vacant to lay down in the Morning the dores was unlocked & all hands had the privelige to go down into the Yard during the day those prisoners ware two Brittish Ships Companys One the Iris & the Other the Richmond taken by the french fleet a few days before the Battle of the Chesepeak & Brought to Martinico Prison
Our Allowance was Three Quarters of a pound of Bread & about 3 Ounces of Meat but no liquor we sold our Meat to the Convicts for about Two dogs which is about 2 Pence of a Stampec Which is 3 hapence & bought fruit or Such Other Article as we thought fit the jailor was Very Strict concerning Liquor but you
Could by as much as You pleased from him of Wine but no other our Chief Amusement here was the Cudgels baskets & Sticks Laying aCross each other in different places in the Yard & benches Round for Seats the first Morning I Came down into the Yard I admired these hansom Streat sticks with Baskets on the handle of them & taking One of them up to Vew it A Young Man jumped up from one of the Seats Ketched up the Other & struck me Over the head with it I Returned the blow & he garded it off I new nothing of Cudjeling but I thrashed away without any gaurd & when he struck me I struck him at the same time which put us much upon a parr but he Soon got tired of this sport & told me It was not fare and that I should guard my Self told him it was not fair to hit a Stranger Over the head as I was & New nothing About Cudgeling however I practised & Soon got to play a good stick with my Old Entagoniss, in a few days after the french Commissary Came into the prison & I informed him of my sittation & that I was an American & taken out of English Prison he told me the Man that we supported was taken as an english Prisoner if he was American & that supplying him with Provisions and succoring Him
Made as good englishmen as he was a frenchman and that was all the satisfaction I Could Receive from him at this time I Cep a kind of a journal & had a great Many Remarks In takin the Island off St Kitts & the french & brittish fleet & the Prisoners advised me to destroy it for fear the should find it with me as I was put into prison as Supposed to support the Brittish prisoners they would take me up for a Spy passing for american I then Rought a Letter to St Pears to the American Counsel but weather he got it I never Could learn as I Never Receiv'd any Answer The Brittish prisoners that lay on the ground flore laid Out a plan for making there Ascape in the Night the lifted a Cupple of boards & One Man Could be Employed Diging Under the foundation of the Wall & then up & it Came to the Stone pavement in the street where all the Sentry Walked when it was all Completed the ware all to get Out one by One as the Sentry Walked to the Other end of the jail when the ware all fixed the first One broke down the Stones & Seeing the Soldier walking to the Other end he started & got Round the Corner into the Next Street the second taking his Opportunity when about halfway up the soldier turning suddenly & Sooner than he expected instantly fired & killed him dead in the hole the Rest had to return & the Alarm being given the one that got Out was taken & confined in the Dungion for a long time before he was let Out Amongst the Other Prisoners. The gaolor had a Negro that was Employed Daily in fetching our provisions into the Yard & defraudUs out of a great deal he always Smugled a Quantity of liquor in with the bread & Sell about for a Wine glass for as
much as you would get a bottle for the Prisoners ware determined to fix him in the morning when he Came in With the bread The seized the Bag & took Out the Blather & gave It to the gaoler he was so enraged at the Slave for Spoiling his Custom that he Ordered him to be floged & to encourage the Prisoners he made us all Stand in Ranks & Served it all Out to us in a wine glass & It went twice Round the two Ships Companies during the time I Remained in prison I Must guess but I think about 10 Month a Cartel was fitted Out & all the Youngest & Sickleyest were sent in hur to St Lucia Keeping the best of the Seamen to be sent to france in the french fleet which Saled shortly After we Arived at Pigeon Island & was all Sent on to the Prudent 64 guns & remained about three weeks when we ware drafted on to the St Lucia Brig Pink Stern had been taken from the Americans & Made a tender of Mounting 12 Guns but pearced for 14 guns the Cruelest Man of war I ever put my foot in Capn Brooklin Comr 6 Officers and 7 Men the Second day we ware Aboard One Man Receiv'd two Dozen Upon Suspicion of Broaching a Cash of Rum in a few days we pressed 4 or 5 More Men Out of a Transport though in general it was not allowed but being scarce of hands we Cap them there was no Rest on Bd this Vessel but nocking down & thrashing at every thing that was going on though so few of us we had to hoist a Six Oard boat in every Night & Morning for fear of Our Runing Away with her as Soon as we had pressed hands sufficient to way the Anchor we Run down to the Kinash & Lay In the Entrince of it & pressed Every thing that Came in
to the harbour we pressed an Old Man from England a house Carpenter & & The Merchant that was to employ him had to pay 30£ for a Supernumery before he was let go Ashore we ware dreaded by all Merchentmen the purser One day finding a tin Cup of Mine that I had Bought on and Wanting a Steward he Applied to the Capn for me. I was Sent for & the Cap told me I must act as Ships Steward & the Provisions which happened well for me as I was then from Under the lash of the (a) Boatswain & other Officers what apeared Strange to both Men & Officers was though we ware dreaded as a Man of War & Cruel Usige a Stout Young Sailor Came to the Capn on Shore & told him he wanted to enter he Said he Belonged to such a Merchant Ship & the Capn had fell out with him & would not pay him his Wages Very well my Man I will get Your wages there is my Boat with four Boys You May go on Bd & tell the Purser to give you a bottle of rum to drink my health - Accordingly aboard he came & called for the Purser the Boatswain & Other Officers gathering around him enquiring who & what he was the Boatswain More inquisitive Asked him how long he had been to See he turned Round & Informed him he had been two days to Morrow the Officers all laughed at the Joke & I was Sent for the Liquor & he would not take till I had drank & then he passed it all Round Amongst the Sailors in a few days the Capn Receiv'd 70 odd Guineas for him & gave it him & Made a Boatswain Mate of him which he did not like in a few days
we went down to leward to a watering place for a Supply of Water we ware hoisting in the Waler as the Cutter was Rafting & towing it off at Noon the Piped to dinner & I Served the grog Luke Arvour Which was the Boatswains Mate Sat down on the Comings of the Main hatch when I Sat & the Capn on the Quarter deck & the boat was Coming off to dinner Luke Said to me I am now long anough on board this Vessel & you will not see me again good by I Smiled as I was going below in less than Three Minutes he was Overboard like a fish The Capn hailed the Boat that had an Officer in to ketch him & a Musket Out of the Arm Chest & kep firing at him but whenever he pointed the Musket he would dive & not Come up for 20 Yards & the boat After him when the Came near him he told the Young Officer if he Offered to lay holt of him he would have him Overboard & drow'd him then he would go down again the Capn haild the fort & the Soldiers Came down to Receive him when he landed but the ware disapointed he landed the Opposite Side of a Creek & the Could not Cross & he Made his escape from the whole when we pressed to the Amount of about 35 or 40 Men we Returned to pigeon Island & heard of the Defeat of Count degrass 1782 we ware then Sent to Barbedoes with dispatches Nothing Acurred on the Passage excepting I'll Yousage while there the Pursor gave me Orders to Sell bread Beef & pork of the Ships provisions for pocket Money for himself the the Boatswain taking Notice of it put me upon My guard & desired me to keep a Regular Account
of What I Sold & what Money I delivered to him as he had a Barbadoes Lady on Board which was Verry Expensife we Returned to St Lucia again & was Stationed every Night to Cruse between Pigeon Island & the dimond Rock in Martiniquo every Morning we Came to Anchor in Side of Pigeon Island & in the Evening heave up our Anchor with a Tacle The fall leading Round the deck with leading Blocks having no Capsain nor Windless the Moment the Boatswain Blew the Call there must be a full run untill the Tacle was a block & every Officer Thrashing away even the Capn himself with a Cane when he took the Notion & we scarcely ever had More than 35 Men this was the treatment every day if the Capn Said You was drunk it was sufficient if You never tasted liquor You was brought to the gangway we had one Man that had his thum Gamed off by the jeer Block he tied him up Amediately & gave him a dozen an other hoisting in water had his thum Gamed Off he floged him likewise & would not give them a Sitiificate for a Smart he floged a Man for letting a little ballast fall overboard off of his Shovel he would not trust a Man in a boat when they ware Compled to go for a water with an Officer in the Boat the Seldom Returned with more than 1 or 2 Men in the Boat he kep the jolly Boat for himself with 4 little American boys to pull him About as he new the Could not Run away we marched down to the Side of the Island after Smuglers & we
Run One a Shore & left One Man Armed With her While the boat went on board & he Run away arms & all got to the kenash Shipped on board a Vessel Bound to england & about half way was taken by a Merican Frigate & Carried to Guadaloupe from thence to St pears in Martinico we Came Over as a Cartel for Prisoners & he was sent on board his Own Vessel & was nown before he Came a long Side was Ordered Aft & put in Double Irons Returning to Pigeon Island & the Brittish fleet lay there we ware Sent Out again to Cruise between the Islands About day light we Saw a brig sneaking down Upon us I new her to be the Holker as I had Sail'd in Company with her & Cruised together I then thought I would Soon be free from the tirany of those on board I was Stationed at the brake of the Quarter deck I Said to one of the Men along Side of me You will soon be safe it is the holker the Pursor heard Me he Run & told the Capn he Came to me do You now that Vessel Yes Sir what Sort of a head has She, She has a Serpents head but you Can Scarcely Perceive it at a distance he looked with his Spyglass and swore I was Right She was now nearly within Gunshot he asked what force She was though he had seen her at St Peers & what Men She generally Carried I told him 16 Sixes & 90 Men well he Said we Cant Run we Must fight She would have had us in 20 Minutes More if a large Ship had not Come Round the Point to Windward with all Sail Crowded
Coming down Upon us both the holker put a boat for Martinica & we bore up for Pigeon Island we being a dull Sailor She Soon Came up with us & hailed us it Proved to be the jenus 50 Gun Ship the holker by this time was Under the land of Martinico we Run in & Came to an Anchor We ware then Ordered Over again to Martinica as a Cartel we hove up at dusk & was OutSide of Pigeon Island One of the Men went down to hook the Anchor with the Cat & we Under Sail we Called & fished the Anchor he droped into the Water & Swam for the Island & the Sherks ware numerous as the hospittle was on the Island & all the Corps the Carried Out there to a Watery toom in the Morning he was Missed & was Supposed to be drownded but in a Munth After the Pursur Saw him in the kenash on board of a Merchant Ship but he did not fear him as there was no Men of War there when we Returned again we heard of the Holker being Upset was Chased by a brittish Frigate & a Squall took her & Capn Cane would not Allow any sail to be taken in she turned heal up the Frigate Picked up 37 Men & the Capn & brought them into St Lucia Our Capn kep this Deserter still in Irons the Prisoner beged the favour of me to Right a few lines as a peticion to the Capn & I Accordingly did so the Capn in a few days Call'd him up & forgave him if he had been tried by a Court Martial as he intended he would have been hung as taking the Wingr[?] Arms with him & he did not think it worth
while to flog him at the gangway Although he was so great a Tarter in Small Crimes or even without a Crime he Over Looked the greatest, as death would have been the Punishment for In Stance The Capn Having a Cask of Maderia Wine in the Store down & his steward having acasion to broach the Cask found it half empty he Immediately Informed the Capn & as I kep the keys of the Store Room & had both wine & Rum at my Command of Ships Stores the Capn ordered me in Irons & Shortly After turned the hands up & brought me to the gangway hid me up & Ordered the Boatswain to give me a good dozen with the Cat of Nine tails, which I Receiv'd without ever Moving the Cask of Wine to see if it had leaked or not. After I was punished the Purser went with me into the Spirit Room & Moving the Cash from Bulk head we found a Worm hold on the Builge of the Cash & the Bulkhead all Stained with the wine it had Run Out as far as the worm hole & no farther Sum Officers Coming on Board to See the Purser & Doctor the Came to See it & it was Very evident that it had leaked Out the went and inform'd the Capn of the Mistake he told them if I did not deserve it then I might hereafter - the Brittish fleets being Out the Genus 50 Gun Ship laying in the Cenash filling Out had Intelligence of a french Convoy being to
Leeward of the Island about forty Sail The genus bent Sails & Put to See with all the Men of War that lay in St Lucia the Genus Guns 50
those ware the amount ) Schooner groselet 10
of the Brittish the ) St Lucia brig 12
French had one 74 gun ) Barbadoes of 20
ship but a good many of ) a privateer of 18
the Merchent Ships Carried guns Sum 12 Guns Sum 16 & from that to 20 guns but we being Men of War the did not atempt to fight Excepting at long shot That the first we Came up to struck the first Broad Side we Came up with then About 3 or 4 Leagues from the harbours Mouth Martinico the Genus strove to get AlongSide of the French 74 But The Maid All Sail to get in & Engaged at long Shot as Most of the french Seamen ware Sick & Water & Provisions Stowed between their Guns so that the war not able to Come to a Regular Engagement if She had been One league farther off the must have been taken however She being Close to the harbour The got under the Fort Which Saved her & lett the fleet to Shift for them Selves Sum held their Wind for St Piers others bore up before the Wind & our best sailors Would Run along Side & Make them Strike their Colours leave them to be boarded by the dull Sailors which was a Stern Coming up we took & maned 14 Vessels Sum was
Carried into St Lucia & Them that Run to Leeward wars Carried Into Totala We Receiv'd 13 Dollars the first Payment & that was all I ever Receiv'd though there was Three payments we Still Remain in Missery on Bd this Dungboat of a Manawar when the Capn was Out of the Ship the Boatswain would Call all hands to Quarters Exercise us The Whole day at Great guns & Small Arms & thrash them for his Own Amuse Ment till he would be tired himself we Now Receiv'd another Capn or Commander as This One was prefered his name was fighting Dundass & if they were both in a Stock I Cannot tell which would Come Out first for of the Black Man Said he was not the Chip of the Old Block but he was the block Altogether & I Believe Worse if it was possible Our Employment was Sailing between the Diamond Rock & Pigeon Island every Night get under Way and in the Morning Come to an Anchor Likewise goes a Cartel to Martinico & Return with Prisoners & Smuggled Cordials in Boxes of Different Kinds we Remained in This Sittuation till 1783 when a frigate Came in with a Vessel that had the packet on board With the Articles of Peace the fleet now Laying in groselet Bay Pigeon Island the Seamen Rejoicing & Chearing from every Ship that You would See hundreds of hats flying
in the air & going Overboard the Capn not being On Bd the Purser took it upon him to give the Ships Company an extry Pint of grog I served it out according to his Orders the Other Officers ware Much griped in hearing of the peace the Informed the Comr when he came on board what the Purser had done Amediately I was put in Irons as he Could not Undertake to put the pursser there the Spite Was laid to me but the Purser taking the blame to him self and making it up with the Capn I was let out of Irons the Next day Admural Rodney now finding the Peace to be a fact Our Vessel was Ordered to English harbour in antego She was to be put out of Commission & the Ships Company to be drafted we Sailed & arrived there in a few days was draughted on Board the Ardent that was Retaken from the french With the Villede parry Several More on the 11 & 12 of April She had been hove down twice in English harbour but Still Remained very Leaky we had on Board 2 or 3 hundred Inveliads & Soldiers belonging to them Refused to go in the Ardent being so leaky they expected She would Not Reach England but the Poor Sailors & Soldiers ware Compelled & the Officers Went on Bd the Villede parry as the took her to be a large & Sound Ship however as god would have it we got into Plymouth Safe though we had two Ships to convey us the
Prudent and a 74 which was to take us out if we Could not keep her Abov Water we had pumps Between decks Indian Pumps on the Main deck Bell pumps on the Quarter deck Constantly going Night & day it took 12 Men at each Bell, pumps & at the Indian pumps & lights Burning all Night Between decks off Newfoundland the weather being thick & foggy we lost the other two Ships for Three days & we fired Minute Guns during that time on the Third day we fell in with them again having a fine & Pleasant Breeze & a fair Wind the Edestone of Plymouth hove in Sight & we got in Safe Striped hur & got the guns on Shore we had liberty to go on Shore till the Ship was Ready to be paid off This being the first English ground I Ever trod on & where was it but North Corner Plymouth Dock I was Invited into a Publick house & we has sum beer but the Money was demanded before You Receivd what you Call'd for I thought it Very Strang we then went up into the town & fell in With One of the Gunners Mates Belonging to the Same Ship that I belonged to he Invited me & a lad that was with me to take a Walk I Agreed as I wished to See the town but I told him I had no money as I had no Credid &being a Stranger he Made Me Answer not to Mind that he Could get what he wanted so we went on we took a turn through the town he then took us into a public house & Calld for Beer after we had that he
Must have a half pint of Rum & Sum More Beer to the Value of About 18 pence Sterling he then desired us to Remain as he was going back we did so for a long time I went to look for him he was gon I asked the landlord weather he new him he Said he did not but he expected that he had left to pay the Reckoning I told him I was a Stranger & had no Money but if he Would trust me I would go and get sum he told me he would as I told him what Ship I belong'd to we went to the house where my Shipmates had taken us & I Inform'd them of the trick I was played & the Informed the landlord & he gave me what Money I wanted till the Ship Was paid and Boarded me while on Shore we Returned and paid the Man what the fellow Call'd for & Return'd back Again when we Came for & Return'd back again when we Came in this fellow was there I inform'd him of his Scandelous behaviour before the Ships Crew that was there he fell into a great Rage & was for giving me a good thrashing he was a Stout built Man & I was but Young & Slim but Verry Active I told him he should not without a Trial if he would give me fair play we all Started for the Common Outside of the town where the Soldiers Barraks was as Soon as we begin to strip Out Came the Soldiers About two or Thee hundred and
formed a Ring Two granedeers Steped Out for Our Seconds & would not permit the sailors to have anything to Say to it & at it we went he Made a heavy lunge at me but I Avided his blow & ketched him Under the jaw he fell like a log his Second lifted him up & my Second told Me to make an Offer at the Same place & hit him with the Other in the Opposite Side I did so & ketched Him again down he went & was a Considerabl time before he Ris My Second told me to play for his Short Ribs till I had an Opening for his Nose I did so & he guarding his Sides Caut his nose & Cut him Considerabl & down he Went he then gave up My Second Desired us to Shake hands but he would not my Second demanded me to thrash him till he would make it up I did so & we went into a Public hous & drank & we treated the Seconds he was so Ashamed to be beat by a Striplin that he went on board & went to the hospittal Before I Came on Board in About Three Weaks from the time we entered Plimouth Harbour we ware paid off and I being a Stranger in England & Yound & Unaquainted in the World I paid my passage with a Number More for Portsmouth & there took the Stage for london as the Seamen Expressed to
See what a Clock it was Ariving in London I took lodgings Near the China Ship loading down To Iron gate at the McRogers's with a Sum More of my Ship Mates at this time London was full of sailors the Men of War being all paid off that there was no Possibillity of getting Work on a Ship & them that did get any hat to work for a shilling & 5d a day & the Man of War that war fitting Out for a Station would not Except of any that was not hail stout Young Seamen &those that had not been Careful with their Money was Starving & Many taking to pilfering for Subsistence ware hung &transported when I arived in London I underStood there had a Number of American Ships had Sail'd for America full of passengers but at this time there Was none that I Could find for America I had a Young lad with me belonging to Canady & he Apeared So much like me that we passed for brothers we traveled to Debtford & woolage to see if we Could find a Ship but in Vain One day I Ment to take a walk through part of the City & gave my Watch to my Brother as we Call'd each Other for Safety as he did not mean to go Out & we ware both getting low of Cash I Causioned him not to go with any Stranger in my Absence & I took My Recreation through the Subburbs & part of the City & in the Evening I Returned but my Brother was not to be found
I Stroll'd from the publick house to Another in St Catherine's & Song Rooms where all the Ladies of Pleasure Resorted but falling in with am American Lady of that discription that Came Over with the Brittish having Seen us both at Mr Rogers She Inform'd me Where he was With a girl in a house Near the China Ship I went to the house & enquired but the denied that he was there & Two wimmen & Two Man that ware playing Cards desired me to go About my Business I told them I new he was there & I would fetch the constable the desired me to go I went hom to My Boarding house &Informed the Landlord he had a Man in his house that was well Acquainted Round that part of the town &he said he would go with me he took a Club & we Return to the house after dark he desired me to go in & take a Candel & go up Stairs to a Room to the left hand as he new the girl kep that Room & he Would soon be with me I went in the Woman of the house & those Men Ware Still playing of Cards I went up to Stand that have a Candlestick with a Candel in it & went to the table Where they ware playing & lit the Candle & the Man that was With me Stood in the dore by Our not Speaking the took him for a constable I went up Stairs & Strove to Open the dore but I could not Without braking the lock the Woman hollowed Out What do You want
I want my Brother I Replied there is no one here but my husband & he shant get up Well if he Louses Any of his property or Money I will have You & the Landlady in Lombo in the morning down Came another Man from the Second story & Wanted to no what business I had there but I gave him an Answer Suitable to his question and he sheared off Again I went down Nowing I dare not brake the dor Open & joined my Cumrad he told me to tell the Landlord that I would Make her be Answerable for all that Should be Missing in the morning I did so & went hom & went to my bed when I waked My Brother was AlongSide of Me but Without Watch or Money I waked him and he was then Stupid I Enquired where he had been he Inform'd me when I went Out a girl Came in and intised him home to hur house where I had been over night & she had got Sum Money from him to get Sum philip & Made him so drunk that he Could not speak to me I was there and what have You done with that Watch & Your Money I don't know we got up & I went to the house Again & Now Madam if You do not deliver the Watch and Money You Shall go before the Squire She Call'd the girl down do You now anything of this Young Man's Watch & Money No I no nothing About him that is Sufficient Said I but I will Convince You better presently She Was fritined Stop Said She I will look perhaps he has lost it in the Bed & She went
in About a quarter of an hour She Came down with the Watch & Four guineas Saying this ware found in the Bed One guinea Short of what he had when he Went there I thought we ware well off to get What we did & took Our departure in a Short time After Our Money groing Short we got on board the Sippio But this Brother of Mine being Rather Young the sent him on Shore again and I Never heard what became of him We went to Spithead & I was draughted on Bd the Ganges 74 Captain Lutrel One of the Parliament Men at that time Laying at Spithead Two 74 & two 64 took in troops for the Relief of Gibralter we Sail'd & on Our Passage we fell in With a Spanish Squadron the Ste Trenedad Of 4 Tear of Guns She was then the larges Ship that was ever built & Two 74 Gun Ships with troops on Board but where they ware bound I do not Recollect we Arived at giberalter but purhaps it would be proper to Mention the Sittuation of the Poor Soldiers on the passage the Soldiers ware all given bedding to lay on & if not Returned when the arived Would be Charged with them Out of their Wages the Seamen's beds being small in the Night the Would Crall along the deck & get holt of a Blanket or a Rug the Sailors would pull the Soldiers hold fast & hollow Out but Two or Three to One Would gain the prize Even in day light the hammocks being stowed on the booms the Sailors would Send a halling line down with a
Hoock Out of the taps One Standing by hooking on a hammock away it would fly into the top and whosoever Owned it was at a loss at a loss for his bed when Night Came On by the Same Mean When the Puddings ware Nearly done in the Coppers they Would Send a line from the foretop &One hook on a large pudding & up it would fly in an Instant & in less than ten minutes it would be devoured at dinner the poor Soldiers perhaps 6 Men in a Mess had nothing to eat though if found Out the would be punished in the Meantime the Ware Upon short Allowance which was 6 upon 4 Mens Allowance the poor fellows when going for their Peas at dinner the Ship Rolling & their Bowls full Away the Went into the lee Scuppers & their pees all gone there was no pitty but all laughing at each Other the Seamen Would go to the Ships Steward & get a bowlful of Oatmeal and Make a Cake of it & bake it in the hot Ashes & Sell it to the Soldiers for Six Mens Allowance wine which would be Three pints the Soldiers that Returned to England with us ware Old Soldiers &Much Nowinger & better Acquainted With the Sea when we Arived at Spithead we Receiv'd orders To go & into harbour & when Winter Came on we struck Yards & topmasts we then had but little to do Excepting Supplying the Ship with Beer & Water but the Capn Going to london he left the Charge of the Ship to the first Luetenant
Mr Rio A Rail Tarter To a Seamen He Made it his Studdy to Punnish every Man he Could get holt of & glorified in having the Name of a Villen & a terror to a Seamen for the Most frivelous fault he Would Make them Scrape the Anchor in the Coldest day in Winter & in that weather he would tie them up in the Main Rigging & gag them With a pump Bolt he Would muster the Ships Company in the gangways Quarter deck & poop in the Severest of the Winter if he found the least Speck of dirt on Your Shirt You was brought to the gangway & flogged the Severer the Weather the More he Would have the lower deck ports up that the Wind Should fly Through the Vessel to keep You in Motion there was Scarcely a Man in the Vessel but what was punnished by him One Night he being late on Shore he Came down to the Beach & took a Verry to Come on Board & he being Rapped in his great koat the Waterman did not now him he Enquired What Ship he wished to go on Bd of Rio told him to go a long Side the ganges & what do you Want there Said the Waterman I went to Enter Said Rio O My god do you want to be murdered there is One Rio first Leutenant there the bigest Villen that ever god let live upon Earth, Never Mind Said Rio put me Alongside I am Afraid if he Sees us he will Sink my Boat I cant go there go Said Rio I wont be two Minutes & he koazed
him till he got Near the Ship when the Sentry hailed keep off that boat it being past Nine a Clock go a long Sid Said Rio I dare not for that Ruskel will sink my boat & floge me in a Minit At length he Answered A ya the Sentry hailed no More he Run up the Commedation Ladder & went below pulld off his great koat & Came Upon deck by this time the Waterman Came on the gangway inquiring for the Man that came on Bd he Said he had not paid him for fetching him on board What boat is that Said Rio where is the Raskel that I Owns that boat Ill flog the Raskel Sir Said the Waterman & brought a Man aboard & he has not paid me & don't you now the fellow, no Sir & don't you think that I am Sumthing like him O no Sir did You not tell Me I was the Bigest Villen in the World & everything that was bad excepting a gentleman Sir I beg a thousand pardons I did not now it was Yor Mr Rio Verry Well here is a Shilling for You & go to my Steward &get a Bottle of Rum then you May go a Shore the Waterman was Surprised after Calling him everything he Could think of to his face that he did not flog him but Rio took a pride in hearing him giving his Caracter on an Other Night Coming a Cross the fields to the hardway he Was Attacked by Three Sailors & they
got him down & Cut his long hair off Close to the Neck though he was a Very Strong Powerful Man but the did not treat him Iill any Other Way but he never discoverd who the Ware in the Spring Our Ship Went to dock & Refitted & was ordered to Spithead Being Nearly Three Years in Commission Sir Roger Curtise got Command & Rio was Prefered On Bd of another Ship & Coming into harbour the Pigasses 74 Guns got on Shore & we following her had Scarcely Room to pass her but as we got into the Narrows a Stiff Squall took us & we Carried all Sail it laid her down Upon hur Beam Ends that She did not draw so Much Water & by that Means we Run Clear & Run up to Our Morings at the hardway -
During the time we lay hear nothing Particular Accured I Belonged to a fast pulling Pinnice & we Went Smugling to the Ile of White for gin & Brandy for the Officers & the Customhouse boats Could never ketch us before we would Reach the Ship Our doctor was a Close & Covetuous Man & he Made a practice of putting his Brandy up in Medeson jars to Snuggle it on Shore to his house and sending 7 jars by us One day One of the Boats
Crew Smelt a Rat he stoped on the Road &Opened the Medeson Jar & Proved it by giving the Most of it away & Carried it home nearly empty when he Compnd the Command Laughed at the joke I was now Nearly Four Years on Bd the ganges when the Sirius Came Round from the Downs & had the privelige of taking any Men Out of the Men of war that Cared to Volunteer She Was a Ship that had been bilt for a Sugar Ship Call'd the Berwick & bought Into the Kings Service She was pierced for 28 Guns Command by Capn Hunter & Govener Arthur Phillips Bd for Botany bay with the Supply Brig as a tender Leughtenant Ball Command; & A Seven transports with Men & Wimen Prisoners & Stores Likewise Marines on Bd Each Ship that had Men Convicts on Bd when the Orders Came Seven of us Volenteered Out of the ganges We Went on Board was paid Our Wages for the ganges & I was put into the Goveners Barge All the fleet being Ready we hove up Our Anchor & Run to St helliora on the 10 of May 1787 Game to an anchor the Wind being Westerly on the 11 we got underway with the Wind from Eastwd & Run through the Neadles & put to See Our Ship Being so deap with Stores & having Such broad Buttocks we Could hardly Stear hur Untill we got better Aquainted with her ____
we proceeded on With a Pleasant Breeze & a fair Wind we had now on Bd 160 Able Young Men picked Out for the Voige the Govener and Major Ross Leutenant Govener & the Band of music Beside Capn Hunter & the Ships Officers & three Married Wimen one died on the passage ---
The govener thought fit to put the Ships Company into Three Watches as it would make the Voige Much Comfortabler for the Seaman by the time we got halfway to Tenereef Our third Leutt having the four noon Watch upon deck he Calld the Boatswain's Mate to now why Both Watches was not on deck & Calld them all aft & begin to thrash them all Round & told them he would Soon have them to the Sotherd of the time & he would then Work their hides up the Seamen Made a great Noise when floging them & begin to be very Rusty the Capn & governor hearing the Noise upon deck Came up to see what was the matter the Ships Company informed the Capn of the treatment the Receiv'd & told him of this was the treatment they ware to have it would be better to gump Over Board at Once than to be Murdered in a foreign land the Capn gave Mr Maxfield a Selling down and
desired the Men to go below & the watch to their duty Capn Hunter went down to the govener and Inform'd him of the Behaviour of Mr Maxfield the Govener Ordered Every Officer onto the Ship into the Cabbin even to a Boatswain's Mate & told him if he new any Officer to Strike a Man on board he would brake him Amediately he Said those men are all we have to depend Upon & if we abuse these men that we have to trust to the Convicts will rise & massacre us all those men are Our support and if they are ill treated they will all be dead before the Voige is half Out & who is to bring us back again so he dismis'd them & would not alow any Officer Boatswain or Boatswain's Mate to Carry a Stick a few days after in the morning the hammocks ware piped Up and a midshipman Mr Hornsby by name Ordered the Armerer's Mate to carry his hammock up he said he Could not directly as he way doing a gob for the Capn but if he would wait a little he would Carry it up but he would not and Struck him & Nocked One of his Teeth out the Man went on the Quarter deck to the Govener & Capn and Inform'd them of the Whole Affair The Govener was Inraged & Call'd Mr hornsby on the Quarter deck Repremanded him Severely & Threatened to brake him if he ever attempted to give such another offence he Ordered all hands to be turned up on the Quarter deck he Spoke to the Midshipmen one & all And informed them that when he was a Midshipman
The had to Carry their Own hammocks up and tie & dress their Own hair & he thought that they ware no better than he was Therefore he turned to the Ships Companny & Informed them that if he found Any Man to Carry up a Midshipman's hammock or Cot he would Amediately flog him In a few days after he discovered One of the Men fetching One of the Midshipmen's hammocks up and Stowing it on the Quarter deck he Call'd him & asked him Whose hammock that was nowing it was not his Own being Made Of fine Canvis the Man told him it belonged to a Midshipman he Call'd the Boatswain & Ordered the hands to be turned up & tied the Man up he told the Ships Company that he would flog every Man that disobeyed his Orders but as the Capn & 1st Leutent Pled hard for the Man being the first Offence he forgave him but desired them not be guilty of Such Another Offence and he was determined Not to look Over it Any More & dismiss'd them to their duty at length we put into St ecruse [?] The Island of Tenereff for Refreshment Out Barge &the govener Went Ashore we all went up to a Wine Ship to get Sum Wine during the time the govener Was gon & he Coming down sooner than we expected the Boats Crew all Run for the Boat & left me to pay for the Wine I gave the Woman a guinea to Change & She gave me the Change I made One Spring Putting the Change into my Seal Skin pouch & from thence into my pocket
the Second was on the Sill of the dore where an Old woman Stood beging The Third Spring I gave In Clap'd my hand in My pocket for fear of loosing my pouch but it was gon I was positive She had got it I turned Round & told the Landlady I lost my pouch She took Charge of the Woman as their was only us Three in the house I then Run down to the Wharf But the boat was gone on board I Returned Amediately to See After my pouch having two guineas in it the Landlady took hur into hur bed Room and searched her & found the pouch inside of her Shift a back of her neck if She had not Striped he Naked She would not have found it the Second jump I gave She whip'd it Out of my pocket in a Most dextrous manner however I Receiv'd My Money Again from the landlady & went down to the boat as the Ware Returned again from the Ship & the govener Excused me Not being in the boat a few days After One of the transports parted her Cable & drifted to See having no Sails but The Govener sent us in the Barge to help hur in She was full of Wimen we bent her Sails & brought her to an Anchor in about ten days we put to See Again After Refreshing the Prisoners & Crews during the time we lay here the Bumboats ware Allowed to Come AlongSide of the Transports to Sell Bread & fruite Vugetables and [?] the Convicts got holt of the Soldiers Buttons & Transform'd them into English Shillings and Sixpences that the passed a great quantity to the
Bumboatmen for their traffock & when the discover'd it the Came to the govener & showed the Coine but the govener Inform'd them they Must Abide by the loss as the Ware People Already Condemned by their Country for that tirade therefore the Could not Receive Any Satisfaction we now atempted to put into St Jagoes For Stock but the Wind being Very light & Inclining to Calms & drifting to the Sotherd of the harbour When the breeze Sprung up we Stood on when we Came to the line we fell in with a Small Vessel that was bound to the Coast of Arica the Master of the Vessel informed us that he had been drove across the line 17 times by head winds during that passage during the time we passed St Thomasses on the line we had a great deal of heavy Rain & Sultry Wr with Thunder & Lightning When we Arived off of Rio Janeiro we Came to an Anchor between the Small Islands OutSide of the Sugarloaf the govener Sent in a boat to the ViceRoy or Govener for Admittance for the fleet to enter the harbour which was granted we then hove up & went into the harbour the fleet all laying inside of the large fort Call'd the Castle of Santa Cruz on the North Side of the Harbour Govener Phillips having been a Commedore in the Portegu Service he was highly honoured by the Vice Roy & the Govener at the Pallace alllways had to Attend when we landed, during the time we lay here the Prisoners ware Supplied with boat loads of Oringes & Provisions
& ale the 13 Sail took in Supplies of Stores and provisions Such as the thought Necessary for a long Voige the Shipping is Supplied with water by a Fountain in the Pallise Square Next to the waterside which is led there from a Mountain that lay on the Back of the town & a great number make their living by Carreing water for the inhabitince At this time no One was Permitted to land without a permit or a Soldier with him we had a Sargent to Attend us to See that no One Milested us but he Would not walk about with us but wished to Set in the Punch houses the Most of the day as we all had Money & we Acquaint'd the Govener & we ware then Permitted to go where we pleased without an Guard though the ware Ordered to protect us Wherever we Should be Insulted One Evening Two of us got into a grog Shop & he was a tailor Likewise he Apeared to be Verry Much taken up with us & a Verry hansom Young woman who was very farmilliar With me & Asked me home with her I did so at least was on the Road as far as One Square & my C&pushed me Away from her but I would not let go my holt he drew back & drew his Sword & was Raising his Sword Over his head to Cut me Over the head at that Instant a Soldier
Turned the Corner drew his Sword & guarded the Blow he was going to Make & another Soldier Behind him the Soldier Abused him for melding with me but the fellow begged their pardons & said a had taken his Wife from him therefore the Soldier let him go & we went to a grog shop & I treated them for Saving my Life we then went down to &left us behind we then went into the Market place & I laid down purty well Seased Over & fell asleep ... in the Morning when I waked the Governors Brahmans Cap that I wore was gon my handkerchief Off of My Neck & what Money I had About me the Cap was Silver Mounted with a large Silver plate in the front with the portegee Coat of Arms Stamped on it it happen'd well that I did not wake or death would have been my portion in the Morning Mr King Second Leught Came on Shore & took me on board with him the enquired of the govener what to do with me he was glad to hear that I was Alive & desired them to send me to my hammock to Sleep as I would be wanted in the boat at 9 o'clock the govener Often landed in different parts Round the Skirts of the town because he did not wish to trouble the guards but land where he would we Could see the Soldiers Runing to where we landed and parade under an Arrest for him he landed
on a Small Island a breast of the town where was Once a Gold Mine but now a dock Yard for the Navy & fortifycations All Round it with Store houses & Magezens for the Youse of the King there is One Island farther from the Shore with an hospittle which the Brittish hired for their Sick of late Years & two More Islands though Small to the Eastward of the town which is fortified & Soldiers kep in them at all times we lay hear Six weeks to Refresh the Prisoners Soldiers & Seasman & Repair Our Riging when we put to See Again with a Pleasant & prosperous Breeze Stearing for the Cape of good hope on our passage One of the Seamen having a Piece of beef towing Over Board in the Evening a Devil fish Came & laid holt of it & having a harpoon on Bd it was hove into him we Slung him & hoisted him in With the Yard & Stay takle's he was Supposed to way Eight Hundred Weight or Upwards Sum of the Seamen tried how he Eat but was not palatable on the passage one of the Men Struck a flying fish with the grains that Measured 18 Inches from One tip of the Wing to the Other which was the Largest that ever Any Man has Seen on board the Ship On Board One of the Transports the Prisoners Atemped to Rise take the Ship to Run away with her but being detected they ware bought on Board of us & the govener Ordered them to be tied
up & the Receiv'd a Severe floging & Sent back to the Respective Ship in Irons which made them all Quiet During the Voige at length we Arrived at the Cape Table Bay to Refresh & take in water & more provisions & stock & plants for botnay bay we took in Six Cows & Two Bulls One horse & a number of Sheep goats & poltry in Six Weeks the fleet was Refreshed & put to See with a Pleasant Breeze standing to the S.E. It may be worth mentioning that while at Rio janaro In a strong gale of wind a Pigeon was blown off from the Shore & Sit on Bd of us we took him & Cut his wings & left him Run on the Quarter deck & When at the Cape of Good hope Laying in Table bay in a Strong S.E.Wind One Other was blown off & let on Cathead & Permitted herself to be taken we put her with the Other & by those two all the Breed Sprung from on Norfolk Island the Leut Govenor made Pigeon houses for them on Shore but the would go in flocks on Bd the Sirius every day to looks For feed after She lay on the Reef during the Passage Between the Cape & the South End of Van demons land we had the trade Winds & Pleasant Wr but when we got about half way the Govener though fit to devise
the fleet into two devisions Supposing the would Arive Sooner he went into the Supply Brig & took half of the best sailors & we Remained with the Rest the Ship Lady Pennereen would have Steering Sails alow & aloff as long as She was able to Carry them at the Same time Our topsails would be on the Cap however After we got Round the South end of Van demon's land We ware struck by a White Squall & lay us Upon Our beam End taking in Sail She Rightened & I went up to pass the gasket Round the Main top Mast Staysail as soon as I jumped on the Sail to Ride it down the Wind blew me Off like a feather but ketching One of the leaslines??? brought me upright & I fell on the bithead without being much hurt the Officors thinking I was kill'd but I went up the lee Riging & furled the Sail Most Ships in the fleet Received Sum damage we arived in botnay Bay Sum time in the latter part of January as near as I Can Conjecture the govener Arived Early Twenty four hours before us though the Ware all the best Sailing Ships in the Morning all the Ships
laying at a Single Anchor we cut boats & Went on Shore with the Govener & a Number of the Officers we landed on the South Side of the Bay where we found a fine Run of Water & Immediately we begin to Clear Out the Run which was full of dry leaves & wet old lims I getting into a deap hold I hall'd up a Spunge from the bottom as big as a gallon Missure[?] Which I gave to the doctor the Natives Came down to us & Apeared as though the did not Aprove of Our Visit when we ware going on board Again the govener Atempted to be Very friendly with them but the Came with Spears & a bark Shield when we ware all in the boats Excepting Capn Ball the begin to be Mischeivous but he took one of their Shields & Sit it up against an Old Stump of a tree & fired One of his pistols at it which fritened them when the heard the report but Much More when the saw the ball went through the Shield which Cooled them we went on board & three boats got Ready to go Round to Port jackson we took three Days provisions & a Number of Officers & Sum Marines in the Morning we Started it being about 5 Leagues by Water but we found Afterwards it was not More than 5 or 6 by land we Arived in the After Noon & Run up Middle harbour to the Westward & then a Sircular Round to a bay that govener Phillip Call'd Manly bay & Survay'd Round till we Came into the S.W. branch
it then Coming on dark we landed on a Beach on the South Side & there pitched Our tents for the Night this place was Call'd Camp Cove the Marines were put on their posts & the Sailors was Employed Variously Sum getting Out the Cooking Youtentials Sum making fires & then shooting the Seane For fish by the time we got Out Suppers it was late in the Night & by Four in the Morning we had everything in the boats Again & on Our Oars with One Man at the led to Sound Out of One Cove into another Capt Hunter Mr Bradly Leughn &the Master taking a draught of the Soundings likewise the distances we Eat our breckfast On our Seats & pulling all day the harbour was so large and extensive & the govener Anxious to get to the head of it but we Could not at length we got as far as where the town is now Call'd Sidney Cove & landed at the West Side of the Cove along Shore was all Bushes but a Small distance at the head of the Cove was level & large trees & no Underwood worth mentioning & a Run of fresh Water Runing down into the Center of the Cove the Govener & Officers & Seamen Went up to a aleet[?] it. I Remained in the Boat being boatkeeper I hove my line over being 4 or 5 fathom Water Along Side of the Rocks & I ketched a large Black Brim & hove it into the Stern Sheets of the Boat the govener Came down determined to Settle here & Observed the fish I had hall'd in & asked Who had Caught
that fish I inform'd him that I had Recellect he Said that You are the first White Man that ever Caught a fish in Sidney Cove we Could not Remain longer than three days for the want of provisions therefore we Returned to botnay bay Next Morning the fleet got Under Way & Sail'd to port Jackson & Run up to Sidney Cove the transports went into the Cove but the Sirius lay Out Side in the Stream Within About 5 or 600 Yards from a Small Island which was nothing but a Solid Rock that Was Afterwards Call'd pinchgut Island by two prisoners being Condem'd to Remain on it upon Bread & Water &in Double Irons & no boat Allow'd to land on it excepting from the Govener
The troops landed & pitched their tents & Convicts to Clear Away the ground the govener had a frame Canvis house brought from England & that was set up on the East Side of the head of the Cove and Major Ross & his Officers && troops Encamp'd on the West Side the Run of Water in the Center the Men & Wimen Ware encamp'd on the West Side but the Wimen by them selves & Sentries plased through all the Camp Likewise a guard on the goveners Side Eight of us that belonged to the goveners boat pitched Out tent by the Water Side On a Rock Near the landing & the Boat in View the Convicts ware Amediately Employed in Cutting down timber & Clearing to build leg houses for the Officers & Soldiers & fencing in ground & the Wimen Employ'd Carreing the Stones Away into the Corners of the fences we were then employ with the Govener Surveying the Remainder of the
harbour & a boat from the Sirius with Capn Hunter & Mr Bradly we landed on a point which we Call'd point no point to Cook Dinner we had a large Iron pot on Boiling on a potfull of fish when One of the Natives came in his bark Cannoo & landed the govener gave him a Small looking glass & he Admired it equal to a monkey he would look in it & put his hand to the back of it to feel the person he Saw he then Came to us & Looked very Wishfully at the fish that was bublin up in the Boiling Water & Signified to me that he wanted Sum of them I Made a Motion to him to take them he very Readily put his hand into the Boiling Water to take Out of the fish but to his great Asstonishment he gumped he Run he hollowed and away to his Cannoo put his hands in the Water then padded it is Impossible to discribe the Anticks he Cut we Laughing the Govener Was Surprised and Enquiring What we had done to him we Inform'd him which Made them all Laugh as hearty as we did at length he got out of sight & we proceeded up the harbour after dinner at length we Arived up to the flats which is Shoal Water about or near a Mile to the head of it where was s Setelment Made at that time Call'd Rose hill from the heads or the Entrance of the harbour to this place is Call'd Fourteen Miles & Sidney Cove About half Way in that distance it Contains Coves & branches all the way up Sufficient in my beleife to hold all the Shipping in England when we ware not Employed with the govener we Ware employed a fishing With a Seane Or hooks & lines for the Govener & what we
Caught ware Served Out first to the Officers then Soldiers then Prisoners we Ware One Night Shooting the Seane at the head of Middle harbour as we Supposed & Shifting a long the Beach towards the North Side we found an entrance && going Over the bank of Sand discovered an Other branch Runing to the Westward that we new Nothing of full of Coves likewise which we Informed the govener of it was Surveyed likewise During this time the Ware Building Store houses for the Provisions & Stores that Was Brought Out for the Country the Provision Storehouse was on the West Side Near the Leught Goveners house & the troops & Officers had their log houses Built forming a Street and as Soon as they Ware Ready the Store Ships discharged as the Ware all bound to India from thence and as they ware discharged and refitted the took their Departure for different parts of India When we first Came to an Anchor at the entrance of the Cove we landed the Cattle on the East Side being a flat Point & all other Stock that was for the Setelment while laying in the Stream the Natives would Come Along Side with amazement & putting their hands on the Ships Sides with Wondering Surprise Not thinking what it Could be Made of every place the govener Made his Excursion he strove to Naturalise them by giving them Clothing & trinkets & wold not permit them to be Milested by any Means though he Run Many Risks of his life by them When We Would Come a Cross a Scholl of Fish with the Seane If the Natives Saw us the would come down with Spear in hand & take what
the thought fit till Such times as we got them into the Boat & push off as the govener would not Allow us Arms to defend our Selves for fear we Should kill sum of them in our Own defence however After Informing the govener he sent his Orderly Sarjent With us to protect us for a while A few days after we had been Robed of Our School of fish, we was fishing in a large Cove Opposite to the place that we had Our fish taken from us One of the Natives Came Over in his bark Cannoo and seemed Verry friendly we New him to be One of those that Robed us the Sarjent had put his gun up against a tree & the Catridge Bar Hooked on it. I went & took one of the Catridges & pored it into his hand he Admired the Small grain of the Powder & having a Stick of fier in the Other hand I Motioned to him to put the fier to it which he did but the flame Smoke & Burning his hand & flying in his face he gave a Spring & a hollow that I Never saw equalled & Run to his Cannoo and put off sometimes paddling with One hand & then the Other Untill he got to the Other Side the Laughture & Noise Alarmed the Sarjent & he wanted to now what was the Matter but we did not Inform him till Sum time Afterwards from the time we begin to settle in Sidney Cove we Ware put Upon Short Allowaince 6 Men Upon 4 Ment Allowance as provisions Would be Short & not Nowing when a fleet would Arive from England The govener had a Lighter built which is a boat for Carreing timber & was Employed in fetching Shells for lime & Sand
or what ever might be wanting for building when we Ware not Otherwise employed with the Govener we had to tow the lighter up & down the harbour & load her with timber the govener had an Other Boat built pulled 16 Oars With Shoulder of Mutton Sails to go a Survaying we Went in hur to Survay Broken bay which Was Call'd About 16 Miles by water in this Boat we Carried 16 Men & Coxson & Room for 8 or 10 Sitters we had two 6 Oard Cutters with us we Survay'd the beaches took the distinces and the Soundings in both Branches & purticularly where the bar lies Across from the Island to the Main in the SW branch we landed on a Small Island with lofty trees & no UnderWood but like a grass plat & it was so Numerous with Small birds we Call Parrekeets that we Could Scarcely hear One or the Other talk & we Saw very large Fox bats in this branch a Conviderable Way up from the heads on the SE Side we found Shelves of rocks Over Each Other in a Small Cove of a Conviderable hight they ware three of them Each about 12 feet in hight from each Other beside the Rock on the Surface of the ground on tip & a Strong Run of Water decending from One Shelf to the Other & so on till it Came down to the Salt Water and on Every Shelf it was entierly flat & by the Constant Run of the Water the Rocks was Wore
Away in the form of a Bason & as that Remain'd full it Run off to the Other I Suppose it to be About 60 feet from the Water up to the top where it is a level ground & at the Bottom is an Iron Mineral In the NW Branch we landed on the West Side of the harbour where the River Call'd Hoksburry River enters into the bay here We dined & first Shot the Sein & ketched the largess Mullet I ever Saw at this place the govener pass'd his jokes with Dr White Making Youse of those Mullet the Dr Said he was Amasing fond of them the Govener Allow'd he was as he said he had eat Six of them & he Allow'd that the least of them Weighed Three Pounds & by that the Whole Must Weigh Eighteen Pounds Which Accasioned a great deal of Sport Amongst the Rest of the Officers & likewise the Men it was Observed in the flods that Came down this River that their was large timber laying in the Crutcher & forks of the large Trees about 36 feet from the Surface of the ground which Would be Dangerous to settle on the low grounds Upon the Account of these flods we Ware about 10 days Survaying this harbour & then Returned to Port Jackson we likewise Survayed Botnay Bay until we Could go to higher with the boats in the Small River which was about a Mile from the head of the Bay we Saw a great Number of diferent
Kinds of Birds Small Birds with Beautiful Colours Cockatoos both Milk white with - Yallow top Nots Likewise Black Ones Some Swans Curloos the Eagle falkon Bustards patridges the goveners hunter Shot a Bird about Seven foot When on his feet which Could Run & flutter with his Short Wings faster than a horse or a hound Calld Cassowary pelicans Ducks
There is different kinds of Animals but the Kangooroo is the Chies The lep on the hind legs which is Very long & supported by a Strong tail with a false Belly which their Yous go into when in danger the Will lep 20 or 30 feet at a lep the fore feet are very Short Some have been Shot of two hundred Wt! The Native dogs are of a fox Colour though I never heard them bark the Resemble the fox but larger & the tail Rather Bushy.
The Natives here Are the Most Misserables on the See Coast I ever Saw the have Som huts of bark but when the Wr is Cool the generally get on lee Side of the harbour in the Caves & hollow Rocks & the Always Carry fier with them to Kindle a Small fier at the entrence or Otherwise in the middle of the Cave the Chiefly live on fish I have Seen them eating a Yellow Root but it was so Noxious And Slimy that I Could not bare it in My Mouth I have Seen them so Ignorant that when they would Take up a fish & put it behing them that You Should not see it the Would turn
Round & Walk away With the fish in their hand Remaining behind in full Vew Of us all I have Observed that the all Want One tooth & a joint off the little
Finger they have a hole through the grissle of their Nose which the Can put a Bone or a Small Stick through lighting to a Spritsail Yard their is Sum tall but Slender Bone & ill Made the Men have Bushy Beards & Very large Mouth but good teeth if the Ketch any fish the will Stick the guts in the hair of their head their Lines is Made of a kind of bark that grows Round the Beach Cabbidge tree which is Very Strong their fish hooks is made of Shells in the Shape of a New Moon & fastened to the line their Spears they will heave 4 or 5 hundred Yards the have Clubs is Pointed at both ends & a hold burnt in the Middle to hold it with a Bark Shiel in the Arm for Close Quarters being down in Manly Bay with the Govener three boats of us we Saw an Action between two parties the One as we Supposed to be from the Interier the fought on the Rising ground Nearly in frunt of us as we lay in Our Boats the fought Spear in hand with great dexterity for Nearly an hour when the Interier Party Apeared to gain the Victory the Others having to Retreat with their Wimmen & Children Screaching & Hallowing at a dredful Rate till they Ware Out of hearing
It was Always the goveners Studdy to Cultivate & Naturelise those Natives as Much as possible we had One girl the govener Clothed & kept her at the hospittle With Docr White as he wish to find out their language during this time the fleet that Came Out with us ware all gone though it would be proper to mention a trick that One of the convicts was guilty of during the time The Shipping lay there the Captains of those Transports had with them a good deal of Venture & this Convict by Sum Means got holt of a half guinea & with the filings of other Mettle & that filed with it brought it to One of the Capn to barter for liquor & other article & told him he Could find More gold dust when Opportunity Served, it was amediately Rumered that gold dust was found & it came to the goveners ears he Must Either tell where he found it or be punished he Said he Would Show them the boats ware Ordered to be Ready & down the harbour they Went but he Could not find any he was brought back & Made to Confess the truth & when all was found Out he got a Severe floging for his Making fools of the public
The Kings Birthday drawing on the supply Brig was Sent Out to Some of the Islands for turkle & Returned with Some that was Served Out as far as it would go Two of the Prisoners was Condemned to pinch gut Island the Rock before Mentioned for Three Year Upon Bd & Water but the did not Remain the hole time as the govener forgave them I Believe
if I Recollect right it Was for killing a goat belonging to the Parson & eating it About this time the Cattle we brought from the Cape of good hope ware all Missing in One Night & not to be found though a Search was Made upon all directions but in the Year 92 the have been Since found Runing Wild & greatly Increased though the Interior We ware Ordered to have the Boat Ready to go down the harbour with the Govener Dc White Capn Johnston & a Number of Other Officers their was three boats as the Govener had a design of taking Sum of the heads of the Natives to Natrulise them we landed in Manly Bay the Natives Came to us & we ware Very friendly & the Govener Apointed the two that ware to be Seiced & put into the boat One War Call'd Bennelong the Other's Name I do not Recollect but the Ware the head Warriers of those tribes When the Sigl was given by the Govener the Boats Crews Seiced them & Carried them into the boats in an Instant the Spears Begin to fly the Officers & Sum Marines firing Upon them but loosing their Chiefs the Ware Verry Resolute but Retreating in the Bush & the hove their Spears at Random & Capn Jonston Kept to Study and quick fier Upon them that we got off with both the Warriers and
Brought them to town the Govener Kept them in his Own house till Such times as he had a Small house Built on Cattle point on the East Side of the Cove the War Both Sent to England Afterward & One of them died on the Passage & the Other Returned again in One of those Excursion the Govener had Nearly lost his life in the North branch a Spear that was hove from the Natives went through his Right breast & came Out behind the doctor not having Materials with him he dare not take the Spear Out but Cut it off & it Remained in him till the Boats Crew pulled him to Sidney Cove the pulled with all their might till the arived in the Meantime the Govener & bore it with the Greatest Patience and Made his Will & Settled & his affairs in the Boat Not Expecting to live as Soon as the Arived the doctor drew the Spear Out & Stoped the Blood & he Recoverd & the Coxswain had a Spear Sent throug his Right Arm & he Recovered if the found us without Arms the Would take over Advantage in the latter part we ware Allowed to have a Musket in the boat which Made them Shier of us the Govener at this time had a Two Story Stone house built by One the Convicts which was Said he Receivd his liberty for it we being Constantly
in Short Allowance & no Signs of a Ship from England the Sirius begin to fit Out for the Cape of good hope & as Soon as She was Complete we Sailed Bd to the S.E. Round Cape horn we had been Out a few Weeks when We Ware Surprised to See land as we Supposed the Whole Ships Crew Came on deck to View it the Capn & First Leutenant brought their Charts on deck & Over hall'd them Could not find Any land near us by the charts & their Reconing we did not Apear to be More than Two or Three Miles from it & we ware Stearing Right for it the lead was Ordered to be hove but no bottom we Could See the Surfe Rolling on the Sandy beach the trees & hills in Sum Plases like Yellow Clay Others brush &Woods &farther in the Interiar high Mountains & while gasing by all hands it begin to Vanish Away & proved to be cape Flyaway One Night before we Made the Cape Our third Leutenant having the watch Mr Maxwell by Name having a fine Breeze Quarterly he begin to Set all Sail that he Could & at 12 o'Clock when the Other Watch was Call'd up begin to Set the Shearing sails though the Wind was getting fresher & fresher till the Ship lay down Sufficient to heave the Capn Out of his Cot The Capn got on deck in his Shirt & begin to take in Sail as fast as possible
till She was Under Snug Sail he Asked Mr Maxwell what he was doing he told the Capn he would tip all Nines to See Weather the Sirius es[?] Could Rigger again for a Set of Dmd Raskels Then the Capn found he was lunetick & Ordered an Other Officer in his watch we Made the Island of terreldefugo but it was Cosered with Ice of & Snow we kep Our Chrismas going Round the horn e passed 37 Islands of Ice during Our passage Round beside flat Ice one field of Ice we had nearly Run into but we bore up for Several hours to Clear it Whale was very Numerous the ware So thick at one time that we Could not Count them & with their Spouting the would wet us upon deck going Round this passage the Ships Company was taken with the Scurvey till we had but 13 in the Watch with the Carpenters Crew I was Carried below Three times in One Night but I don my duty the Next day & Sum died in Sight of the Cape of good hope or table Bay but when we got in the Ships Company Recovered Verry fast Capn Hunter Ordered the best of everything for us in Respect of provisions & Allowed us to Sent for as much Wine as we thought fit to drink being a good Medeson for the Scurvey we loaded the Ship with flower even Between decks was full we Shipped a good Many hands in the Room of those that died during
the time we lay in harbour we had a Midshipman that Commanded Our boat & when going on Shore he would take the liberty to thrash us when he thought proper therefore Five of us left the boat not intending to Return the Other four Never did Return but After being Ten days on Shore the Capn Sent word to me to Come on Bd & I did so & inform's him the Reason when he heard the Reason he Confined the Midshipman to his cabin for three weeks & Said no More to Me we took in the Cargo & Stock &put to See Again we had not got Round the Cape before a N W Gale Came on & blew so tremendious & heavy See that we Could not Scud[?] Though we having as fair a Wind as Could blow we furled all Sails & bent Three foul Staysails & lay too for 25 days the wind begin to leave a little & we got her before the Wind which Carried us into the trades we then having a pleasant Voige till we Came to the South end of VandeMands Land the Capn thinking to give a Wide birth to the five Sunkin Rocks we got Nearer the land & a gale Came on from the Sotherd till we was Under a Reef for Course in the Night & so dark You Could Scarcely no the Next man to You the See flying Over us & the pumps going thought She did not leak & the hatches battened down but the look Out forred Cried Out land a head we than had to ware Ship & Stood to the West in about
an hour there was land ahead again we then had just Room to Ware again we Could then See the Surf beating Over the Rocks and the Apeared higher than Our Mast heads we found now that we ware Imbayed & a heavy gale & See Rolling in Upon us & Nothing but Rock Under Our lee the Capn Ordered Close Reef Top Sails to be Set & loosed the Mainsail he Said she must Carry it or Capsise or Carry Away the Masts or go on Shore the Men at the See pumps ware standing in the Water &every Man in his Station if she had not had a Spar deck Upon her She Could not of Carried the Sail without filling her gun Deck we Standing on Expecting every Moment the Masts to go Over the Side & I don't Suppose their was a living Soul on Bd that expected to see daylight About half an hour before daylight She Struck Upon the Reef a Sand bank that Run as good as two Miles to Windward of us She lay Motionless for the space of Two or Three Minutes when a Most tremendious See Struck hur Under the Quarter & hove hur Over the Reef & a Way She Went in full Sail & Smooth Water the Reef Keeping the heavy See off we Carried Awa Our four Top Gallt Mast & Split the Uper part of the Stern & lost our figure head at Daylight it fell Calm & the Ship lay two Streaks to port or on the left Side of Our Bakstays & Rigging all Carreing Away with the Sails flapping to the Mast it was so Strained by the gale
we turned to Righten the Ship by putting as Much flower as we Could on the Opposite Side between decks & Spliced the Rigging through gods Assistance we ware Saved where we had no hopes but in him in a Short time we got into Port jackson where we found there and great Rejoicing for our Arivel in the Ware Verry Short of provisions and Supposed Our Ship to be Lost we Sent the Cargo of flower on Shore into Store Our Third Leutinant got so Raving that he was Sent
to the hospittle under the Doctors Care Our Ship lay in the Entrance of the Cove About this time there was a discovery Made of the Store being Robed there was Eight of the prime Soldiers & best Character had a plot & had a Key mad & taking the Key out of the dore when Opportunity served & having the Mold of it the Convict Made it & when One of them was sentry in the Night the Rest would Come & Rob the Store of Liquors & what provisions the thought fit & the Settlement upon Short Allowance till One Night by Opening the dore the Key broke & left the peaces in the lock on Saturday when the Storekeeper Came to Open the dore he Could not enter the Key he gave Information & the lock was taken off & by that Means it was discovered the Store was Robed the Store keeper had often Suspected but Could not be Certain as their was always Sentinel at the dore Night and day the Alarm
was given & One of them being Sentry at the Leutent Gov& inform'd him he had Sumthing of Importance to Relate to him he Suspected what it was & had him Releiv'd he discovered the Whole & gave their Names in to the Govener as Kings Evedence One Night before the had a frollick & got drunk One of them having a falling out with the Rest & Said he would discover the beat him that he died in a Couple of days & when Burried they Went with a Keg Of liquor & Set on the grave & Stuck a Bayonet into the grave & Renew'd their Oath not to discover by this I Hunt Turning If[?] Evidence the ware all tried Condemd & hung though their was great Application Made to the Govener to Save some of them some time After this One of the Wimen Stole Sum Wet Clothes & was Condem'd & She Strove to bring a free Man in guilty belonging to Our Ship Who was proved Innocent Otherwise She Might have been Saved as the Govener left it to the Capn Hunter but he woul Not & She was hung led to the gallos by Two Wimen So Much intoxicated in Liquor that She Could not Stand with Out holding hur up it was dreadful to see her going Out of the World in Such a Senceless Shocking Manner We took the Ship down to Elbow Cove Abut Two Miles from Sidney Cove on the North Side to Refit the Ship for See Service
[Paper marked "No. 6", inserted above page 101]
During the time of Refitting in Elbow Cove Mr Hill a Masters Mate & a fine Officer Under took to Walk up to town on the North side without an Arms except a Small dirk as Side Arms & it was Supposed Sum Natives from the Interier Came aCross him & took him away with them or kill'd him when we Missed him we Supposed him to be lost & fired guns but Never had Any account of him likewise Our SailMaker was hunting & lost him self
the Carpenters fitted a frame along Side the Rocks & we filled it with Rock Stone level'd it with earth that the Ship Coud lay a longSide the Warf in Five fathom Water we Discharged everything Out of hur & put 26 Riders into hur Refitted & Return'd to Sidney Cove where the Supply Brig lay Our Third Leutenant Mr Maxwell that was on Shore lunetick Received a draught from england to the Amount of 70 Guineas & in his fits he Went &buried it Singly all Over the garden Saying he would not find One Third of it the garden being Already dug up for gardening One of the Convicts a Negro was guilty of several Crimes & at length he got a Musket and Runaway into the Woods & it was dangerous to Strive to take him being both ignorant and Verry powerful and strong however he was at length taken and put in dubble irons and tried for his life & condemned but the Govener talking with him and enquired what he thought would become of him when he had to die he laughed and seemed to Rejoice saying he would go to his own country and see his friends the Govener could not think of hanging such an ignorant creature and pardoned him
We Ware now taking in Water & got Ready to take in Prisoners for Norfolk Island.
Though it is proper to Make Mention that the Supply Brig had been to Norfolk Island 16 Men With Mr King first Leutenant as Leutant Govener Returned. No. 7.
About the beginning of March 1790 we Sail'd for Norfolk Island going Out of the heads we had a Narrow escape of loosing Our Ship on the Rock being light Winds & a heavy Swell but at length we got Safe Out to See we had Major Ross the Leutn Govener on Bd &Men &Wimen Convicts with their Baggage to Settle Norfolk Island on Our passage we fell in With a Small Island that had not been discovered which was Call lord hows Island on The SWest Side was a small Sandy bay Verry hansome for landing on the East end Was a Rocke Mount but the Remainder level & hansome grass flats the Island I Suppose Was About 12 or 14 Miles Round the Supply Brig being With us She left Sum Men & an Officer with provisions & Water to Explore the Island & find Water till hur Return but none being found on it the Ware taken off Again but What is Most Singular at One End or the East end of the Island
[Paper marked "No. 7", inserted above page 103]
About this time the Supply brig going backwards and forwards from Port Jackson to Norfolk one of our Midshipmen going on Shore in the jolly boat he attempted to sail through the surf and that with a Rudder the Men told him the danger but being head Strong he and the 4 Men Ware drownded through the Stubournness of One lad about 16 or 17 years of age
& a Considerable distance from the Island is a Rock growing Out of the Sea in the form of a Monument & to a Very great hight & ending at the top With a peak in Almost as Regular a Manner as if it had been bilt & with the dung of the feathered See foul it Apears Entierly White there is no possibillity of Acending to the top of it we having a fine a pleasant Breeze of Wind we Arived off Norfolk Island About the 18th of March 1790 Lay two & Outboats & Sent the prisoners Men and Wimen Onshore likewise the Leu govener & his troops the provision & baggage Remaining on Bd we Continuing to lay off an On as their is no Anchorage being nothing but Curl Rock laying We all Night & having a Strong Currint that we Ware not aware of by daylight we Could Scarcely See the Island of deck In Shore the Current is Verry strong &Runs 6 hours to the W & 3 to the East the Current Shifting & we Making sail we ware up with the Island and by the 19 of March by aleven a Clock in the day & Sent the boats on Shore with baggage having a fine pleasent day with a light Breeze off Shore all the Seemen that could Muster hook & line was ketching groopers not thinking on any danger or at 12 O'clock when thinking
of going to dinner Capn Ball of the Supply Brig hailed us & inform'd Capn hunter that we ware two Close in the Swell of the Surf having holt of us though it did not brake & Capn Ball being at a distance OutSide of us purseiv'd it sooner than we did Immediately we Made all Sail that we Could Set & a light Breeze off Shore but it all availed Not the Swell was Stronger than the Wind & the Swell Still driving us in we Atempted & did let go an Anchor thinking to Work Out but the Picks Cut the Cable the first & Second time we Struck we Opened the Main hatch & Sounded & had 4 foot Water in the hold we Ware then About Three Quarters or half a Mile from the Shore & as the Rocks Cut hur Bottom away the Ballace &&big Ballace fell Out & a heavy Surf Rolling Aboard of hur Still drove hur further in but before the Swell broke we got a boat a long Side & Sent Capn Cooks time peace & two wimen One being pregnant on Shore the ware Wives to two of the musicioners the got Safe on Shore the Capn then Ordered the Mast to be Cut away by Cutting the Lanyards of the larbourt Rigging the Mast All Went
[Paper marked "No. 8", inserted above page 105]
As Soon as the Mast fell over the Side the Wimmen on shore Set up Such cries lamenting and hallowing on the Beach that the Govener was compelled to Send Soldiers to drive them off the beach and Compell them to Remain in their huts
together a long Side by this time the Surf Rolled heavy Against us but having a Spar deck it Sheltered us the Commandr gave Orders to Open the After hatch way & Stave all the Liquor that Could be got at to prevent the Seamen from getting drunk we began to Secure Our Clothing in Our Chests & lashd Them Well with Cords & hove them Over doard thinking the Surf Would take them on Shore but being a Strong Current Setting to the Westward the Ware Carried to see & we lost all but what we had on at length we got a harser on Shore be heaving a Cask Over board witrh a small line bent to it & from that a harser with the heart of the forestay on it and halline line both on shore and a board to hall it backwards & forwards with a gratin Slung to it to Sit on by that Means the Capn & Sum Officers & a Number of the Men got on Shore at least to the Reef which was a good distance from the Shore & from thence the boats took them the harser was made fast to a large pine Tree & hove tough by Our Captain and on the Reef was Made a Triangle with
Our fire booms to keep it as high as possible & Still when the Ware halling them on Shore the Would be Under Water a Considerable time the Surf Rolling Over them to a great hight Mr Bradly First Leutent & a Number of us More Remained on Bd all Night Under the Spar deck the Surf rolling on Bd so heavy during the Night that we expected She would go to pe&Slewed her Round with her head to the East Wart but hur Upper Works was as Strong as Wood Copper & Iron Could Make a Ship for being Well fitted in England we put 28 Strong Riders into her Copper bolted In port jackson of the Country Oak which saved us or otherwise Nothing Could Resist so tremendious a surf as there is on that Island the lanyards of the Starbourd Rigging being Cut the masts & Sails drifted on Shore & on the 20th the Remainder went on shore we were then fully employ'd Cutting trees down to build a barrack for Men and Officers to live in Sum Employed in preserving the Sails & Rigging that drifted on Shore & thatching the houses with rushes we Ware Now as Near as I Could Understand
About 700 on the Island Men and Woman Convicts Sailors & Soldiers & Officers Excepting Sum of Our Officers that Returned to Sidney Cove in the Supply Brig to inform the Govener of Our Misfortune the Govenor not Nowing what time a fleet would Arive from England Amediately Sent the Supply Brig Away to betavia to take up a Vessel & land her with Rice for the Collonny in Sidney the ware put on 6 upon 4 Mens Allowance though Ours was Quite different Leut Govenor Ross was a merciless Commander either for free Man or prisoners he laid us Under Three different laws the Seamen Ware Still Under the Navel laws the Soldiers Under the Millitery Laws Besides the Sivel law & a Marchial Law of his Own directions with Strict Orders to be Attended to for the Smallest Crime Whatever or neglect of duty we ware now Ordered to get on Bd the Sirius as Many as Could to Save all the Provisions we Could there was 13 of the best Swimmers with a Masters mate got on board when the tide was Upon the half ebb the Men could work on the Reef & we on Bd would Send it on Shore to them by the halling lines we Cut away the Stern to Make a port to Sling the Casks & when the Could not Work on the Reef
On the flood tide then we had to get them Out of the hold & up to Our Necks in the Water Night & day So that we had the Rest when the tide had Ebbed on the Reef so that they Could Stand to Receive the Casks we had to Send on Shore what we had got up Between decks during this time the harser broke & whenever we hove a Cask Over with a line to get it on Shore the Current would heave it Out to See & we ware so far off that the Capn & Govenor Could not let us now what we was to do therefore the Officer Concluded that Wm Hunter & My Self Should toss up to know which Should Atempt to Carry a letter onshore to the Capn as we Ware Allowed to be the Two best Swimmers & it fell to My lot the gave me the Ent of the Dipsey line which I was to Carry on Shore if I Could & a Bottle Corked up with a letter in for the Capn that I Slung under my Arm & down the Stern lather I went & as there is Always Three following sees I waited for the first heavy surf & then following it I swam with all My Might when the Next See Rolled Over me Nowing that if the Current Carried me 4oo Yards farther down to the Westwart there was no Saving me as the was a Whirlpool Under a high Clift that Sucked everything into it that Came near it & Spouts the Water up as high as a Ships Mast
& the Current being so Strong Runing under a Shelf of Curl Rock into the pool my line that I had the end of got foul in the Curl Rock & I hung by it for a Considerable time the hailed me from the Ship to let go the line I did so & Swam for my life the govenor & Capn &Mr Bradley Ordered a Cable to be Lanched Which was built to go through a Surf but no Sooner Launched & the Men into her than She was dashed to peases the then Ordered a larger One to be Run Over the Reef to be lanched to Save me but before the got her lanched I got on the Reef & the Caried me over to the Capn & I gave him the letter he Appeared to be much Surprised & Said he Never Saw a Man Swim with so Much power & Strength as I did though I new I had great Reason for it but Now Said the Capn & govener the difficulty is to no how we Can Inform them how to act I informem Him I would Carry a letter on Bd he Said he thought I had Run a great Risk Already but I told him I would go through the Surf a Way to Windward & Come down With the Current to the
Ship, Accordingly I Receiv'd the letter in a Bottle & Slung it &went About a Quarter of a Mile to Windward Dived through the Surf & when in the Swell I lay on my Back &the Current took me down Verry Quick the Men of Bd
Standing Ready to heave - Ropes with Boling Nots to me &hall'd me Up. In delivering the letter we found we Could do Nothing till Slack Water excepting hoisting up provisions at Slack Water we got a nother harsor on Shore and Continued to send on Shore all provisions that we Could get at the bread being all Spoilt with the Salt Water. I think it was About 14 days we ware employ'd on Bd &then left her though the Men that could Swim Often had permission to go on Bd to get Small Tommehacks that the purser brought Out for the Natives &get Copper off her bottom to Make Kettles & pans the Bottom Constantly Braking Out She Cam Nearer the Reef till at low Water You Could Waid to her bows in About 5 or 6 month After we got all the guns & Out of hur Excepting One that got Overboard when first Cast Away & put them in a tear a long Side the flag Staff.
Our Ships Company Not being Satisfied of living in the Barraks that we had built the Begin Building huts Near the beach which was Call'd Irish Town & the Most of them had Wimmen to live with them & every day they had to produce A Bundel of Rushes to the Over seear as their days Work for thatching of houses we Ware One day employed in Cutting Sum Trees down Upon the Ridge of the hill Near the town each One Cutting a tree & I was at one of the lowermost when my&they fell against Mine I did not now which was to Run but I Run a few Steps when I was Nocked down Senceless the Men Coming to my Assistence the dragged me Out from Under the trees dead by all Appearance & Carried Me to town to the Doctors the Cut my Stocking jacket off which I had on & Bled me in different places when I came too One lim hat Struck me a Cross the shoulders & a Nother broke My jaw bone & bruised in different Places, but as god protects all One Large lim broke off & Entered the ground 4 or 5 feet which kep the Body of the tree from my Body by two or three feet but thanks be to god I recovered in Six or Eight Weeks the Govener & Capn though it best to Strive to Cultivate Make Gardens
& the prisoners Cleared a large piece of ground on the Side of the hill Next to the town which is on the North side of the Island & Sowed it with what grain we had & planted the gardens with what Seed Could be got the ground is Rich & Black Soil We ware put Upon a Pound & a half of Flower & a pound & a half of bran Mixed together & a few Ounces of Meat to last for 7 days & in About Six Weeks we had Nothing but the flower Alone Excepting good Water which Runs from One of the Vallies at Mount Pit & Runs Eastward past the Town & an other branch of the North Side beside a Beautiful Caskade or fall of Water from the level of the ground down a Considerable hight to the Beach & runs into the Oceon The Powder that we Saved from the Ship was Buried for Safety as their was no Use for powder on the Island when we first landed on the Islands the gannets & see fowl would Com Open Mouthed at You but they soon forsook the Island but the princible See Birds that Resorted & bred on the Island was a bird the Called Mount Pitters Mutton Birds the Mount pitters ware About the Size of a pigeon but fuller in the Body with a hawk bill & Webbfooted the bred in the Vallies on Mount pit the ground being entirely Underminded by them Every-evening the Would gether like the Chimbly Birds with a great chattering & Soon as dusk the fell to the ground and
Would look for their holes these birds Seemingly as god ordain'd was the Saving of us as it was the Chief Living we had While the lasted beside the Wild Mountain Cabbidge Tree that growed on the Island Our Method of living while we Could forage was thus we would first get pine nots Which was plentiful & Split them fine for torches one Small one to Seek the birds with when on the Mount & one large One to bring us home we Would Start Out About Four in the Afternoon & Reach the Mount by dusk as I suppose About four Miles up hills & down Steep Vallies & when Out there Would Nock up a fier & wait till the birds begin to fall there Would be Sum of all denominations Sailors Soldiers & Convicts when the begin to fall we Would go down into the Vallies and the More we halloed The More Would Come to us we hallowed hoo ho ho and the birds Would Come Running ke ke ke thinking it was their Mate or their Young and by that Means Every Man Would take him & what he thought was Sufficient to Carry which would be from 30 to 16 or 20 birds each & at the Commencement from 20 to 40 or 50 Men which I suppose for a Considerable time there Would not be less than 1000 or More Destroyed of a Night When our NapSacks was Completed every Man Would lite his large torch & Set out homewards all in a line as here was only a Small path Cut
through the Woods we had to be careful not to get out of the path or Otherwise we would not find the Way home till day light being full of Wine pens Upon All Directions & in this Season of the Year Very heavy Rains by the time we got to town Would be About 11 or 12 O Clock at Night all Wet & Mud Coming down the hill it was Equal to a Lumenation 40 or 50 Torches all in Rotation one After the Other, Untill we decended to the foot of the hill into the town & disapear'd
In Respect of the Mutton Birds they ware Rather smaller than the Mount Pitters & See bird the Bread all Over the Island having holes Unter ground the Meathod we had to ketch them was with a ho and a Sharp pointed Stick when We found a hole we would hallow Out ke kek ke & if the Old Ones Was there or the Yound when hatch'd they Would Amediately Answer You Crying out in the Same Manner & Cumming Running to the Entrance of the hole & if You Missed Ketching holt of him he would run back again then the way the Sound of him was You Run the Sharp Stick down into the ground it being like a Soft Mold & Clap Your mouth to the hole & hollow he would Answer and so on by that Means You Would dig Right Over him & the ground being Soft it would fall in & Stop his holes up we Could then ketch him there was but few Birds on the Island Excepting Sea fowl we found Sum Quail but few a few Parrots but of a dark Colour & Sum Parrekeets that feeds on the wild Red Peppers that grow on the Island
There Was found Wild Piggeons but the ware of different Colours Like Our tame Pigeons but much hansomer but we Reduc'd them before we left the Island We Never found any kind of wild beasts, Snakes, or toads, or anything Venemous during the time we ware on the Island
The Wood that groes on the Island is in general pine & the trees groes to a Mazin high and thick ness One tree was found though but Short and hollow which measured 150 feet Round we Ware for a Considerable time Employ'd in Cotting down trees & Sawing them for Masts & Spars for Shipping but the found they ware not Serviceable as it was brickel & worm eatin but Verry Useful for Building houses there was a good deal of faron tree which is good to feed hogs & great Quantities of Mountain Cabbige tree but when we left the Island it was Very Scarce there was fields of Wild Rushes that growed in the Vallies that was Supposed to make Eccelland flax as Sum was Manufactured & Sent to England the first farm that was Cultivated was in a Valley Near the town Calld Arthurs Vale the found Some wild Benanes on it & Expected the would turn out well by Coltivation we had two Cobels built by Our Carpenters to go Out A fishing when the weather would permit the fish was plentiful but the Misfortune was we Could not go out through the Surf Unless it was a Verry Calm day & without wind. Some times it would be five or Six weeks we Could not Atempt to go Out and when we did the moment a breeze Sprung up on that Side of the Island the flag would be hoisted which was for us to
Come in Amediately or Otherwise the Surf Would Rise so Quick & high that it would be Unpossible & then we would have to go Round the Island on the lee Side which would be Very Dangerous ----
It may be proper to Mention that during the time we Remained on the Island Which was a Seven Month and Seven days there was Never a Man Woman or Child died a Natural Death on the Island. -- Excepting One Old Convict Woman about a 70 or 80 Years of Age Though it was gods will we Should Suffer above not down the grain that was Sowed when in the blade was Chiefly destroyed in one Night with a blast of Wind that Came from the See the grain was Covered with a Catepiller which eat the blade up though all the Wimen ware employ'd to pick them off it Avail'd Nothing the ware so Numerous that we did not get the Quantity that was Sowed, About this time the govener Issued Out Orders that no Man dare to kill a bird Unless a Punishment though he had a Convict which he Sent to the Mount for birds who discovered on one of our Seamen that killed two or three which Govener Ross punished with two Dozen through his tyranical Behaviour Capn hunter & him did not agree while on the Island he would not Allow the Soldiers or Convicts to forage & wished the Cap.n to prevent us likewise but as the govener Clap'd Sentries on the Roads which led Round the Island that no one could go any were without a pass the Capn ordered Mr Bradly to give the Seamen a pass whenever the Call'd Upon him for One
About this time One of the Convicts fishing on the Rocks was taken off be the Surf and Drownded Which was the Reason the govener pretented that he wanted the Cap.n to prevent the Seamen but he told him if his men fell in the would Crall Out again & he did not wish his men to Starve while there was anything to be got by forageing Round the Island
About ten days or a fortnight before the Supply Brig Came to take us off the Island we ware Considering Concerning our Sittuation the Next Saturday Our last provisions ware to be Served Out which was but one half Barrel of flower to be Served Out Amongst 700 hundred Souls the Birds ware destroy'd the Cabbage tree likewise all gone & as for fish it was very Uncertain & even then when we Could go Out & ketch fish & brought in it would not Supply One Quarter the Number, but as god would have it & ; provides all things before the Saturday Arived one morning as I walked Out on the beach at daylight Casting my eyes to the Westward along the Island I discover'd a Ship Close to the Island Coming down along Shore passing the SW Point my heart lep'd within me I Run for the flag Staff where Mr Bradley first Luet.n would Always be at day light the Whole town was Amediately Alarmed & by the time I got there we perceiv'd a Second Sail in the Offin Immediately we launched two boats being fine Weather & little Wind and went out to them the proved to be from Sidney Cove With Supplies of provisions & Sum Convt Wimen
we Boarded the first Ship that Came down along Shore which proved to be Call'd the Surprise Which was as Such to us the Capn and men treated us Extreemly well & gave us a hearty Meal & Sum grog we then took in Sum Beef & went on Shore we Continued dischargin as fast as possable the Convicts Standing Ready to Receive the Boats when landing Upon the Account of the Surf doing Ingury or Staving the boats we launched all the boats we Could muster & Amongst the Rest the large Cutter belonging to the ship that I was in from the time I left England was Sent Out the 1t Leut.t Mr Bradley took me out of hur at that time & put me into a New Coble to Assist in Stearing hur through the Surf in Coming in the Next time the Surf Rising fill'd the Cutter & Stove hur all to peaces there was 10 Souls in the Boat 7 Seamen 2 Wimen & one Child Wm Hunter one of the Seamen before mentioned Saved the Woman & Child the other 7 was drownded boat & all Went into the Whirlpool Excepting the two Quartmaster was got & buried on shore What was Surprising two of them was Quartermasters good Seamen but Always dreaded being in a boat our Coble Came in the Next following Surfs after them & Came in Safe though the Surf had ris considerable the Next day I was put into a Yawl with 8 oars went out & Coming in with 4 Casks of Beef the Stearsman Run hur against a Rock that lay in the Middle of the Channel going Stern on & She being a dutch built boat & Very Strong it did not Ingure hur we all jumped out for fear of the following Surf we Swam to a Shelf of Rocks being low water where the draft Carried Every thing Under the pool
I Clung to the flat Curl Rock & got a top of it by this time the Surf was gon past I See the boat was not fill'd or Upset I jump'd in again & Swam to hur again & a Nother man Came to my Assistance we got her into the Channel before the Next See Came & got her in Safe. However we Continued dischargin at all Oppertunities till we got all on Shore & the two Ships the Julian & Surprise took their departure for India. -- We all now found ourselves Comfortable being Upon full Allowance & Indeed a great many of the Seamen would Rather have Staid on the Island than to Come away Shortly After the Supply Brig Arrived to bring the Siriuses Crew to Port jackson we Embarked & having Pleasent Wr we Arrived Safe in Sidney Cove & all the Ships Crew landed & made their Residence in the Copper hospittal till further Orders During this time the goveners & Officers ware Consulting about Bying the Snow from the Dutch Capn to bring the Officers & Men to England the Dutch Capt Demanded 800 lb Sterlin for the Vessel but the top Masts Not being So good as the Expected & Not having Any timber fitting for topmasts the thought it best to hire the Vessel to Carry Us home as the provisions was getting Short Again in the Country for the time we had been on Short Allowance on Norfolk Island we Receiv'd Three or Four Dolls I am Not Certain which though it was Scarcely Worth Mentioning for what we Suffered on the Island. The Govenes Understanding
that a Number of the Ships Companny wished to Settle in the Country we Ware all Ordered Over to the goveners house to Inform himself Who was most fittest for farmers the whole Ships Company Turned out Excepting about Ten of Us & I being One of the Number that did not wish to Remain However the govener found that there was but few that Could Expect to improve in the farming business Likewise it Required Seamen to Carry the Vessel & Officers to England Out of the Whole Crew he permitted Ten or A Leven Seamon & three Marines to Remain as Setlers & it was directed so as to Send their wages Out to them in what ever they might think most fit for their Sittuation in the Country Likewise there was a few Draughted on Board the Supply Brig as She was to Remain in the Country till further Orders The Remainder of us Men & Officers were Sent on Bd the Dutch Snow I beleive 85 in Number besides our Crew there was About 30 of the Dutch Sailors & Sum Malays that belonged to betavia we ware at this time as passengers the Vessel being taken up at Three hundred Pounds pr Month Expecting to make Timore in Six Weeks an Island Belonging to the portegees in the East Indies. in Lew of this with Contrary winds & falling in with Easterly Currents & Refreshing at Two different ports we ware 13 month till we Arived in Portsmouth in England However we took in Wood & Water & what Small portion of provisions the Govener Could Allow us & we Sailed for the first
Month 6 Men Upon 4 Mens Allowance we Steered to the Sotherd & when we got off Vandemons Land we found the Winds Continued to the westward and we beating for three Weeks in Vain we bore up and Steared to the Northard & Eastward for the Middle passage During this time Mr Mayfield third Leut before mentioned laid in his Cabbin in a dreadful Condicion Constantly Delerious & uncensible of any thing whatever during the time we had been Out at length died & was Buried in as genteel a Manner as Could be Expected to See we Cap our Course till we made the Isle of pines it has a hansome Aperance at a distance the land being so low at the South end that you cannot See but the trees which Apears like a fleet of Shipping with their Mast Visible only. Coming Close in with the land the Captn wished to pass between the high land which lay to the North which was Call'd the New hebudes but Runing Close in with a fresh Breeze & finding no Channel we had to beat out again with great Difficulty and got Round New Caledonia in those Climates we gennerally having light Winds & Our Vessel being a dull Sailor we Seldom went more than 3 or 4 Miles an hour the Next we hove in Sight of a group of Islands Call'd Solomon Isles we Counted from the Mast head Upwards of 30 Islands in passing 4 Cannoos made an atempt to Come up with us but there was
only one Came Alongside their Cannoo was made out of a large Tree Seemingly Burned Out with Out Riggers formed thus [illustration] Which bareing on that Side the Canoo Could not Upset the Cannoo was large and heavy but the men in hur ware Remarkeble large & well made of a bright Colour with their hear long & put up very Neat on the top of their heads the least of them Stood 6 feet & 1 or 2 Inches the prince as we Supposed Sat in the middle & made Use of no paddle but he had a large ploom of Coloured feathers on his dead Apeared to be About 18 or 19 Years of age & Appearantly taller but Not so Stout as the Rest the gave us Sum Coco Nut & wished us to Com to their Island but having a fair wind but light we proceeded on our Voige & they ware then Almost out of Sight of their Island but the padled that heavy Cannoo with so much Strength that the Sent hur through the water at the Rate of 6 or 7 miles an hour, in passing those Islands in the Night at day light we Saw a Sand bank a Stern of us which we must of Run Over in the Night at the time of high Water without perceiving the Danger we ware in we Saw a Number of Islands that I Cannot mention the Names of them we made the Island of Gorgea then New Guinea it was the Intention of Cap.n Hunter to go through the Straits Between New holland & New Guinea but the trade Winds would Not Permit us therefore we Run between
New Britton and New Ierland we ware now Short of water we Run down along the Shore of New Ierland intending to Stop at a Watering place that was laid down in the Chart but we Missed it we Run so Close that our Yard Arms Almost tutched the Boughs of the trees & Could not get Soundings with the hand lead & when we hall'd off between the two Islands we Sounded with the dipsie lead & found no Bottom we Discoverd a Small Island which Lay between New Britton & New Ierland which we Run down to. New Ierland is Verry high Land but we did not land on it New Britton is also high but Runs with a desent to the See Shore but we Could See Beautiful Vales which Appeared to be Clear of wood & Numbers of Cocoa Nut trees When we got Near the Small Island which the Capn Call'd Duke of Yorks Island the Natives Came off to us in Cannoos there ware about 30 Canoes in Number Some two, Four, five, or Six & Sum more in each Canoo we Signified we wanted Water & gave them a bag, the Started for the Shore all in One Body & when the begin to paddle they begin with a Song Crying Out E, E, E till their breath was nearly expended then Crying like a dog Woo, Woo, Woo, & so on the Continued till the Came to the Island in a Short time, the returned with a bag of water we Run Close to the
Island & Run down Along Shore Untill we purceiv'd a Small Cove which we entered & let go Our Anchor in 16 Fathom Water a long Side of the Beach Which was Right up and down like the Side of a house we then had to get a harser from the Stern to the Shore to keep hur from Swinging as there was not Room for hur to Swing in the Cove we Immediately Sent our Casks on Shore On One end of the beach was a Small Run of fresh Water we dug a hole in the Sand and Sunk a Cask that we Could bail the water Out & fill our Casks though when we begin to dig the Sand up the Natives would fill it up again & it apeared as though the intended we Should not have any water we had two boats One with Casks & Men to fill them & a Masters Mate on Shore with them the boat I was in lay off from the Shore about 15 or 20 yards to Cover them as there was a hill or Rising ground Right over them where the Natives Could fling large Stones on top of them & we laying off we Could protect them having a full vew of the Rising ground there was 8 of us in the Boat with the Masters Mate his Name was Mr Shortland & the Mate on Shore was Mr Bryan we Could See the Natives Clearing away the leaves & Bushes on the hill to make room for
Their Slings & an Old Chief Cam down on the Beach About 100 Yards from the Men on Shore Mr Brien had his gun Ready for him an other Canoo Came Along the beach & One more Came Round the point Astern of the Vessel towards us the Snow Mounting 16 Six pounders based off the harser & lay with hur broad Side to the Shore & a town of huts that lay a Short distance from the beach there was a great Number of the Natives on B.d when we Came on Shore when the See us put the Muskits into the boats they Laughed at them taking them for fighting Clubs as the thought their Sling & Spears ware far Supperier to our Weapons they ware now Ready to Attact us in four different places & waiting for the Chief to fling the first Stone which he did after whirling his Sling for a Short time we ware ordered not to fire Untill he hove fortunately the Chief Missed Mr Brien been in liew of his firing at him again he turned Round to See Weather it had hit any of the Men behing him but it was not the Case with us We gave the a full Volly in the hill & likewise on the beach those in the Canoos woul of Injured us the Most but the Boats being Dutch built & Very Strong fended of the Stones the hove out of their Slings though the made dents in the gunnel of the Boat a Quarter of an Inch Deep
No Sooner than the found out the Virtue of Our Clubs our guns I Mean there was not one to be Seen on Sore at the Same time as Soon as the found on board that we ware Attacted the begin to Open a broad Side from the Ship & hove the Shot Over the town One Canoo paddled over towards New Ierland I Suppose the Ware half a Mile off When the fired a Round Shot Over them to let them See that we Could Reach them When the Shot whisled over them the fell in the Canoo but looking up again and Seeing the Shot Strike a half a Mile the other Side of them hove them into Such a pannick that the laid in their paddles and Sat Motionlell the Natives that ware on Bd jump'd over board & Swam on Shore on the larbourd Side firing on Shore One Shot happen'd to Cut a cocoanut Tree down with one of the Natives on the top of it, he was not hurt but so fritened that he Could not move from the Spot he was in those Natives are Rather Smaller than Common of a Yallow Cast but well made the have hogs Fowls & Bread fruit & West India produce the Natives now thought it best to make a peace the Came down to the beach with green bows, by this time we had got all our water on board we went on Shore with Cap Hunter & the Dutch Cap.n When we landed the presented the green bows to us Which we Receiv'd Amidiately the begin to gather Coco Nuts & put to the Amount of Nine hundred & odd into the boat & gave us Sugar Cane as well as we Could Under Stand by their -
Motions we killed Seven of them One of them Came to Me Sitting in the Boat to give me Some Sugar Cane & in turning Round I Acsidenttly laid My hand on the Musket which Terrified him in Such a Manner that he fell down in the water I help'd him up Again and pated him on the shoulder to passify him he Made Motions to me that we Came from the Clouds Supposing Our guns to be Thunder& lightening after Making peace the Came Along Side Again the Chief Articles the traded for was Bright Buttons & bits of Colourd Cloth Perticularly Bits of Silk was great Ornements their Canoos ware hansom turning up at each end like a New Moon Made of peth wood two men Could Carry a Canoo 20 feet long ut into the woods when not wanted their Spears ware hansome with a bloom of feathers on the top of them we had no oppertunity of Seeing their Wimen this Small Island Apeared Very level & Rich & at the Eastermost end there is two Mounts Call'd the two Sisters with a Vulcany in the tip it may be proper to mention that in making peace the brought to us two Small dogs as a great present but so Vicious that the had to gag them Which was excepted of through friendship & in Return the Dutch Capn gave them a hound Slut which the Seemed to adore the tied a String around her neck & danced Round hur with most joy & led hur up to their town which gave us Reason to think the Worshiped Dogs like wise we took notice that the always Went into the Water to do their Need
As we Supposed the held the Earth as Sacred as Some of Our Men Atempted it the hove Stones at them before we had the disturbence, We now having a Supply of Water though it was brakish & Could get no other we put to See Again Runing to the Eastward through the Streights as I think the Capn Call'd St georges Straight we Continued to have light winds & Moderate Weather The Next Islands we passed was Call'd the Admaralty Isle or Solomons Isles in passing the Came off to us in a hostile Manner With a Stage fixed Upon two Canoos on this platform the fighting Men Stood with Men to paddle in the Bow & Stern two of them followed us & Came within pistol Shot turning up their Back Sides at us & was inclining to Engage us but a heavy Squall Coming on & they being a long distance from the Shore they Ware More Afraid of the Bad Wr than they ware of us as the did not now the danger the ware in so the Made for the Shore as fast as the Could which proved well for them as Our guns was well provided with Round, grape, & Cannister Shot but the Capn did not intend to Ingure them Unless the fired Upon us, we Stood on our Course finding the Winds Continued from the Westward & we getting into an Easterly Current we found we ware drifting to the E in liew of getting to the Westward the Dutch Capt Worked by plain Sailing & was Expecting to make Some of the Spice Islands every day, but Cap Hunter & Mr Bradley working their days works by Luner Observations the found
we had drifted 700 Miles to the Eastward in 26 Days & we having no provisions on Bd but Sum Rice that we got from the duch Capn Which was a half a pint pr day in the husk & when Cleaned it would not Amount to more than Three half gils pr Man Capt hunter Advised him to Run a Closs the line into North latitude we did so as far as 13 N Lattd we then got Out of the Easterly Current but Still having Westerly Winds we ware now much afraid of Starving having no Islands to the Eastward of us & Contrary Winds from the West we then bore up for Manela but in a Short time the Wind Shifted and headed us Again we then Attempted to Run for China but the Wind headed us again we then fell in with a heavy gale of wind from the Westward - that Night a Compesant Came on Board - but by their Observations the found we was in a Current that Drifted us at the Rate of One Degree Against the gale of wind in 24 hours to the Westward which was the Course we wanted to Steer for the Straits of Me Cassa we then got in amongst the Spice Islands & Came to an Anchor at a Small Island which pretended to be Subject to the Dutch goverment at Betavia the name of the Island I do not Recollect but the ware at war with a Larger Island that lay about 3 or 4 Leagues to the Northerd of them the had Several Gaurdle Coasters which
Cruised Round their Island We begin a trading with them for Rice & tobacco which we ware in great distress for for a peace of Iron hoop a foot long You Could get a large Melay fowl the Dutch Capn had Some Silk Pieces that he was Intending to trade for Rice, Goats, Tobacco & fowls &. we Sent our Casks on Shore for water, in the meantime the King of the Island with his general & Other Officers Came on Board in his Own Vessel Pretending to Come a trading in a friendly Manner & Two of his Guardle Coasters one on each Side of us & one a Stern they Carried Several Swivels & Two Pounders the King & his Chiefs Wished to perswade the Capn to weigh anchor & Come Round to the town which lay on the East Side & he Could lay in Safety and be Acomedated with every Article that he might want but the dutch Capt Suspecting their trechary Sent a boat to Sound & discoverad the Chanel & found it full of Sunken Rocks & no passage & when we got on them the Could do what the pleased & destroy us all at their pleasure while getting Our Water on Board the Ships Company was trading with them for tobacco fowls Sego & the Cap.n had Receiv'd 900 Weight of Rice & a few goats, About
this time their was between 2 or 3 Hundred on Board in pretence of trade the dutch Cap.n had a Melay girl Sitting on the Quarter deck which he kep as a Miss & She was Verry fond of him & She Understanding the language heard by their discourse when they found we would not go Round to the town & be led into the Snare that the had planed they ware then determined to Massecree all the Whites on Board of us was 85 English men officers & men, 30 Dutchmen & 16 tame Melays under dutch goverment we Mounted 16 six pounders & plenty of Small Arms, At this junkture One of Our men had been left on Shore at the Watering place & was Coming off with the Kings Son & Sum Goats but as Soon as he heard the firing he gumped Over board & left the Man & goats to pull a long Side as he was Close to the Vessel & by that means he was Saved, every One of those that ware on Board from the Oldest to the Youngest wore a Chriss which is a bout the length of a Dirk but Verry Sharp on both Edges & Point & having their Eyes on the general he drew his Chriss half way out of the Sheath, intending to begin the Slaughter & every one of them drew theirs
When the King that was Standing alongside of him Stoped his arm, as we supposed afterwards he thought it was two Soon as his Son had Not Arived with Some goats that he went for & more men coming on board
The Malay girl Immediately informed the Captain & he sent the dutch mate as Quick as possible below & brought up a large Armful of Cutlashes & hove them down on the Quarter deck by this time the Cap.n Informed Capn Hunter & all hands at this Moment we ware hoisting in the Large Boat as we ware Completed in Water & ware getting Ready for heaving up our Anchor & putting to see. I hapened to be on the Quarter deck when this Ocurred the Two Capn & Officers & Men flew Some to the Cutlashes Some into the Cabin for Muskets & pistols & Some Casting loose the Great guns the King & his Officers perceiving their was a discovery made of their plot the began to fly the King & his general & Officers gumped on the gunnel of the Vessel & from thence into the Kings Boat Cap hunter made a Cut at the King but missed him otherwise it must of been fatel for the
Blow was with such force that it Sunk Nearly an Inch into the gunnel of the Vessel the Malay King Immediately turned & drew a poisoned spear and hove it at the Capn but it Stuck into the upper works of Q Deck gunnel the began to cut the Bow fasts to Clear themselves of the Vessel one of our Officers Mr Shortland Masters Mate having a fowling peace of his own already loaded Shot the Bowman dead on the Shot the next Malay to him not the least dismayed out with his Chriss & cut the painter & then fell to work with his oar Mr Shortland fired Several times at him but could not hit him Not having any Stern guns we got about 12 or 14 Muskets to play on the Stern boat which droped away with the Current as long as Our Muskets would Reach them Our Waist guns fired their 6 pound Shot through the Kings Boat till She laid on her Side & shot her Colours away but the hoisted them again She Could not Sink having no Ballace in & being bilt of pine in her lower works & her Upper Works being all Bamboo -
In the fore going part of that Scrimige when the Malays Saw their King & Officers fly the Immediately gumped Overboard & Swam to the Canoos that ware Round the Vessel After getting well out of Gun Shot they went to the Assistince of their King & we Amediately hove up Our Anchor maid Sail & departed for the Westward or for the Straits of Me Cassa.
The Night before this hapened it might be proper to mention we maned Our 6 Oar'd Boat & Mr Bradly with some other Officers & went to a Small Island About 9 or 10 Miles from the Vessel to Ketch Some turkel While on this Island About 12 at Night a Rainbow Commenced like fore Rainbows of Different Colours which Neither Officers or Seamen had ever Seen before at that time of Night we took it for a token for a gale of wind therefore we left the Island without any Turkel & made the best of our way for the ship it proved so in a Short time we had not got half way before it blew a Smart gale we Carried Away Our Mainmast we then Carried on with Our fore Mast Sail & got the Oars Out keeping Bailing & the Boat half full of water we at
length got on Board Before the hight of the gale Commenced it blew most Tremendious & we must of been lost as the Boat Could not have Survived the gale an hour longer by Ner morning it moderated we Now proceeded for Betavia having Pleasent Weather in a few days we made the Entrance of the Straits of Macassa the Straits Runs between the Island of Selebes & the Island of Bonio we Discovered Three Malay Vessels Standing for us but the not Liking the Looks of us the Stood off Again those Straits is Shoal in Many Parts of it that you can see the Sandy bottom & Snakes are Numerous Swiming about Out of Curiosity we Caught them with a Bucket heaving it over them & halling it up Quick having Light winds we ware Several days before we arived at Betevia having Acesion to Refit the Vessel in a few days we went to an Island Call'd henroost where all the Dutch India men go to
Repair this Vessel we ware in belonged to the Dutch Govener & being to Refit the Dutchmen Ware discharged and Capn Hunter took Charge of her we lost one man on the pasag.
Betavia is on the Island of java a fine town & Kanels through it with draw bridges though the Most Unhealthy place I was ever in the Chief of the Inhabitenc are Chinees & Melays the Dutch Soldeirs & Sailors dies Very fast During the Seven weeks we lay heere it was Computed on Shore & on Board the Dutch India Men - which are 64 Gun Ships upon Acasion ware Four thousand Seven hundred that died we had not a Sick Man on Board when we arived & when we left it we Scarcely had a well Man on Bd we had our Vessel Covered with Arnings Neither did we atempt to work from 8 in the Morning till 4 in the After Noon the See Breese Comes in about 9 o Clock their was two Different ailments a Swelling in the Bowels & a pain in the Brest Likewise the Soldiers by having
Small pay is Compelled to Live Chiefly upon the fruit of the Country which Creates the flux & takes them off Crocodiles are very Numerous Sum time before we a Rived we ware Informed a boats Crew going Over the bar got on the flats & Capsised & the ware all Distroyed by them a 11 in Number no boats being Able to go to their Assistince the Water hear is very bad in the Rivers we had to boil the Water in Rice or Barly before we was allowed to drink it & then with the heat it was very Disagreeable the land a bout the town is low mashe salt peter ground though betavia is well fortified the fort abreast the Shipping is at too great a distance to protect the shiping Over the bar they Dutch are Verry Cruel to the Malay Prisoners the work them through the heat of the day without any Mercy till they die & then heave them over board like a dum beast we lost Several of our Men here & one in Bantom bay which was a messmate of mine for 9 Years in two different Ships we Sailed for the Cape of Good hope & had a good passage though our
Ships Company was very Sickly one Seamen Died as we entered the bay we Sent the Sick on Shore & Some so bad we had to hoist them Over the Side on gratinges & Carried to the hospittle we that Remained on Board was alowed all kind of Gardin Stuff & what wine we pleased to Send for on Shore as it was Allowed to be the best Cure for the Scurvey While laying here the Chief of the Ships Company Recovered but we had to leave about 12 behing us which I understood afterwards the Most of them died during the time we laid here a South Easter which is Common Almost every day Blew so hard that we draged Our Anchors near half way to pinguin Island about one Mile & a half we then laying so Open to the See that we Should of foundered at our Anchors being bass Cabels we had to Cut & Run Out to See with our Yards & top masts down we then hove too till the gale Ceaced in Two days we got in again but having Neither Anchor nor Cable the Swan 20 gun Ship Sent her boats on Shore & fetched off a large Anchor & 18 inch Cable
A few days before we Sailed Mr Bradly 1st Leutennant gave the Ships Crew a frolic being Rejoiced to think we ware so near England after being Out five years we made so great a Noise in Dancing & Carouseing & drinking that the Capt of the Swan Man of War thought their was a mutiny on board of us he Sent a boat with Men & Officers a long Side to Know what was the matter when the Informed the Leut he told them & Sent the Chief of them back Nearly Intoxicated as well as our Selves After being hear about 6 Weeks we Sailed for St Henela Being in general healthy Excepting what Number heretofore has been Mentioned being now at See as the Seaman Terms it Rowling down to Santhelena having always a fair wind in those Latitudes Being a Dull Sailor we ware to the best of my Recollection about Ten or a Seven days & came to an anchor on the Bank a Breast of the Town which lais in a Valley here is where the India men get a good Supply of fresh water & water Crisses for the Seamen homeward bound this Island is Strong & the Bateries Numerous Lather hill
Lais Right over Your Mast heads Likewise another Level with the water Another half Moon Battery Right Over the Landing place Likewise from the first making of the Island it begins with Small Batterys all the way to the Town which is Near the Centre of the Island but what makes it most Difficult is the Shipping is Compelled to keep Close Under the Batteries all the way or otherwise if you keep off the Bank You Cant fetch the Island again as the Current & wind is both one way Likewise at the Landing place is Difficult Being a heavy Surf the back the Boat in with their Ores & then not more than Two or three can Land at once and Cannon fronting of You. Every Indiaman is Compelled to leave Stores on the Island on their homeward bound passage Makeral is plentiful Baneta & Albacore them are the Chief fish that is Cought there we did not Remain Long here It not being a plase for Refreshment we Sailed in about a Week for England we passed the Island of Scentia which is or was Famous for Turketing & wild goats but we made no Stop & having pleasent weather Nothing Occured till we Arived
In the Chanel of England having a fair Wind from the Westward Runing up Chanel in the Night we fell in with a Brittish Friggate Chaising which Informed us that the Supply Brig Capn Ball had passed up Chanel the day befor which we had left in Sidney Cove when we Saild & did not Sail for Six Month after us & Inquiring for us Supposed we ware Lost the Next day we Run through the Needles with a Stagering Breeze Came to Spithead & Run into Portsmouth Harbour & Came to an Achor Close to Common hard & made fast to morrings it May well be Supposed that what Remained of ware greatly Rejoiced
Out of the 160 Choice men which was before mentioned 37 Returned & Some that Came on Bd at the Cape of Good hope which amounted to 84 or 85 in the whole Number and being Chiefly on Short allowence of provisions for the five Years absence In a few days we Striped the Vessel & She was Delivered up the Owners Consinement & we war Turned Over on baard the Duke Ninety Gun Ship which lay in the harbour as flag Ship till Such times
as Orders Should be Reciev'd from London {our Rambles here is not mentd} to pay us off in a few days. After we {my Mesmate that died I was to have his wages} ware paid off on Board the Duke and Distributed Two days after I took Coack & went to london as the Seamen term it to See what a Clock by St Pauls I Boarded [?] on Tower hill at this time I ment to Endeavour to get home to America but their was only One Ship Bd to Philadelphia & took in passengers I went on Bd and Enquired but the Capn would not give me a passage Unless I paid him 10 Guineas & worked my passage at the same time had a Number of Lands men that ware Ignorant of the See faring Business & as passengers for Five pounds therefore I would not give it it was thin poor times for Sailors in London & falling in with Two Saillors that had been paid off we ware Determined to go to Ostend we engaged in a hoy Boat Laying at Billingsgate for dover the Next morning went on Bd & down the River thims for dover my Rambles in London is not mentioned
When the 3 of us was on board & had got our Chests & bedding put below Looking Round me I purceived Three Young Girls Sitting a Midships on the Bundles of ocum which her deck was loaded with as full as the main boom would permit I set down a Longside of the Youngest as i Supposed & fell into Discourse with her She informed me that they ware going to dover to See Sum Acquintences I found in the Course of the day that they ware in a poor Sittuation there was no Room below Except where we had our baggage Likewise they had no provisions nor no Cloathing to keep them warm during the Night Eccept their thin Silk Cloaks besides having a head wind I New the Could not or we would not Arive in Dover Under three days at least as for our Selves we ware well provided being full of Cash we laid a good Stock for a Cruice I pitied the Poor doves I Spoke to my Companions & we brought them our Heshen great Coats & I gave mine to this
Lovely Maid that I first discoursed with which made them warm & Comfortable by this time it was getting late in the Afternoon & having a Nother Passenger which was a Labouring Man Bd to dover & he Complain'd of hunger I told him to put the Kittle on the fire & we would give him as much as he Could eat which he did with pleasure & we provided Our Young Ladies with a pleasent & agreeable meal of Tee, ham, Chees, & Cakes but liquor the Declin'd through our generous & decent behavour the made more free with us as for the Young Lady that I Endeavour'd to oblige She Informed me that the She & the Next Younger ware Sisters and the Other a First Cousin which was the Eldest The wind Continuing Against us & the tide leaving us the Next day about Noon Came to an Anchor at Sandown Castle Close to deal theref we agreed to go to deal & take Stage to Dover as the Vessel would not arrive till
Next day therefore we Inform'd the Ladies that we would take them Round in the Stage in Safety that Afternoon this fine girl put her trust in me & gave me her hand with a hankerchief that contained a Round Sum of Gold & Silver when in the boat her Sister was following But the Other Insisted they Should not go but Remain on board we endeavour'd to purswade her but She would Not, therefore She being the Eldest the Two Younger wished to Return therefore I essisted them Back & we went on Shore took our dinners at the Inn & went in the Stage for Dover we Arived in the Evening & put up I think it was the Sign of the griffin the Next day about 10 o Clock the boat Arived & we ware there Ready to get our Baggage out before the got out of the Boat An Elderly gentleman & Two Young men Came driving down to the Key in a Coach & four I was on Board talking to this Young Ladie the Moment She Discovered the Coach the new them the burst out into floods of tears & Said this lovely girl if I had taken Your Advice I Should of been
Safe Now we are ketched that is my father the Came to the boat & ordered the Ladies out & Eye'ed me Verry much the Asked the Capn whether we Came on board with the Ladies the Capn Inform'd them that we ware Entirely Strangers to each other Any more that we had been Very kind to them Not having any Provisions or Any thing to keep them warm in the Night the took them into the Inn on the Key to get breckfast before the Started for London After Sending my Baggage up I walked towards the dore the Young Lady Saw me She got up and was Meeting of me to Speak to me but before we Reached Each other One of them Run and turned hur inot the Room & Shut the dore - The truth was this he was a Rich Merchant in London Maried the Second Wife & She Used these girls Very Severe & they laid the plan to Run a way with a Small Bundle Each & what Cash she Could Muster Accidentily they hapened to take the Same boat for dover that we had ingaged to go in the Next day the packet was to Said for Ostend Dover is a hansom Small
Town with a fine Mold for the Shipping to Lay in Clear of all Bad weather. the Next day we Sailed in the packet & arived at Ostend on the following day we landed and took up our Quarters with Mrs Kelley Living a Breast the Cannell we Enter in from See, Their happened to be at this time an American Indiaman Laying here fitting out to Return home to philadelphia & being in want of Sum hands we Shiped with the Captain I now Expected once more to my Native place however while fitting out the Capn went to London in about a fortnight we had the Ship Ready for See & we taking our Cruses through the town at our pleasure but at lingth the Capn Returned but Unfortunately for me had Receiv'd Orders to go to france for a Cargo Upon a Nother Voige therefore we all three Left the Ship Again
{Assisted a Woman to make her Escape from Ostend}
but one of my Cumrads fell Sick & Could not go with us & being low in pocket I paid a Months board for him and a trifel in Cash & the Two of us paid Our passage in a Brig Back to London again but we had not got more than half way a Cross a Channel for the downs when a gale Came in and Blew a Most tremendious from the Sotherd & Westward they had but Four Men belonging to the Brig therefore we gave them Our Assistence both day & Night Still we had Nearly went on the Quick Sands which if we had None Could of been Saved however by getting hur under Snug Sail and Carreing Sail on her we Cleared them which the could not have don if we had not been on Board in 48 hours it Cleared off & the Wind Came Round to the Nothord which was a head Wind
to Run up London River therefore we had to work tides works which was to Come to an Anchor as Soon as the tide turned against us in three days we got as high as Woolage then had to Com to an Anchor Accordingly us too being pasengers we wanted to go a Shore & walk to London as it was only Five or 6 miles but the Captain Insisted we Should help to take the Vessel up having a head wind I told him if he would Return half the money we gave him for our passage we would Stop but he was too Covetous to do that for his own men Said that he was a Rail Miser therefore on Shore we went & walked up to London - the Next Day in the Afternoon the Brig got up we went on Bd and got our Chests & bedding out and went on Shore & Boarded a the Red Lion
I Remained in London about Three Weeks & finding no American Ships to Sail me & having Information there was one at portsmouth I took Stage & went to portsmouth but She was gon at this time the french war breaking out I was Sent on Bd the hector went out to Spithead & Shortly after went out upon a Cruise down Channel in Company with an other 74 which was as Commodore being an Older Capn than ours which was Capn Mountigue one day a Sail hove in Sight & we both gave Chase Our Ship Sailed fast and we was coming up with the Chace Verry fast but our Consort was left behind we got so Near that we Could discover She was a French 44 Gun Ship and Should of Come up with the Chase if theCommedore had not made
Our Signal to Return therefore we had to give up Chase in a few days afterwards we lost our Consort and fell in with two frigates that came Bareing down Upon us in Rounding too we Split all three of our topsails Immediately we turned too to get them down & bend others but before we ware Complete the ware along Side of us however the proved to be inglish Frigates Next we fell in With the Ganges Indiman brought her too & pressed all her hands & put a Luetenant and 45 Men into her to Carry her into port I provd to be one we Run in to falmouth & lay there for a Convoy to take us to the downs we lay here about Three Weeks when the Leenymth Frigate Came in in a few days we Got Under Way & a bout 40 Sail more
all for the downs & in two days we Arived Safe at an Anchor abreast of Deal Amediately a pilot Came on Bd with 40 Ticketmen which is protected from the pressgangs to Carry the Indiamen up to Long Reach where at that time the Mored the Vessel & discharg'd their Cargoes Our Leutenant went to portsmouth to his Respective Ship but us 45 Seamen they would not trust we ware Sent on Bd the Lee Nymph to assist in fitting her out for See till thier was an Opportunity to Send us Round to Spithead Capt Purlew Commrdd the Le Nymph & mad Application to the Admarallity to keep us as we ware all Called prime Seamen & his Ship was weakly maned but he Could Not have his wish in about thre Weeks we ware Sent on Bd the Le Eagle frigate and went Round to
to Spithead when we arived we found that Our Ship was gone to the West Indies & had Receiv'd a Draft of men from on Bd the Brumswick by order of the Admerality therefore we ware Sent on Board the Brumswick in their Sted and Capt harvey was Mighteley pleased with us as we ware all Choice men & those they had Sent away ware all the worst of his Crew that the Could pick Out we ware well treated and had Liberty to g on Shore in turns we Laid there about four month at Length we Received orders to go Round to the Downs but we Returned again we then Sailed & joined the fleet at tarbay under Lord how in a Short time a Signal was made & we put to See in the Chanel of England During the time we ware Cruising of Belile on the Coast of france we fell in with the french fleet Twenty Three in Number & & we had Seventeen the Signal was made for Chace but the wind being Light & the Ships being heavy Vessels
We Could Not get two them it falling Calm all day One french Ship laying to Leward & neared to us that the Rest our Signal was made to go Down to her which was the Brumswick be a flat bottom Sailed best Before the wind however we could not get to her in the mean time a Small American Ship Came through Both fleets & was boarded by both & Informed us that the french ware on two different parties & did not wish to fight if the Could get a way we lay in this Sittuation till night Came on - but the french getting a wind in the Night by day light we Saw them going Round belile & to windward about 3 or 4 Leagues being out of our Reach we Crused off Again in Some time after a frigate hove in Sight & the Signal was made for a general Chace Som of Our Ships Coming up with her she hove all hur guns Overboard and
What loose Spars was on deck which made her Sail worse than before but when She hove too She proved to be a Spanierd which we ware not at war with at that time Some time after we fell in with a heavy gale of the Lands End of England but Nothing acured Perticuler Eccepting Loosing a few Spars & then when the gale was Over we Run into Tarbay and there lay a time ketching Makales During the Summer One Squodring was Always at See at Length Lord how Recd Intilegence of a french Squadron being out Expecting to Meet a fleet of East India Ships we then Sailed down Channel in Pursuit of them to the best of my Recollection we had a bout Three or Four & Twenty sail of the Line we Cruised for Sum time wen one Morning we purceived a Leven Sail to windward of us Coming down Upon us which we took to be the East Indiamen homeward Bound Likewise the French took us to be the same but
When the Came within about Three Leagues the purceiv'd what we ware the Amediately halled their Wind & we war all this time Close upon a wind formed in two Lines Immediately a Signal was made for a general Chace Every Ship Crowded all the Said the Could Set and having a good Stif Beese to the best of my Recollection the Russel 74 the Belleroughen 74 and Two or three More Besides Two Frigates that ware ahead of the Whole fleet Coming up with them the french Commedore was in an 84 beside Eight more Ships of the Line & two frigates the Two french frigates being the hindmost all this time we Cleared our Quarters for Action Expecting we Would take the Whole Squaron being so much Supperior to them the Breeze Increasing & Our Ships Nearest the Enemy Carreing on one of them caried her Three Topmasts over the Side & Several More Lost different Topmasts & Yards One of Our frigates Coming up with the Sternmust Mast of theirs began to Engage her the french Admaral being in the fastest[g] Sailing
Ship Droped a Stern to Save his frigate which made our frigate Drop a Stern after Receiving a Broad Side from the Eighty four the Chace Continued & Night Came on Both the Enemy & us Standing Close Upon a Wind with Our Larboard tacks on Board it being dark Some time in the Night we lost Sight of them we Still Stood Our Course till Morning but the Escaped & was out of Sight we then crused for a time then put into Tarbay Remaining there for a time we Sailed for Spithead at this time a fleeet of Merchent men ware Collecting to Sail to different parts of the globe. This hapened in the Year 1794 the Brittish Channel fleet Under Lord How Being Ready for See & to protect Such an Amence Quantity of Merchant men down Channel we got Under way from Sentillens at the East end of the Ile of White the Merchent men Running through the Needles from Mother bank gilkiker & Spithead in this Convoy there was allowed to be 800 Sail of India men & Merchant Men
& Every Convoy was allowed a man of War to protect them on their Respective Voige Lord How & his fleet Sailed outside of the Convoy Next to the french Shore 25 Sail of the Line Out of them was 7 Three Deckers & Two Eighty Gun Ships & 16 Seventy Fours we had a fine fresh Breese from the Eastward passing all the Small harbours Sailing down Channel the Merchant Ships Came & Joined the fleet from Tarbay Plimouth & falmouth & The grand fleet Remained with the fleet to the lands Eend of England & The Convoys all Steared their Course for their Respective ports that the ware Bound to Lord How Nowing the french fleet was out Crused about till the 28 of May at 8 or 9 in the Morning in N Lattd 47"33 W Longd 14"10 the Rivel fleets discovered Each Other about one time the wind Blowing fresh from the SW Accompanied With a heavy Rough See & the french having the weather gage Lord How Continued his Course while the French Admaral
Villaret joyeuse Endeavouored to keep a Regular Order of Battle Upon the Starboard tack a bout noon how made a Signal for a general Chace Near the Close of the day the Headmost Ship Came up with the Sternmost Ship Revolutionere a three Decker 110 Guns the Sternmost Ship in the french line but Admaral Pasley in the Bellerophen 74 having her topmasts disabled Lord hugh Seymore Conway in the Leveathen 74 Came up & Received hur fier which was tremendious & by the time it was dark Capt Parker of the Audacious 74 Came up & fought her at the distance of a half Cables Length but without any Efect on either Side the french having 26 Sail of the line & the English 25 the Remained in Sight During the Night on the Starboard tack the french Still to windward in the morning on the 29 the french wore from Van to Rear & Edged Down on Our line ahead to engage the Van Ship of the English Adml How Taking Advantage of so favourable an Opportunity Renewed the Signal for passing the Enemys line & Sucseeded in gaining
the weather gage while the Enemy ware Repassed by the Belflour & two Other Three Deckers in Atempting to Cut off the Queen & Royal george both Three deckers at length the french Tacked again by Signal & after a distant Cannonade Stood away in Order of Battle on the Larboard tacks followed by how having the weather gage the 2 days Action proved equally Unsettled as the former & a thick fog that Came on during the Nights & the greatest part of the Next day prevented the Renewel of the Engagement in the mean time Neilly joined the french fleet with a Rainforcement of Three Line of Battle Ships & two frigates he Being Commander in Chief the Remained in line of Battle till morning Lord how Seeing time for breekfast made the Signal for it which made the french beleive the wished to decline the Engagement but the ware mistaken in half an our Lord how Steared Close a long Side the french Admarel with the Signal for Close
Quarter about 9 or 10 in the Morning in about an hour & a half the french Admaral Seeing a Number of his Ships disabled & One about Sinking & Six taken & his own Ship greatly Slaughtered he maid all Sail & the rest followed him & the Brittish Ships ware so much Racked that the had a nuff to do to take kare of what the had and Repare there own Ships to get into harbour Cap Harvey lost his thy by a Cannon Bal and died in portsmouth them that lost there mast ware taken in to by the Rest & got into harbour with the prises. Some time After I Run a way & got on Board of an India man Called the Rose a Ship of 801 Tons Bound to Bengall & Being a fast Sailing Ship we Run to Mattrass in 4 month having fine Winds during the passage we Lay there about a week & then Sailed for Bengall we had a good passage Likewise till the Evening we Came to Dimont harbour it Came on to Blow & Rain like a Herekan
the Commedore & Some Others was Laying at Moringe but we lay at a Single Anchor Our Cable parted we let go an Other & Shortly After an Other & the both parted we then let go the Sheat Anchor with good New Cable we then bent the Spare Sheet anchor to a Cable that was Caried away before in Dead of the Night Blowing a herecan and Raining heavy and as dark as pitch & Stearing the Vessel at a Single Anchor the Boar Coming down from the River ganges with that force that apearently Nothing Could with Stand its tremendious force at length the New Cable gave way & a Mediately that we discovered it we let go the last anchor & an Old Cable Three Men Remained in the head with lanthorns to watch the Cable that the might direct the man at the hellam to keep her head direct for the anchor we found we ware not more than fifteen Yards from the Quick Sands if that Cable gave way our Ship would be Covered in a few hours but as God
would have it the Last Anchor Rode it out in the morning it fell moderate and that day we Recoverd all our Anchors again we mored Ship Struck our Topmasts & Striped her & got our Yards Fore & aft Ready for Refitting during the time we ware Discharging & Receiving a Cargo & Men & the Boatswain ware Refitting the Rigging Ready for See when all the Ships ware Complete & fitting for See & the Seamen had all taken there turns to go up to Calcutta Receive their two month Advance & having their Three days Liberty to Sway away upon all top ropes they then Returned to their Respective Ships in their own Lanches which is Called 80 miles up the River from Dimond harbour & from the Entrance of the bay going up to Dimont harbour no Ship Can Come without a pilot as the Sands Shifts weekly and Dayley there is no Chanel Certain without a pilot & his Schooners a head Sounding & giving the debth of water by Signal that you may be aware
beforehand I do not pretend to give any any discriptions of it as there is Other Books can give a More perticular account than I Can Fultor is Three miles above Dimant harbour which did formerly belong to the Dutch where their India men laid the River up to Calcutta is Verry Narrow Narrow & more like a Creek in Most parts which makes it very Laborious for Large Ships to go up though there is water a Nuff for a Large Ship to go up but the English India men go no hier than Dimant harbour & their Cargoes is brought down in boats for that purpose at length we Sailed the purticular Number I do not Recollect we had Two Ladies on board of the first Rank in bengall, which Sent 300 Sheep on board for the Uus of a fresh meal for the Ships Company Likewise Three buffalow they having a Supply of poltry as many as the Vessel Could take on board a Short time after Sailing we fell in with a Smart gale of Wind and a Brig which was a packet parted
from us in the gale however we had a pleasent Voige to Sanhelina having Chiefly fresh provisions and Ectra grog almost Every Evening through the generosity of the Ladies to Entertain them Cap Gray would have the Ships Company to dance the Irish trot whenever the weather would permit at length we arived at St helena the Vessel we lost in the gale Arived there Eqully as soon as we did though She was a dull Sailor but a fleet of Shipping will always make more delay than a Single Ship we Lay here 4 month waiting for a Convoy and then Sailed without we having now Seventeen Sail of India men and the Smallest was the Rose which I was in & we mounted 32 guns during the time we Lay here we had boat Reasing and Frollinks on board different Ships Every Night Sunday Excepted at length we Sailed for England with a prosperous & pleasent Breeze when we got on the Coast of England we Stood well to the Westward and made Ierland Meaning to put in there but making the Land we perceived Seven Sail Bearing down Upon us
we took them to be a french Squadron as we knew the ware Upon the Lok out for us Immediately the Oldest Capt Belonging to the Company that was in the fleet Made the Signal to form a Single Line which we did and that so Close to Each Others Sterns that the line Could not be Broken Unless the Run on Boad of Our Ships but we horsting our Companies Colours & they hoisting Eenglish the Came down and Spoke the Comedore as the ware Crusing to protect us and Likewise to prevent us from going into Ierland to Smuggel the pressed Four Men Out of Each Ship we then made Sail for the Cannel of England and having a fine Moderate Breeze we having the Wind from the Westward we fetched Round Silley Rock and bore up Channel when we passed the Ile of White Runing for the downs we was Boarded by the Dimond frigate & the pressed Twenty three out of us the Rest of us
being Stowed away in among the Cargo we got Clear however Coming into the downs we had to Come to an Anchor and 27 of us Which the Capn wished to Save from the press we ware put down among the Cargo the Men of War Sent all their Boats a long side to press all the Could find but the dare not open the hatches we the 27 Escaped Again but all the Rest ware Carried away 45 Ticket men Came on Bd with the pilot from deal to Carry the Ship up to Long Reach after dark they begin to heave up the Anchor but those Land Lubers new so Little that if the Chief mate had not come and having Sum Soldiers Inveleads on board we put on their hats jackets and jumped in deck in Soldiers dress Run a Loft and got the Ship Under a good trim of Sail those Ticket Men Seeing the Activity on all being all Seamen & the Capn Choice the Swore we ware no Soldiers but we being Shy of them for fear of Information we Slunk off a gain to Our hold and we ware Supplyed with Provisions & grog
by Our Officers When we got up a Breast the Lower hope and purceeving two Larg Men of War laying farther up the Capt Sent the Chief Mate to Let us now how to Act they Lowered the boat down and brought her a long Side Likewise he Borrowed a Nother boat from an Other Vessel Amediately the Signal was given the 27 of us jumpd up on the Quarter Deck & Laid holt of a Crow bar & pretended to brake Open the Arm Chest the Capn & Mate Crying Out Men what are You about we made no Answer but took a Brace of pistols with 24 Rounds and a Cutlash Each of us & went into the Boats and pulled a Way for the Shore a Revenew Cutter purceeving us Stoped us to overhall for Smugled goods the took Chiefly what we had but the did not get all the Capt hailed the Officer and beged he would let us go as there was three Men of wars Boats after us at length he left us
and we pulled for life by the time we Landed and got on the bank we paraded in the Meadow they ware Close to the Shore by this time but Seeing we ware Determined to fight the lay on their Oars and Looked at us for a while and Returned to their Ships again we got on the Road for London in an half hour After we fell in With 10 Sailors armed with harpoons & we Joined Company we Coming to a Small Village we Ware Informed that 30000 Regular troops ware Incamped at the Lower hope Within Three mile of us & the light horse being on the Road had Orders to take all Sailors that the Came across and One of them Under took to pilate us a Cross the Country Clear of the high Road After Refreshing Ourselves we Started when about half way we had to take part of the Main Road but before we got Out of it again we fell in with about 14 Light horse beside the Captn we Immedeatele paraded Close a long
the fence with Our pistols Cocked in Each hand when the Came a breast of us the Stoped the harpeneers hove their harpoons Over their heads the Enquired from whence we Came we informed them the Cap Discours'd us a Considerable time the Vewed the harpoons and Seeing us so well Arm'd he told us he did not wish to trouble us and Rode off when getting Within a Mile of popler we fell into the Main Road again and Met a general going to Camp with Six or Seven Servants he Stoped us to Enquire what News from India and what Ships had arived he Very genteeelly wished us Safe to London we Arived at popler and gave Our pilot a Silk hankerchief a peace which was 27 he was well pleased and Made a great days work we Refreshed Our Selves at the first
publick house we war Informed that their was Four press gangs in popler we Sent for Two Choaches & Started for London With the harpeneers on the top of the Coach going through popler we kep a Continual firing till we got to the subburbs of London then Discharged all our Arms before we entered the Citty as the press gangs are Not Allowed to press Within the Citty at this time it was Expected that bonepart would Invade England we delivered up our Arms to the Company & Shortly after the Captain got us Our Wages in about a week after the press gang got holt of me & Sent me on board the Tender the put me down in the hold where there was about 14 More Immediately the Demand was a Shilling to dring
as is Common the Liquor was brought in and a Candle Burning I discovered an Old Shipmate that had left the Brumswick and was pressed again the Next day Capn T Came on board & dessired me to be Called up the on locked & I Came on the Quarter Deck he had been Press Master but being prefered as Capt on Board the gorgeon 44 Laying at Woollige he taking a Liking to me that if a would go on Bd his Ship he Would permit me to Come up to london as Long as I pleased besides giving me the Larg Bounty & if not I new I would be Sent on Bd a three Decker Laying at the Nore therefore I took the Chance with the Bounty & advance I Receivd 35 lb Sterling the next day I was Sent on board be the Cutter that was taking all the prest men down
to the Receiving Ship Laying at the Nore by the time I Came on Board the Commanding Officer had Received a letter from the Capt to let me Come up to London Immediately therefore I Returned by Land with a ticket for a Wakes Liberty when my week was out nowing where i boarded he Sent for me a gain gave me a treat & backed my ticket for an other Week the third week he backed it again During this time Mr Smith the Chief Mate of the Indiaman I Came hom in then going Out Capn & profered me 10lb Sterlin a Month if a Would desert and go with him but I new the danger for death would be my portion if Caught therefore I declind After being a Month in London I Returned on board the Ship was loading with Masts & Stores for giberalter & the Island of Cossico in the Staits where
the brittish fleet then was making their Randevoos at length we Sailed for Spithead and the Capt made me a petty officer we then Sailed from Spithead with a fleet of transport & Several Men of War on the passage we fell in with a gale that parted us but we all Arived Safe we Discharged part of Our Stores then Sailed & Arived in Cossico and lay in Ferensa Bay Where the fleet was Laying and Supplyed them with Riggend and Spars we ware then Sent Round to the West ends of the Island the name I have forgot to Ajacio a See port & lay in a bay Withen the town & found the blanch frigate there at this time the Cossecons ware Very troublesoms to the English a breast of where we lay Was a large building of a Stone house with a high wall Round it and the Enemy would go into it
and keep firing at us on Board that it was [?] Dangerous to Walk the decks at length one Afternoon we turned too with our great guns and boared the house & walls and Nocked One Corner away that they [?] had to leave it and the thought fit not to trouble us no More One Night the ment to Storm the town and a Valley being a back of the town where the had to pass & Our Ship Laying in a posission abreast the Valley that we Could Rake it from one end to the Other & when the Signal was given for the Attact about 9 at Night we Opened Our broad Side with a Constant fire so that the Retreated & made no More Attempts while we lay there at this time before we left it I was turned over on Board the Blanch Frigate & the Capn Received One Seaman and One landsman in my Room we then Sailed for Ferensa bay
& joined Commedore Nilsons Squadron a long the Coast of genevre & Legenees from Wille frank up to Leghorn
At this time we Run into Jeneve and laid there Two or three Days Close a long side of a Spanish frigate but being in a Nutral port we ware not permited to trouble them we then Sailed again
Bonepart at this time was Coming up a long Shore driving all before him making a Visit to Rome before he got to Jeneve he hat to pass Vardo a Strong hill a long Side the Water where the Road led for Jeneve but the gave it up to the french Nelson having Information that the was to pass that Road in the Night he brought his Squorron to an Anchor Close in Shore with Springs on Our Cables two Sixty fours 3 or 4 Frigates a twenty gun Ship and two Sloops of War the Austrins ware the only enemy the french hat to fight at this time but Bonnepart was two noing he took a nother Road & was past in the Morning we then hove up our Anchors & Cruised a Long Shore in
[Paper marked "page 174, mark No. 3", inserted above page 174]
At this Time we run into Jeneve and laid there Two or three Days close Along side of a Spanish frigate but being in a Nutral port we ware not permitted to trouble them we then sailed again
a few days the Blanch went of Leghorn I Belonging to the Capn Barge we ware on Shore and the Officers Suspecting that I wished to leave the Ship & a Nother being with me the Made a Search and found us and Carried us on Board in the Barge With the Capt as prisoners about 12 O'Clock at Night and put us in Irons & by two a Clock the french Light horse Came into the town Early in the Morning the french Begin to fire at us But the guns from the Bateries Could not Reach us the Shot falling Short of us by 10 or 15 Yards though their guns ware Chocked so that the Could not Requil therefore we lay Still and Washed the Deks as is Yousial in the Morning at 8 o Clock we piped to Brakfast at this guncture of time the had got a Long gun from a Tower & brought it Round to the Nearest Battery to us
and Begin to Open upon us the Very first Shot Went Over us a Quarter of a Mile Immidiately the hands ware turnd up to Weigh Anchor got under Way & begin to beat out having a head wind from the Westward Our vessel being light we fell to leward and having to Stretch a long Shore past all the bateries the kept a Continual fire Upon us & we Returning the salute till we got out of the Reach of their guns which was not less than an hour & a half we then Steared along the jenevre Coast and fell in with the Squodran we belonged to which was Commedore Nelson & Informed him of the french being in Leghorn we Ware then sent to inform the fleet off Taloon Under the Command of Adml Jervice and Returned again to join the Squoddron we then Crused a long Shore day and Night One day we purceived two brigs and a gunboat
Laying in a Small Bay a breast of a small Villige Under Cover of a Tower that mounted Eight Thirty two pounders this was a bout a leven o Clock in the Day Nelson made a Signel to enter the bay we having a light Breeze of Wind we Run Close in within half Musket Shot of the Shore But the wind dying a way we like a targate lay under their guns both great guns & Small arms & Nelson & the Squoddren Could not get in to Our Assistence the Shot from the tower ware all hot Shot therefore One Watch was emplayed with fier buckets & the other half at their quarters we received One Shot abreast the fore Magezeene & Set us a fire but we Supplyed it well with water till such times that we Could Clear a way below and Cut it out as fortune favoured us the Shot was two large to fall between the linen & the out Side
plank otherwise if it had been Smaller it would of fell down Under the Magazeene where we Could not of got at and would of blown the Ship up a Nother Shot set the heel of the Main topmast on fire but we Soon got that Out a Nother Shot then Set us on fire on the quarter & Entered the gunroom all this was in the Space of 20 Minutes Capn Sawyer made a Signal to Nelson to purmit us to engage but he a nulled it which was lukky for us if we had been firing we Should of been in a blaze in different parts of the Ship before we Should of known it I was Stationed Capn of the 5th gun from forred a breast the Chess tree a hot Shot Entered the Chess tree and passed the back of my neck without doing any more damage to me than Singing my hair as I was Ordered to Sit down be the Commanding Officer of the Main deck that Moment I Stooped my head the Shot Entered which would of beheaded me
Compleatly the same Shot wounded a Ression Officer in the arm with the Splinters which was 5 or 6 Yards off and I being a breast of it Receiv'd no damage it Entered the Spare Top mast Laying on the booms & broke the Iron Winches that we pump Ship with into peaces - After laying in this Situation for the Space of Three hours Nilson made the Signal for all boats from the Squodron the Came in and took us in tow immediately the french left off firing at us & begin firing at the boats but it was in Vain being so low in the Water in Constant Motion the took us Out without the loss of a Man in this Manner we Crused a Long the Coast Besides the Squadron we had Two Gunboats that had been taken by the Squodran One was a Small Galyot that Mounted Three 24 Pounders the Other was a Small
Schooner riged Boat With a Long Brass Eighteen Pounder those two Sneaked a long Shore to give information in the day time & then at Night Nelson would Send in Boats to Cut them Out at this time the french had Command all a Long the Coast Coming off Wille frank We Stood off from the Land till Night then Stood in and hoisted Out two Boats from Each Ship and went in the Galyot Gunboad being in before us as Soon as we Discoverd her we made for her in two Divisions it being Virry dark but She Saw us & was Well prepared her guns being Loaded With grape & Canester but being about 15 Yards from hur the hailed Our Officers finding their mistake Answered the Counter Sign Which provid well for us
We then having Our Ors Muffled pulled a long Shore Under the forts so Close that that we Could of fired at the Sentries with our Pistols they having fiers & Lanthorns & we being in the Dark they Could not perceive us at Length we Came to the Mold thinking to fetch out Some of the Best of the Shipping But we found it Locked we then passed the town and took a Cirkel Round the bay we then Spied Sum Boats we made for them & boarded with the Clattering of Our Cutlasses the Cried Out for Quarters Expecting Death in a Moment but the proved to be fishermen & they ware let go we then kept on & Spied a Ship we Came up with her & Boarded her in Three Divisions She to be full of men the ware Reselute though
the had no Arms taking us to be turks She proved to be a french Ship full of Rusions Austrins prisoners to the French but when the found we ware English the ware Rejoiced & Afterwards Entered on Board Nelsons Ship at least a great Number of them [? & Nr 9] During this Stasion we Run off of Vardo and found a french Sloop of War Mored Close too the Shore & Gunboats laying Round her Vardo is a Strong fort the hill projecting out a long way which forms a bay & the fort Commands both the Bay and the Road that leads a long the Shore for Jeneve as soon as dark came on Nelson ordered eight boats from Different Ships with two Marines in each boat beside the Boats Crew Armed, with his first Leutenant to Command and we pulled into the Eastermost part of the Bay
and pulled a long Shore One Boat painter fast to the Other in a String with our Oars Muffeld till we got within about 15 Yards of the Vessel when a gunboat that Lay within us let fly an 18 pound Shot over the Center of us being Discoverd we was Compelled to Cut and run the bateries immediately Opened upon us with grape and Canister but at that moment a Dark Cloud Came Over the hill therefore the fired at Random and the Shot fell all round us like hail in our Retreat before we was from under their guns we met a Vessel Coming in but She proved to be no enemy we Returned on Board the Commedor then Sent our Ship to Blockade Leghorn we Run inside the Melora and Came to an Anchor Not to permit any Vessel to go in or
Out we took Several Vessel which had french property in Nuteral Bottoms about this time Comde Nelson in the Capt 74 Gun Ship Run into the harbour in the Island of Elbo and the Surrendered without a Shot at times different parts of the Squadron Come & lay at Leghorn with us at length we Sailed for Farensa Bay on the Island of Cossico where we found Admaral Jarvice and his fleet while there the Capt & first Leutenant fell out & the ware Both tried by a Court Martiel and the proof being so Strong against Cap Sawyer having a forndness for Young men & boys that he was broke from ever Serving in his Majesties Service we then Received a Yound Capn till further Orders and went to See with all new Officers Crusing for the
Spanish fleet in the Night blowing a fresh gale we fell into the Midde of them we up helm and kep her before the wind the Enemy beating to the Westward the begin to Make Signals Discovering that an Enemy was in the fleet Three Sail gave Chase at Day light the found we had the heels of them & Returned we Endeavoured to inform the fleet but that night blowing fresh Our Sroud Main Sroud gave way but by hawsers over the mast heads we Saved the Masts & got into Farensa bay Shortly after the Court marshal being Over Our Leutenants & officers Returned to the ship Eccipting Capn Sawyer Before this hapened there was a french Three Decker that had been taken by the British was burnt to the waters edge we went Out a Cruise again & went into geneve for a few days & Sailed again
but we allowed nothing to come Out but fishing Boats we took Several Vessels had french property Nutral Bottoms about this time Comd Nelson in the Captain 74 guns Run into the harbour in the Island of Elbo
the British Troops in the Transports Evacuated the Island of Cosico and took Possecion of the Island of Elbo which was taken by Nelson & we went into that port where Commedore Nelson was then Laying in the Minerve Frigate No 9 & 10 again we went out Upon a Cruise off of Toloon One Day we Spied Two sail to Leeward & bore down Upon them the both made Sail but one Out Sailed the Other & we took her She proved to be a french 20 gun ship out of Toloon bound to Cosico She had about a houndred men and wimen on board & Boneparts Baggage but by Sum means or other h Remaind Behind and Saved himself
from Being Taken the Other Ship got away we Maned the prise & took the men out but left the women on board Sending her into the Island of Elbo a gale Came on & She was Cast a way upon the East end of Cosseco but none lost and Our men made prisoners but the french women ware Verry kind to them while in prison as they had been Well Yoused by us we Still Remained on a Cruise till we Recd orders to Return we went in our Capn being a Young Cap the Capn of the Dido a Small Frigate of 28 Guns was Ordered on board of us & our Capn to take his place therefore Our Crew Mewtinized as the Refused Cap.n Hothom till Nelson Settled the [? Busing] the Troops ware all Sent on Bd the Transports and we Sailed for giberalter under the Convoy of Nelson in the Manerve and the Blanh[?] & two Kings Ships transports of 64 Guns but they only Mounted their Upper Deck Guns when we we got a little to the Westward of Toloon we
fell in with Three Line of Battle Ships which was Sent to meet us and protect the Convoy as part of the Spanish fleet Lay in toloon we Arived in Safety at giberalter in a fewe days we joined Jarvises fleet off Cadice & had the inside Station in the Night & Nelson with a Squadron of 6 or 7 Line of Battle Ships Next to us & Jarvice with the Body of the fleet Out Side Laying at an Anchor we laying off and on Either from one Shore or the other the Spanish would be firing either Shot or Shells at us During the Night the Reason was that we ware Stationed in this manner was to keep the Spanish Gun Boats from Anoying the Line of Battle Ships we Remained in this Station about a fortnight then we ware Releaver and Sent Over to Algers for Cattle for the fleet when we Returned we Ware Ordered the Out Side Station as a
Look Out one Morning at 4 o Clock we Saw a Sail Coming Down Upon us with all Sail Set when drawing Nearer we Could perceive She Mounted 24 Guns we beat to Quarters & when She Came Close to us She hoisted Jack Incine & pennant Spanish Colours we gave her part of a broad Side which made her hall her Colours down Amediately She took the fleet in Side to be the Spanish fleet & we a Look Out Ship we took her into Jarvice but Never Receiv'd anything for her Shortly after Nelson with a Squadron of frigates Sailed to tak Santecruse on the Island of Tenereef but our Ship was detained to take the Station of Cape St Maries where we Remainded about a Month & then ordered into the fleet to Receive our Orders on the day we ware Laying two Receivind our Orders to Sail for England the inside division was Eengaged by the gunboats the Other Devision had their penants at the Mizen peak being at prayers
and the Other Devision was hanging of two Men all at one time on a Sunday Recieving Our Orders we Maid Said & put into Lisbon watered and Sailed for England we arived & the Ship was ordered into Dock when Striped the Ships Crew perticioned to be Draughted which we was in a Short time after Some on Board the Letiger 84 Gun Ship & it fell to My Lot to be Draughter on Board the Netley Schooner Cap Bond New Constructed with folse keels 45 of us in Numbr On Bd this Schooner I was made Chief Quarter Master and 3d in Command when we had Received our wages for the Blanch Laying at Spithead we Sailed for Haver de grass to assist in Blockadeing 4 frigates & 4 Sloops of war that Lay in the Mold we provented all Vessels from going in and took all that atempted to Come out one day two gunboats mounting 8 Thirty twos & 24 pounders Each Coming a long Shore we Chased them till the Run a Shore on the Sand
Banks and we Atempting to get to them we grounded Likewise but when our keels ware down we drew 16 feet Water wen aground & halling our keels up we drew but a 11 aft & 10 forred we then left them there after given them a few Long Shot, in high tides there would be Six or 7 Frigates off to watch the French frigates as the Could not Come out at any other time Sr Richard Strawhan was the Commedore which the Sailers Called Mad Diky at haver their is Three forts one around the town in front one Large fort on the North Side of the town a good highth from the water & a 4 Gun battery Outwards towards the point One day the Comd having a french Young gentleman of note a prisoner on Bd and Meaning to Send him on Shore hoisted a flag of truce in the boat and Sent her on Shore to the town but as Soon as the Boat was Under their guns the fired a way at her Even when She Atempted to Return till the Shot all the
Oars from their hands the Comd made our Signal to go in & fetch her out we Run in Under the 4 Gun Battery & hove two & Opened upon them with Our 16 Twenty Four pounders till we made the Rocks fly Over their heads so thick that the had to leave the fort we then took the boat in tow and brought her out One Sunday Morning Mad Dicky took a fit & made a Signal to go to braikfast at 9 o Clock to go to prayers a little before Noon a Signal for Dinner after that hoisted a flag for Action & our Signal to lead the Van there was two frigates the Schooner and a bum Ship but the Other Frigate would not go in as he thought it was not proper to have his men killed in Vain & of no Service however we led the Van the Commed followd & the Bum laid off there lay 47 Gun boats Under the Large fort a long the beach
we Run in with the Schooner till we brought the Gunboats in a line with the fort & Raked them every broad Side the frigate Could not Come so far in the enemy finding us so warm the fired at us more particularly than the rest till it A peared like hail round the Vessel with grape & Canister One 32 pound Shot Struck the Muzel of one of our 24 pounders in the Muzel & Disabled the Gun & killed & wounded five Men the Capt was wounded in the thy we engaged 2 hours & 15 Minutes When mad diky made a Signal to put a bout and Stand Out and as Soon as we Ceased firing the french Quit Likewise though we ware Still under their Guns I beleive they liked our Room much Better than our Company though we Never fired a Shot into the town as we new there ware none but Wimen & Children as the Men & Seamen ware all in the bateries & Gunboats the frigate Received
no Damage Eccepting Some of her Rigging the Bum Ship Lay at so great a Distence that She Received none though She Could heave her Shells into the fort Our Shooner Laying So Close & laying broad side to the line of Gun boats and the Large fort at the [?]end of them so that we Could Scarcely mis one or the Other or go into the fort when we got from Under their guns the Comd Sent their Docter on Board to Assist Our Mast being wounded we had to fish them & Repair the Riging the Next day the Commedr ordered us to Spithead for Repair we Arived and went into Dock the Capt to the hospital with the Rest in a bout a month we ware fit for See with New Masts & Capn Bond Came on Bd from the hospittle we Saided again for haver de grass and Remained on that Station for two Month we had Sum french men Spies that we would land in the Night & when they
had all the Information that the Could get in a Week or two or Sometimes Three Weeks the Would Come down to the beach and make two or 3 little feirs acording to the Signal we would Send our boat on Shore and bring them of & Send them to England however at length one of them was ketched the french having information a Cutter that was with us Landing one of them one Night as Soon as the Boat Landed they ware taken the made Prisoners of the Officer & boats Crew but the Spy the hung him amediatel on the first Tree I do not pretind to give every perticuler while on this Station but part of the time was Verry Cold & Severe at length we Returned to Spitheal with a Small Vessel that pretendd to be a fishing boat but when overhalled we found Men & Arms which we brought with us when Ready for See we Received Orders to take a Convoy to port aport in portangal and afterwards to Remain on that Station from Cape Finnister to
to the Latitude of Lisburn we Crused a long the Coast for one Month & Chased a Number of Vessels but all proving to be Neutral Vessels or English at length On the 1d day of May Early in the Morning I kept the Capns watch the Capt Came on Deck at that tim the man at Masthead Cried Out Sail ho to Windward we turned the hands up and made Sail as Close as She could lie with full Sail in a Short time we Came up with the Brig off of Vardo a fort belong Mount a Vigo on the point of the See Shore and the Entrence of the River Commenio which devided Portangali & Spane at that time She proved to be an English Brig taken by a french privateer while putting men on board we Saw a Schooner Coming down Upon us with all Sail Set, we being Riged like a Dutch galyot Deceived them this was
the priveteer that had taken the Brig but when She had got so near as to purceive our guns She hall'd her wind but it was of no Use for we Could Lay Closer to the Wind than any Vessel we Ever Saw When we got abreast of her She up helm and Stood before the Wind but we ware a long Side in 15 Minutes the Stood to their Quarters till we gave them a broad Side the then gumped below & the french Capn hall'd down the Colours while taking the Prisoners on Bd we perceived anoth galyot to Windward & Some of the Men be longing to the galyot ware prisoners on Board therefore we Maned the priveteer and Sent her after her and Retook her I was Sent on Bd the Brig with 5 Men & we took them all into port a port in a few days we put to See again and run off Vigo where the french & Spanish priveteers lay at times we would Run in Side of One of the Ilands and Come to
Anchor and Water our Vessel at one time when their Lay a french 24 Gun Ship and 14 Small priveteers but the would not Come Out to us One day we gave Chase to a Schooner Coming a long Shore & She Ran a Shore we hoisted Out the Cutter and got her off finding Nothing in hur but ballast as we Suppsed we tared her decks & Set her a fier in Several places the boat had not Left her 15 Minutes When She blew up having Barrels of powder Under her Ballast we discovered a Small priveteer laying under the Outer fort in front of a Small town we went in & Mand the boats & the fort Opened upon us and we Upon them but our 24 being Much heavier than theirs & what mised the fort went in to the town & tore down their houses which gave them Reason to quit therefore we fired no more but brougt the Vessel out with us and
took her into port we ware now every day taking Small priveteers or Retaken English Vessels One day during Our Crusing we took a leven priveteers & Retaken Vessel in that Number there was Portegees Brazeel Ships and a Spanish priveteer that Mounted 16 Guns Came down to See what we ware and we took her but Could not board her therefore we Run down a Mongs Our prises & She Made Sail and went off Rejoicing to think the had got away we had then but 17 Men with the Marine on board and having at the same time 132 prisoners on Bd but the had no way to Come Upon deck Eccepting by one Scuttle & only one Could Come up at a time and a Brass 4 Pounder pointing down the Scuttle Loaded with Musket balls and a Sentry with Match pistols & Cutlass Every Man Caried a brace of pistols below or aloft at Length the Capt agreed with the french Capns to Make a Cartel
of One of the Vassels that was in ballast to take them into Vigo on Conditions to permit her to Return to portoport which she did with honour in getting those Vessels into Lisbon One that the Master was in got inside the Burlings & was lost but the Men Ware Saved Coming Out again we took a Lugger of 8 Guns 4 Swivels & a long Brass 9 Pounder off of Vigo I was Sent on Bd to take her into porto port but while with the Netley a fleet hove in Sight to the Sotherd we Stood for them but a heavy frigate Stood Out from a Mongst them and gave Chase I prepared My large Lugs to keep her Before the Wind Upon One Mast so that One half of her Sails Would be of Little Youse to her but the Netley being to windward Luffed up for her and the frigate being a french built Ship Made us jubus but Cap Bond
kep to windward till She gave her a gun and the Netley Returned the Salute then hoistting her Colours the Netley bore down & Run under her Quarter She proved to be the Manerve which had been taken from the french I made Sail and Stood in for porto port where this Convoy was bound to the Menerve Spoke[?] me and the Capt Informed me that I Must take Charge of the Convoy which was about 40 Sail i informed him that I had but 5 Men on board but he told me if acasion Required to take a Man out of Each Merchant man Likewise he gave Charge to the Pilot of the fort Not to take me in while any of the Merchant Ships was Out Side of the bar & then left us the Netley then was on a Cruise the winds being Unfavourable we lay off and on day after day at length a good part of the fleet got in & i was left a lone on Crismus Eve I Stood of the land begining to blow hard
from the Sutherd & Westward in the Night Laying too Under the Mizen lug I fell in with a Schooner I hailed her the took me to be an Enemy by my Lug Sails but when the found I was English & that I belonged to the Netley the ware Rejoiced they ware from Lisbon bound Siana & was Laying too till Morning to Run in & the Capn tole me he would pilot me in if a would follow him I agreed about two in the Morning blowing Very hard my Mizen Lug went Overboard Mast and all we got it in and Lay too Under a Close Reef Mainsail till Morning we being well to windward of the harbour the Schooner bore up and I followed we Entered inside of the Reef of the Side of the Entrence of the harbour and Stood along Shore with a leading wind but but before we Reached the Mouth of the harbour the wind
Choped Round to the N W and headed us & the Surf Rolling over the Reef there was no way to Escape but to plump on Shore the Schooner Run on the beach amediately I up hellem & Run Under her lee it blowed & Rained thundered & Lightend amos tremendeous that Day and Night the English Counsel Came with a gard of Soldiers we pitched Some tents with our Sails & got the guns out and some provisions that was not damaged and even our masts we got out of her the Schooner was Loaded with Codfish but by Next morning there was not one bit of her to be Seen Either Vessel or Cargo When Everything was Sod by Oction it was allowed that there was not one hundred pound Lost by the Lugger & the Capt gave me great praise for my Conduct from the Report of the Vice Counles
of Vianna Mr Allen in a bout a month I Traveled to portaport by Land with my Crew & Sum More that had been taken & traveled from Vigo in Spain which amounted to 12 in number besides myself Remaining in porto a Short time the Netley Came off the bar & we went on board Crusing of Vigo we fell in with an English brig which had been taken by the Spaniards but She was in Ballast I went on Bd to take her into porto but when when Runing in for the bar the fort fired me off thinking we ware Loaded and not Water Sufficient for a Loaded Vessel but being light the Could have taken her in as the head pilot inform'd me of Afterwards the wind being from the westward I hall'd Close to the Wind to get off Shore as fast as we Could it Coming on to blow hard from the S W we found the Ship was Verry Leaky when She was taken by the Spanierds the had Sent Sum Shor Below Water Mark
& we Could Not discover the Leak we kep one pump going by 12 at Night it blew a gale with Rain we got her Under Close Reef Topsails & foresail we Caried a way our fore and aft Mainsail we then Clewed up our foresail & foretopsail having the Main top Set two Very well the Ballast in the hold being Sand & nothing to prevent the Sand from Washing to the pumps which Choaked the pumps while getting the pump up to Clear it and Shiping it again the Leak gained on us we then got both pumps to work but the Soon Choaked again though we brought up a great deal of Sand up on deck we Attempted to lift the Larbourt pump as we had the Starbourd but it proved to be a Splised pump therefore it was Yousless in bending a Fore and aft Mainsail and Lifting the one pump so Often that by Day break She was two thirds full of Water the gale had Lulld a good deal and the Sea
fell though we had no more hopes of the Vessel we had a Small Boat and a Six Oard Boat we got the Largest out with great Difficulty but being in Confusion & Not lashing the Oars we lost Overboard 3 Oars & Sails we had none we got the boat Under the Stern by this time the ballas Shifted and laid her on her Starboard Side we Could Not get Either bread or water it being Covered with Salt water I allowed at this time we ware about [?]10 Leagues from the high Lands of Vianah I found it time to leave her the all got down by a Rope over the Stern a portegee boy that was the Last Except myself began to Cry Understanding the Spanierd what the said told me the ware going without us I having a brace of Ships pistols in my belt I drew it & told them I would kill the first Man that let go the Rope till the boy was in the boat I hove another
Rope Over the Stern & while the Receiv'd the Boy I was down Likewise took Command of the boat & kept her before the See & as the See fell we Edged in for the Land all our Crew in the boat was 9 in Number 3 Spanierds prisoners 3 Portegees which ware friendly with the Spaniards at this time the Captn Son Which was left in her being Sick the Boy & Myself we pulled with two Oars & Steared with the Other we Continued all day and Night in this Situaton but getting Nearer the Shore the got so warry towards Morning on the Second day and want of water the gave up pulling & sum of them fell a Sleap till the boat was Nearly in as bad a sittuation as we left the Ship which Went down by the time we had got 300 hards from her I Cheered them up and begin a bailing water out myself then the portegees Assisted me we got her Clear again & the took fresh Courage that day between 4 and 5 in the
After Noon we got in Shore but the Surf Run so high we Could not Land we pulled a long Sore till we Came to the entrance of Camenia River a Portegee fort being there & Night Coming on I thought it bes to Rist it rather than Risk the See all Night as we ware Almost helpless I up helem and Claped her before the Surf we had got well in when a heavy Surf whirled Clear Over us but Still took us a long with it till the boat Struck a Rock and Stove her the Soldeers in the fort Came down and Brought the Chief of us Out being so weak that we ware helpless the put us into the fort Not nowing weather we ware friends or Enemies, but the portegees that I had with me Informing the Commander Who we ware & nowing the Netley protected their Coast he took me to his Own Room & I
having Money I Sent for provisions & Wine for the Men and Our Selves which Refreshed us Verry Much that Night in the morning the Commander Informed me that we must go to Commenia to be Overhall'd & give informat from whence we Cam which was 4 Miles Out of our Road however we Started with a gard and a Rived there when Over halled by the Squires the allowed us a passport and a Small Sum to Cary us to Viana which was 4 Leagues that Evening in Viana being aquainted with Mr Allen the English Vice Counsel I made Application to him & it was agreed that he would find a Mule for me and One for a Capt of a Vessel that had been taken by the Spanierds to go to port the day after at day light we went over the River and Arived in porto that Night which was 10 Leadues but Cruel Bad Roads Rocks Sands Swamps & Rivers
I Remained Sum time in port till the Netley arived & then went on Board and Went on a Cruse again One day Standing to the Sotherd off of Vigo we discoverd a Sail Standing toward us till She made out what we ware She halled her wind Standing to the Northerd thinking to get into Vigo we put about and Stood after her but Still keeping to leward to keep her from the Shore the winds being Light the got their Sweeps Out and we dun the Same She proved to be a french Cutter of 18 Long 18 pounders & we Mounted 16 Guns 24 pounders we Sailing faster than her we Came up a long Side of her the having 90 Men on Board the atempted to board us but we having our boarding Nettings up it was in Vain a french Man in the Main Riging Making a blow at me with a long Sword and I being busee and Not Seeing him the
Man beside me having a Boarding pike Covered me but he Struck with Such force that he Cut the Boarding pike the bare End Cut my Schull which Stuned me but the Seaman Recoverd the pike and Droped him the found it was in Vain to board & we Could fier too Rounds to their one the Struck in Space of 15 or 20 Minutes we had no men killed except a few Wounded what the Enemy lost we had no perticuler Acount we Caried her into lisbon & then put to See again off porto we took a Spanish Lugger I wen on board in going to Lisbon we took two more & went in with them the Netley going to See left me in Charge of them our Agent Mr Lynes had bought a priveteer Schooner which had been made a prise and we laying Close too her off of Buckleys Stores about the Center of the town on the Tagos
Mr Lines wished I would give an I to her having only One Old Man on Board and all her powder on board one day being on board of our own Lugger we perceived the flames Coming up the Main hatchway I jumped into the Skif & asked who would follow me a Man by the Name of William Grimes Came with me with a Bucket we got on Bd as fast as possable the Merchent Men that lay all Round us wore away there Cables to the Cord Expecting her to blow up Every Minute the Portegee on board was Crying Out Munte de Freeo which is Very Cold the fire place being in the Main hatchway the Bulk head had ketched fier Next to the Lazereet & the Next bulk head was the Madezeen I got holt of a Crowbar & Stove the Bricks & bulk head in and my Cumrod hove water wherever I went till we got it out I was Still doubtful
weather it had not got Under the linen or not I hailed an English Ship that lay Next too us to lend their lanch on board to take the powder out of her but the Mate Could not get a Man to Come in the Boat til I ashured them the fier was out at length one of the Seamen Came with the Mate along side I broke Open the Magezeene Scuttle & took out 14 Barrals and half Barrels of powder Several Boxes of hangranades Several Boxes of Musket Catriges and glass hangranades if she had a blew up the Shipping and all the Square around the Stores must of Receivd Damage I took all on board the Lugger I was in and allowed no fier on bd till it was Sent to the Magezene I Receiv'd great aplaus for my Conduct but Spoilt a New Suit of Clothes for my labour the Netley Came in and we went on board in a few days put to See again after passing fort Julian Standing to the Northerd
We fell in with a Portigee fishing boat they informed us that their was a Spanish priveteer Laying at an Anchor Under the fort with an English Brig that the had taken the Same day we Run in Shore & by this time it was dark we Saw both Schooner and Brig we lowered the boat down & boarded the brig as we Run Under her Stern when the had Possesion we lufed up for the Schooner I was Ordered with 25 Men to jump on Board as Soon as we tutched her Sides we tutche her Side When we let go the Anchor & we boarded her Some Run below & Some that did not got wounded we Cleared the decks the Officers all being in the Cabin I told them to Remain there and the would not be hurt we Claped a Sentry at the dore Cut the Cable and Maid Sail Out to See and the Netley hove up and followed in the Morning
we fell in with a fleet of portegees Merchenmen Under Convoy of an English 24 Gun Ship Man of War & a priveteer of 16 Guns the priveteer had Seen the Spanish Schooner the day befor & was afraid of her & Supposing She & the Netley was Coming to take the Convoy begin to fier at us Broadside after Broad Side & we Could not fier at her with out damagin or hurting the Merchant men till the Netley made Sail and Spoke the Commodore then the Ceased but the Shot was at Random and the done us no harm Excepting Cutting our Riging we went in with them & Our prises the Portegees thought to take her from us as the Spanish Priveteer was taken by us, Under Cover of their forts, but we took her out again in the Night and Sent her to England the English Priveteer Lay below
Belom Castle and would not come to Lisbon for fear of Our Capn we put to See again and Run into port O port as Soon as we got in we was informed that a french Priveteer of 14 Guns had com of the Barr & had taken an English Brig that Lay under the fort being Loaded & not able to get in till the Served therefore the portegees would have to pay for her She being Under Cover of their fort they Sent out a Kings Lugger with 12 Twelve pounders to retake the Brig Being heavyer Mettle than the frenchmen off Viana She Came up with them the french privateer Engaged the Lugger and in a Quarter of an hour took the Lugger the Nex day in entering the harbour our Cap was Informed of the avent Immediately he Cam on Board & we got Under way to go Out but the Pilots Said it was Impossible as
the wind was due West & Right into the harbour and the passage too narrow to beat Our the Capn was determined to take hur Out himself & we beat her Out which the pilots said the never Saw done before on that barr we Stood to the Norod but the wind died away almost Calm the Capt Seeing a fishing boat within Gun Shot he fired a 24 Pr over them & the Came too us Amediately nowing the Netley we took the men on Board the Master and Myself with 25 men Claped on the Oers and Remaining all Night pulling to the Northord we had no other arms the Pistols & Cutlashes by Day light we got off Viana & Perceived the Brig in the Off in the Netley had ketched a Breeze of Wind in the Night and had got farther to the Norod than us the Lugger was Close in Shore but the wind was Very Light we mad for the Brig and
Came up with her and boarded her then went for the Netley & from thence to the Lugger we pulled up a Stern & boarded her which the Could of killed Every Man if the had fired Upon us but the Capn Said he new the Netley would take him as She was Coming Up therefore he thought they would have no quarters Showed them therefore they Struck their Colour the french privateer had got off of Vigo & Seeing her prises taken She was glad to get in her Self nowing the Netley we Caried the prises into port o port the Capt and Crew agreed to make the Kings Luger a present to the king again & I having Charge of her, I Recd a Letter to deliver up to the Kings officer when he Came which I did according to my Orders - we then put to See again and fell in with a Sweedish Ship
that had been taken by the Spanierds I was Sent on Bd and took Charge of her about 10 o Clock the Next day having Light winds & fair weather Coming in with the bar of Portoport Distance about 4 or 5 Miles i perceiv'd a french priveteer a Schooner boarding Every Vessel that was Coming into the bar an Englich Man of War of 24 Guns was laying at an Anchor Without the bar & took no Notice of her at the Same time a Convoy of portegees Vassels was to the Sotherd of the harbour Distance about 5 miles the frenchman was now Coming to board us but when about halfway the perceiv'd a Vissel Stretching Out to the Westward from the Convoy the frenchman new her and Amediately Called them back again and got the boat in & made Sail I immediately new her to be the Netley this french Schooner was Supposed to Sail with any thing on the Coast which
made her so daring with the 20 Gun Ship but the Netley having Such a Nam made jubus of her the Netley Came up with her Verry fast when we went over the bar about 9 o Clock at Night the Netley got within gunshot and to the misfortune of the frenchman She Shot away the head of hur f her foremast then She was Amediately a longsid the Struck & was brought into porto next morning in a few days I Returned on Bd & we went to See again Cruising off and on off of Leguardo we perceived a Schooner Coming down Upon us Before the Wind, now I must inform You the adventage we had of the French & Spanish priveteers we in general was Riged Like a galyot & at other times Schooner Riged but mostly as a galyot as no other Vellels of war was of that Rig which Deceivd them all at a distance this Schooner that was Coming
down Upon us had a french Sailor on boar that had been taken by us twice before he Informed the french Capn that it was the trees keelus as the french & Spanish & portegees Called us having three keels but the Capt thought he new better & Said we ware a Sweedish Galyot as they ware Very Common on the portegee Coast however the Came so Close that the perceiv'd Our guns though the Could not See them at any great distence with the Spyglass as the ware Not above 4 or 5 inches out Side the port & Coverd with Caps when Seeing Our guns the halled their wind we made Sail and in a Short time we ware a breas of them the up hellem Before the wind but all would not do we ware Amediatly a long Side & the Struck the frenchman that we had taken before got up on One of the guns & Cried out Capt how you do we all new him & the Capn asked him why he did not know the Netley
he Replyed Yes Sir I now de trees keelus de Capn no beleif me I tell him many times Now he tink he tink so too we then got the Prisoners on Board & this frenchman went to the Cap Bond & told him he mus Stay on bd the Netley the Capn Asked him did he want to enter for the Netley he replied Yes Sir I go no more from De trees keellus he take me tree times I mut Stay here Accordingly he Remained on Bd Sum time after we Retook an English Ship from New found land which had been taken by the Spanierds She had 7 thousand Kentles of Kodfish on Bd & in Sending her into Lisbon this frenchman was Sent in her in going in in a gale of wind the Ship was lost and all hands perished Excepting this frenchman he got on Shore & Left Lisbon & we never heard of him Afterwards the Netley though She was a man of war having Such Excellent Yousage on board from Cap
Bond that we Could at any time get as Many Seamen out of the Merchent Ships as he Wanted & would not Eccept of them unless they war good Seamen I being at one tim on Shor waiting for the Netley to Come off the par & having orders to enter Sum good Seamen I entered 28 men & a Number of the was Mates and boatswains when we wen on board we had more men that we wanted in a few days after we fell in with a gansey priveteer that had all her men prssed & She had not men Sufficient to take her in our Capn gave him the privelige of having any of the new hands if the Chused to go but all he could get was one man & a boy Our Capn Could not bare to flog Men but he contrived a Collar of one & half Inch of plank to ware round their Necks with a padlock which the dreaded much more than floging Likewise for Lighter Crimes was a Scharlot Cap with black Tosels
all over it which done more good than punishment Capt Bond took a delight in making his Crew Comfortable we fell in with a Meracan Ship that had Lost her Masts & her Side Stove which made her so leaky that the Could Scarcely keep her Clear we Sent men and Carpenter on Bd they Tared a Tarpolen with Ocam & Nailed Over it & then boards which Stoped the Leak Considerably took her in toe & Caried her into Lisbon where She was bound to I think if I Recollect She belonged to the Nothard On our Cruises we fell in with two Priveteers a cutter & a Schooner the Cutter Mounted 18 Guns the Schooner 16 Coming up with them we hoisted our Colours & Run in Between them both the Cutter fired two Broad Sides great Guns and Small arms & then made Sail we fired one Gun a 24 at the Cutter & killed one
Man & wounded Several More as we Understood Afterwards the Schooner being Under Our Lee She Could not get away the proved to be priveteers from the Isle of Ganzey the new we ware an English Man of War but the Expected the would be pressed as Luck would have it the done us no harm Eccepting Cutting the Riging the Capn of the Cutter was put out of Service Never more to have a Vessel again if known again on a Cruice Laying Two Close Under Cape Finister of a thick foggy morning and at the Same time Sounding & the Capn was taking the Remarks of the Cape & debth of water a Ship on a Suddent apearing Very large in the got we up helm but Counting her ports found She caried but 24 Guns we halld Our wind for her She hoisted her Spanish Colours when a long Side we gave her three of Our 24 pounders the finding
our Mettle So heavy the Immediately Struck their Colours we Boarded her She proved to be a fine packet from South America bound to Spain with a good Quantity of Kinge Mony on Bd She had two Capn & a Spanish General on Bd we found a good Quantity of Dollr Qubelloons gold Bars of 7 lb & of 14 lb all the Money we found was amongst the Officers and Ships Crew & Sum the hove Overboard & the general got a Way With 4 Gold bars as the Spanish Cap Inform'd Afterwards we Brought her Into Lisbon She had a great Quantity of Curious articles on Bd Such as Curious Rought Mats wild fir Skins one of them was so Beautiful Dimond Cut of Different Colours and not more then 31/2 feet Sqare it Sold for 38 Dollars on Bd the Netley Schooner She had on Bd 30,000 Neats Tongues Dries Ostrage feathers in Stands Length about two feet & about 40 in Number in One Stand
and about 45 pigs of Tooth & Egge which is Valuable and a great Quantity of Goods in Boxes which I Cannot give any acount of the Ship was a fast Sailer the Spanish Capn Informed us that two English Frigates had Chased them three days & Could not catch them I cannot pretend to give an Account of all our Cruiseing on the portegee Coast for the Space of Three Years & 8 Monthe that I belonged to the Netley Schooner as it would take up more time & paper at length going into Lisbon Capn Bond Recd a Letter of perferment & we Receiv'd a nother Capn, Capn Mean a man both proud haughty & severe we took Some prises Under his Command and then Returned to England to Refit Runing up the English Chanel in the Night we fell in with Sum tarbay fishing Boats he maid Sail After them and Clearing away for Quarters the poor fishermen thinking we ware
a french priveteer Strove to get a away & maid all Sail Capn Mean Ordered me to be Ready to Bd his with 4 men as Soon as we Run a long Side which I did I found but 3 poor fishermen on Bd Unarmed & fritined till the discovd what we ware I Searched the Vessel and found Nothing but Nets and fish pots I hailed the Capn and Informed him She was Nothing but a tarbay fishing Boat he was so angry that he would not Listen to me but ordered me to follow him to portsmouth the Next morning he took us on Bd and pressed one man out of her and let her Return we Arived in Portsmouth & Refited & then Received Orders to Return to our Sation on the portegee Coast on our passage off of Cape Ortengal we Spied a large Ship & Seeing She was a Vessel of force we took her to be a
french priveteer of 34 guns as we Under stood that She Crused there we bore down Upon her but She proved to be the gorgon 44 Bound to Egebt with Light Dragoons & their Baggage the Ship I Belonged to heretofore mentioned Capn Ross who Comd the Gorgeon was Very Intemate with our Cap & our Capn Went on Bd Cap Ross being in want of a Quarter Master Beged the favour of Capn Main to Spare him one which he promised if any of us ware agreeable therefore when he Cam on board he Call the Quartermasters aft to inform us but none being agreeable & I new Some of the Officers on Bd the Gorgeon I turned Out & in an hour after I went on Bd with the Capn & was Received Very friendly by Capt Officers and Men which was on Bd of her When I Left hur to go on Bd the Blanch frigate
Both Bound to the Sotherd we kept Company till we got on the Coast of Portangal then parted we being bound for jiberalter when off Cadise we fell in with a British Sloop of war that was Cruesing & a bout Noon we persceived a Smal priveteer a head of us She made all Sail to get into Cadice but the gorgeon Sailing Very fast we Soon Came Within gun Shot & Shot her foremas away we gave her in Charge of the Sloop of war & Stood on for the Entrance of the Strait the Next day being in the Strates we Discoverd Nine Sale of the Line of Spanish & french 3 and 2 Deckers besiges 2 frigates Stretching a Cross from jiberalter to the Algerene Shore we havind a fair Wind up the Straits we halled our wind & the Beating up for us we huged our Wind till dark & having no Other way to Escape
but to take Chance and Run the gantlet we up helem and Claped her before the wind it being Very dark we Run through the Center of the fleet with all Sail that we Could Croud the wind freshening we Carried on Ecpecting every minute when the mast would go one of their frigates Spied us made a Signal & bore up a Long Side of us but Seeing Lights on our Lower Deck She halled off taking us for a Line of battle Ship though we had no guns on our Lower Deck having 700 Light horse on Bd & their Baggage we hove the Log three tomes Over & She was going 15 nots the Capn Not beleiving he hove it himself & found it so the Quarter Master at the wheel Cried out to be Releived not being able to Stand it any Longed I was then Calld he being there fore hours I Remained
there Four More till I was so weak I Could Not Remain any Longer and the Capt was Doubtful who to trust at Length the Boatswains Yeoman Releaved me at day Light we found we had Run them Out of Sight the Young Man that I Releaved was about 28 years of age having Strained himself Died in two days after this Same Squadron Nelson fell in withe Laying in Algeres Some time afterwards & took & Destroyed the Chief of them we Stood on Our Course till we arived in Malto which the English had possession of at this time then Sailed for Boko Bay we arived & Landed the horsemen the Britesh & Turks was then Blockading Alexander by See & Land with 5 or 6 Sail of the Line Laying off the harbour
at this time I having Charge of the Lanch & taking Stores to the Camp the Beach Master Pressed us to Carry Stores to Carrevanse Bay the Second Branch of the Nile r while there the french arivid that was taken at Caro and taken on Board the transports to be Careed to toloon in about ten days We had Leave to Return to our Ship a gain in abut two month our Ship took in Sick Wounder & Blind the Sands being So hot where the Army lay on the back of Alexandre that many got blind at length we Sailed with the Transports and put into Malto again to Refresh the Sick and wounder but the ware dying Every day I having Charge of the Watering Boats before Day light we would have to Carry 3 or 4 Corps outside of the harbour
Sowed up in a hammock & heave them Over board as it dare not be nown or other wise the would of put us in Corenteen while we lay there while laying there a Merican Schooner Came in to Refit [?]air having had an heavy Action with 3 gallies but I was informed the Sunk the Whole of them with the Loss of 16 Men I think if I Recollect it was the Enterprese the Capt Name I do not Recollect when watered & Ready for See we Sailed with the Transports that was bound to Toloon with the french prisoners that was taken at Cairo Nothing Remarkeble hapened during the passage till we put into Majorco to water & Refresh the Sick & wounded that Remained & then Sailed with Sum Other transports & Arived
at jiberalter and in a few days Sailed for England on the passage we Lost our first Leutenant who Died a fine old Seeman Ariving at Spithead & having Such a number of Sick on Bd we was put into Corenteen for Six Weeks and laid at gill kicker During the time at this time it was Expected a peace with the french and a Number of Seamen was Dischard. which the thought was of the Least Use I Offered a Seamon 20 Guineas to take my place & brought him on Bd but the Capt Allowed he was not fit for my Duty & Refused him Our Currenteen being Out we Sent all the Sick & Wounded on Shore & we ware Ordered to Debbford I was at this time doing the Duty of Masters Mate & was Offered a Masters berth on Bd the Minnetur 74 gun Ship
but Expecting a peace Refused the offer before Capt Ross of the Gorgeon we arived at Debtford & in a few days the news of peace Arived which Acasioned the greatest Elumenation I ever Saw in London & Debtford We ware then Sent to Wollige to Strip the Ship & put her into Dock we went down & Striped her while Striping I Went to portsmouth having three Day liberty & Returned again in a short tim after we ware all paid of at the Dock Yard I took a Whery and got my Baggage on Bd & went up to Debtford and took a Room Ready furnished till I Could Suit myself I Remained hear about a Month when I fell in with a portigee Schooner bound to portoport I paid my passage as a pasenger in a bout a week we Sailed the Schooner Came to an Anchor at gravesend to
be Over halled at the Custom house to See that She had no more than her proper Crew on Bd Excepting about 40 portegee Sailors & Officers that had been taken up at See there Ship having ketched fire by the Means of Sum Ekefortuse being Stowed in the hold I Came Came from London in a boat & Remained on Shore till the ware Overhalld & when going on board I joined the Crew as I had no protection to produce the would of Stoped me as No Seamen was Allower to Leave Ingland Excepting their proper crew or Complement for the Ship however we Saided & Coming into the downs we Came to an Anchor a gale Came on from the Westward & we lost all our Anchors and let go the Last on board with a kedge & Rode by them if we had lost them we must of perished
Upon the Quicksands we made a Signal of Distress a boat Came of from deal but would bring us an Anchor Unless the Capt would give them 50 Guineas but as God would have it we Rode it out & by Next Morning it fell Moderate though Still Remaining to the westward we got Under way and put to See Down Channel with a beating wind in three weeks we fetched into plimouth being out of provision we got a Supply in two days the Wind Shifted we Sailed and had a pleasent passage & arived in Porto I went on Shore & Recd Sum prise Money from Sqr Casey who was our Agent for the Netley Schooner I then in a few days took passage in a Porteg. Schooner for Lisbon, Ariving there I Recd 45 half joes from Mr Loyns & gill who Likewise ware Agents for the Netley
I hired a Room for the present and got aquainted with one Mr More who kep an Open house a Most notorious Villen though I new it not I Resorted his house & he finding I was flushh of Money & no Americans Ships being there for america he Inticed me to take a Small house that he had Rented which to my Sorrow I Laid him down 13 half joest for the Rent for Six Months for two Small Rooms and a kitchen backwards upon the Second Storey I had not been more than Two Months in this house and thought I was doing Tolerable well when Mr John More Sent a fals Bill to me at 80 Crowns in his Debt for Board at the Same time I Did not owe him one farthing
I Sent him word I owed him Nothing he then Sued me I then found out by Some acquaintance that he had Rented the house to me for 6 Month where he only hat the house for four Month as he was in debt for the Rent my property was in Danger of being Seesed for his Rent but applying to the Owner he assured me he would take no Adventage but insisted I Should Sue the Villen to Recover my Money which I did in about a Month we had our triels though I Could not Speak the Language my Loyer won both Causes by my having an Interpreter though he had me Before Two different judges he then had to Return what was due to me though in feeing the Loyer
it Cost me as much as I received in two months after Wife died I Sold my time for the house and Sold the Chief of my goods and Applying to the Merican Counsel Mr Jarvice which was then in Lisbon and got on Board of A Ship that had been Dismasted ina gale of wind from Amsterdam bound to Norfolk in a bout 3 weeks we Sailed and gaving pleasent weather and nothing Very perticular we arived in Norfolk I took Boarding and Sold off the Rest of a Number of Articles which I had brought with me at oction then took passage with Capn Tice for Philadelphia we a Rived Safe there I then Enquired for Mr Car where he formerly Lived but I found his Daughter Susan Remaining
in the house She informed me that her Brother James Lived in Dock street and Kept open house I then went to his house & boarded in a few days my Sister Polly which was the Youngest arived in town from the Country and found me at Mr Cars being Short of Cash I then took a Voige with Cap Tice to Norfolk and Richmond in Virginney and Returned with Coald ariving in Philadelphia I Recd a Letter from my Unkle in Reading Desiring to See me therefore by inquirey I fell in with 3 Men belonging to Reading we Took Koach as far as jarmontown and the Concluded to walk we Stoped after dark at a public house & got Supper where I fell in with Polly Duwease an Old play Mate when young we traveled all Night but Before
I got to the Trap I gave out & Could not keep up that Evening I got to Pots grove & found one More that had given out the other two went on we Remained there all Night & hired Two horses Next morning & arived in Reading Before the Other Two I Remained with my Unkel about a week and Receiving a Small Legassy of 28 Dollr which my grandfather had Left me which Lived in the Swamp I then Started for Sunsbury with two wagons and arived there and found my ant Kiger which was Rejoiced to See me Remaingend a few days my Unkle Younkman Coming from Lankester hearing of me at the ferry Sent Over for me I amediately Started and went with him in his Chair for Younkmans Town
Samuel James Snr
Jaco Nagle
Jacob Nagle